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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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Can you please fix your coding issue in Edit 11? The entire rest of the page is bolded/underlined because there's probably brackets you forgot to close or something.

Trust me, I've tried.


I've gone over it several times, to no avail.


I highly doubt that it's the result of unclosed brackets, seeing as names, dates and timestamps are all underlined.

Plus, I hadn't even edited it recently when it broke, it just happened.


I've PM'd Rebecca about it, and she said she's going to take a look.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trust me, I've tried.


I've gone over it several times, to no avail.


I highly doubt that it's the result of unclosed brackets, seeing as names, dates and timestamps are all underlined.

Plus, I hadn't even edited it recently when it broke, it just happened.


I've PM'd Rebecca about it, and she said she's going to take a look.

Time for your opinions on Livestream 18.

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Will there be an update for yesterday's livestream? 

We did see some actual codex gameplay, it's a manually used kind of scope.  
They seem to be getting better in their livestreams, a little less dodgy, a little more focused on questions and revealing things . Now if only we could get actual dates for anything it would be a lot better. 

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Will there be an update for yesterday's livestream? 

We did see some actual codex gameplay, it's a manually used kind of scope.  

They seem to be getting better in their livestreams, a little less dodgy, a little more focused on questions and revealing things . Now if only we could get actual dates for anything it would be a lot better. 

Right around the corner!

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Time for your opinions on Livestream 18.

Yup, gotta watch through it again and take notes. Should be up today or tomorrow.


There'll probably be a huge update for U11 as well.


(Ugh, the underlines on page 1 is extremely distracting....)

Edited by Nugget_
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Yup, gotta watch through it again and take notes. Should be up today or tomorrow.


There'll probably be a huge update for U11 as well.


(Ugh, the underlines on page 1 is extremely distracting....)

I -just- checked the Vor's Prize lore entry.


Three guesses as to what it says, but you're only gonna need one.


I seriously thought it would have been updated to coincide with the PS4 launch, but no. Not to mention the Gradivus solution rings hollow when considering that recent Alad V thing from Facebook where he still did just fine etc etc etc, making the entire event pointless from a Lore standpoint.

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I -just- checked the Vor's Prize lore entry.


Three guesses as to what it says, but you're only gonna need one.


I seriously thought it would have been updated to coincide with the PS4 launch, but no. Not to mention the Gradivus solution rings hollow when considering that recent Alad V thing from Facebook where he still did just fine etc etc etc, making the entire event pointless from a Lore standpoint.

Vor's Prize is becoming one of the biggest jokes in the game.

"Coming Soon", my &#!.


Haven't put my latest Livestream thoughts in the OP yet.


I need to watch it again.

Gotta pull an all nighter for study tonight, but I'll watch the livestream and put my thoughts in the OP tomorrow.

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Vor's Prize is becoming one of the biggest jokes in the game.

"Coming Soon", my &#!.


Haven't put my latest Livestream thoughts in the OP yet.


I need to watch it again.

Gotta pull an all nighter for study tonight, but I'll watch the livestream and put my thoughts in the OP tomorrow.

Guess what? I couldn't/can't scan Vor and there are zero entries at all on Vor's Prize. So either the joke is over, of they're actually working on it and I can't stop laughing, they never intended to fill it out.

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Guess what? I couldn't/can't scan Vor and there are zero entries at all on Vor's Prize. So either the joke is over, of they're actually working on it and I can't stop laughing, they never intended to fill it out.

Hahahaha, oh wow.

Vor's Prize, everybody!


Anyway, I'm working on an edit for U11, but I'm trying to figure out this issue of the underlines on page 1.

I planned on reposting the thread, but copy and pasting just results in more underlines in the new thread.

I've tried copying it into Word, but when I try repost it, it's all bolded and underlined -_________-


Very annoying, when I press edit, there's no underlines, but as soon as I post they appear.

Same with Word. When I copy it into there, there's no bolded/underlined words, but they appear when I try posting it.


This even happens when I try to post new threads with copy and pasted content from page 1.


Short of retyping ~4000 words (Some of my OP, and the entirety of the second post), I don't know what to do.

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Hahahaha, oh wow.

Vor's Prize, everybody!


Anyway, I'm working on an edit for U11, but I'm trying to figure out this issue of the underlines on page 1.

I planned on reposting the thread, but copy and pasting just results in more underlines in the new thread.

I've tried copying it into Word, but when I try repost it, it's all bolded and underlined -_________-


Very annoying, when I press edit, there's no underlines, but as soon as I post they appear.

Same with Word. When I copy it into there, there's no bolded/underlined words, but they appear when I try posting it.


This even happens when I try to post new threads with copy and pasted content from page 1.


Short of retyping ~4000 words (Some of my OP, and the entirety of the second post), I don't know what to do.

Try going highlighting all the words in word/wordpad and making sure the bold/underline is unchecked. Try it with a sentence or two. You might have to do it to the whole thing in the document, save, do it again, and then try copy/paste.


Why these forums don't allow proper formatting and such in posts in the More reply options, I have no idea.

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I should point out that you should address how DE balances boss fights after initial feedback. Alad V/Zanuka went from level 11-14, the normal range for Jupiter as a mid-level planet, to level 37. They are the only enemies (aside from maybe spawned enemies during the boss fight) to be at that level range in the assassination mission. Under current level scaling, that puts them right around level 70 or so. That's beyond stupid to be honest.

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I should point out that you should address how DE balances boss fights after initial feedback. Alad V/Zanuka went from level 11-14, the normal range for Jupiter as a mid-level planet, to level 37. They are the only enemies (aside from maybe spawned enemies during the boss fight) to be at that level range in the assassination mission. Under current level scaling, that puts them right around level 70 or so. That's beyond stupid to be honest.

Wait, in a mid level area, alad is level 35ish? That's just dumb... It's a mid level area, people should expect to roll it if they've completed pluto.

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Yeah, I'm working on a big edit about U11.


Going to post it as soon as I figure out how to fix all the S#&$ that's underlined on page 1...

just throwing it out there, but have you tried highlighting EVERYTHING, giving it all underlines. Save it, then come back and remove the underlines?

Or just toss the underline end BB code on the first word? (its in case you didnt catch it)

Edited by AbsolutTalent
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Wait, in a mid level area, alad is level 35ish? That's just dumb... It's a mid level area, people should expect to roll it if they've completed pluto.

I ran the mission again since someone else didn't remember it, and Alad V was level 30, Zanuka was level 37.


It's possible that it scales on player levels now, but with DE being as forthcoming with this kind of information as they are on drop tables/Vor's Prize, I'm not certain. If it is the case, one high level player joining the mission for Valkyr parts could ruin a couple of newbies' day because suddenly their somewhat modded items are going to go up against level 30-37 bosses where every thing else on the level is like, level 12.

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I ran the mission again since someone else didn't remember it, and Alad V was level 30, Zanuka was level 37.


It's possible that it scales on player levels now, but with DE being as forthcoming with this kind of information as they are on drop tables/Vor's Prize, I'm not certain. If it is the case, one high level player joining the mission for Valkyr parts could ruin a couple of newbies' day because suddenly their somewhat modded items are going to go up against level 30-37 bosses where every thing else on the level is like, level 12.

Hm, hopefully they revert it back to ~lvl 15ish then/fix the scaling.

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Yup, gotta watch through it again and take notes. Should be up today or tomorrow.


There'll probably be a huge update for U11 as well.


(Ugh, the underlines on page 1 is extremely distracting....)

You know, I just realized. The market needs to be updated completely. The new secondary? The corpus minigun pistol? The market says it does 25 damage, but that's using the old numbers. They need to mention what kind of damage it does and how much of each type.

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You tried copy/pasting to notepad, then copying/pasting back out?

Yeah, I've tried everything.

Copying to notepad, copying to word.


If I copy it into those editors, there's not underlines/bolding.

But, if I then copy it from Word into a new thread, it's all underlined again -.-

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Yeah, I've tried everything.

Copying to notepad, copying to word.


If I copy it into those editors, there's not underlines/bolding.

But, if I then copy it from Word into a new thread, it's all underlined again -.-

That's because using the [b ] [ /b] creates it bolded outright and upon entering the text box, the coding is gone with no way to undo it. I imagine the same is true for underlines and such. So yeah, the forum code is hilariously out of date.

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You know, someone's gonna have to go over every single letter in the first two posts and reconstruct them without all the bolding and such, send it to NBugget_ via PM, just so the thread can keep going and Nugget_ doesn't lose their sanity in the process.

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You know, someone's gonna have to go over every single letter in the first two posts and reconstruct them without all the bolding and such, send it to NBugget_ via PM, just so the thread can keep going and Nugget_ doesn't lose their sanity in the process.

Hahaha. That'd take a huge weight off my chest.


I'm planning on re-typing everything that's bolded/underlined. But, I just can't be bothered at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hahaha. That'd take a huge weight off my chest.


I'm planning on re-typing everything that's bolded/underlined. But, I just can't be bothered at the moment.

I'm curious as to how you'll address the renewed grind (Ember Prime parts not always dropping after crazy grind), The Brakk being nerfed (face it, 100 extermination missions for a now glorified-peat shooter if an enemy is 1 meter past the fall off range isn't fun) and how IGN/Gamespot's reviews are mirroring complaints that have been around since U7.


Also, Vor's Prize is still just well, not there at all. Oh, and that DE has yet to properly balance the Stalker and the whole 'What Stalker?' joke has been done so many times it's stopped being funny.

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I'm curious as to how you'll address the renewed grind (Ember Prime parts not always dropping after crazy grind), The Brakk being nerfed (face it, 100 extermination missions for a now glorified-peat shooter if an enemy is 1 meter past the fall off range isn't fun) and how IGN/Gamespot's reviews are mirroring complaints that have been around since U7.


Also, Vor's Prize is still just well, not there at all. Oh, and that DE has yet to properly balance the Stalker and the whole 'What Stalker?' joke has been done so many times it's stopped being funny.

I'll get around to retyping this thread at some point soon. 


Going to be a huge edit when I do (U11, Stalker, Ember, Prime Access, nerfs etc)


But, it's going to take a long time :(

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