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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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emmm Nugget i don't really agree on Prime Access, take a look from a position of a guy who just came to this game. Prime Access is actually a good deal, much better than these awful platinum packages. Good discount, a frame and couple of weapons. Titan extractor.. ehh.. well.. this thing is useless.


And before some guy shows up with some comments, here the thing. In order to get prime stuff from last update i made:

147 capture runs for Ember alone, not to mention 8 T3D solo, 4 T3D in a party and some E and MD runs for sicarus, one survival for blade in total 11 days of farming(but farming is another issue). And after all this i still think that Prime Access is a good move from DE.

Edited by Althix
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emmm Nugget i don't really agree on Prime Access, take a look from a position of a guy who just came to this game. Prime Access is actually a good deal, much better than these awful platinum packages. Good discount, a frame and couple of weapons. Titan extractor.. ehh.. well.. this thing is useless.


And before some guy shows up with some comments, here the thing. In order to get prime stuff from last update i made:

147 capture runs for Ember alone, not to mention 8 T3D solo, 4 T3D in a party and some E and MD runs for sicarus, one survival for blade in total 11 days of farming(but farming is another issue). And after all this i still think that Prime Access is a good move from DE.

Fair enough, everyone has their own opinions :)

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I kinda disagree with the nerfs part. Yes they were needed, but they could have been nerfed not quite so severely (fewer people would complain about), 10m is pretty short, imo maybe ~10m would be full damage, and up to 25m is where it gets least effective, and QT could have simply used some number reduction instead of how it works now.

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I kinda disagree with the nerfs part. Yes they were needed, but they could have been nerfed not quite so severely (fewer people would complain about), 10m is pretty short, imo maybe ~10m would be full damage, and up to 25m is where it gets least effective, and QT could have simply used some number reduction instead of how it works now.

Oh, don't get me wrong. DE overnerfed them to hell and back.

I just think that nerfs were needed.


I'll need to clear that up in the OP.

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I agree with 95% of the stuff you said about Update 11.


Damage 2.0 is heading in the right direction. I think we now need an AI 2.0 in all honesty. The lack of smart/varying AI is what holds DE back and causes the only rise in difficulty to become bullet sponges. If we had an AI that could get smarter with time/levels, the need for bullet sponges would be lessened. I have made quite a few posts on how difficulty could scale without the need for sponginess.


Invasion as a mission type is fine. Carbon Copying the same event just to delay people obtaining a sub-par frame, in the knowledge that the people with Plat would be impatient and buy it? Not cool.


Prime Access is just a money grab. Nothing more to say on that other than if DE are going to make exclusive Syandanas for people who pay for Prime Access every few months, I expect at least 1 new syandana in the Market every few months.


In my opinion, Quick Thinking and Rage combo should have received a numbers nerf to make it less effective. Not changing the functionality.


Void Dilution has gots to go. T3 is becoming even more of a breeze with new damage combos and as more people forma their gear over time. As a simple, but appreciated, band aid fix to both the low credits and void dilution, just chuck in some Tier 4 Void for now. Think of new Void missions for U12.


I like Darvo, I think we need more interactive NPC action in order to keep Warframe alive.


Market Prices are a joke. That is all.


I think the lack of weapon variety, on top of slaying monotonous enemies is a grave issue for warframe and is what has been stopping me from playing recently. If either of those were fixed, I might be dragged back in. 

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Synapse was fixed, it was announced as a bug.


The point with Vor's Prize; you're making it sound like you're telling them how to run THEIR game.


The streams: I don't watch streams, but, again, you're trying to make them run it your way it sounds like.


Ced23Ric point : no idea who that is, don't spend enough time on the forums, but if you want to make a VALID point, don't bother using a picture. You'll get laughed at.


Apology : it wasn't directed at you, don't make it personal.


"Band-aid mods" : those I mainly, personally see useful in PvP. They are not useless. The "super-mobile Tenno" taking so long to get up could be due to the fact that they get knocked flat on their butt. They could be disoriented.


Weapon variety : You don't see the usefulness of the weapons in any situation. They all are unique.


Livestream 15 : why would they address problems in the game unless it was a MAJOR one over a LS?


Your note about mission types is compeltely opinionated.


You pretty much contradicted yourself in edit 12 by stating that they fix bugs almost within a week's time and yet there's still things to fix.


I don't understand how a date change for updates "takes a weight off their backs" in edit 13.


While I agree in edit 15 that the keys for keys to make a key for a key in a key with keys is annoying, adjust to the debuffs the keys give. Use Loki for the speed debuff; cloak duration and speed mods, and use Nova for the -75% damage dealt. It's VERY simple-minded to get around. Adjust or don't play the Vaults.


I agree with edit 16 in the fact that mods take too long to max level.


For edit 18, it was not lore breaking, at all. Tenno are "supposed" to be NINJAS. The Lotus seems to take offers to her advantage for us; they won't attack us, we can backstab them later and get more supplies for our own cause out of it. We are similar to the Corpus in that sense. They still may be ignoring Vor's Prize for suspense, and yes, things have waited for longer than months for suspense, and have done so in Warframe.


Derf Anyo from edit 19 : It is a bad idea. Why should they add something in the game that the PAID DESIGN COUNCIL MEMBERS aren't allowed to even suggest in the DC forum area?


Alad V event : again, your opinion.


I will agree that Prime Access was a bad idea and is overpriced.


Nerfs :

Brakk ; Haven't noticed a nerf myself. Adjust.


Darvo : Do not use the term "everyone thinks it's awful". You are stating that EVERYONE in the game, minimum, thinks that it is awful. I did not.




Whew, that took awhile to read. Didn't want to do it, didn't know what you were getting at at first, but overall you just sound...






You keep stating your own opinions and it looks like you're trying to make the game change into something that you enjoy.


You will not/cannot adjust to some things in the game.


You keep stating that things are overpriced with Platinum when you said you are not buying any more Platinum. Most of the things in the game can be bought through getting materials and credits.


Farming? Deal with it. Probably almost every game out there has some form of massive farming. Off the top of my head I can't think of one that doesn't, besides shooter campaigns.


**EDIT ; I don't know how to make show/hide sections in my comment, otherwise I would with replying to all of the OP's points.

Edited by Etsoree
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Weapon variety : You don't see the usefulness of the weapons in any situation. They all are unique.

Tell me again why I should use the grakata over, well, any other rifle save the mk1?



You keep stating that things are overpriced with Platinum when you said you are not buying any more Platinum. Most of the things in the game can be bought through getting materials and credits.
Farming? Deal with it. Probably almost every game out there has some form of massive farming. Off the top of my head I can't think of one that doesn't, besides shooter campaigns.


Just because you can earn things in game does not justify the plat prices.


"grinding" (not farming) is not the problem, it's the fact that's all there is to do, and they keep increasing the grind.



"Band-aid mods" : those I mainly, personally see useful in PvP. They are not useless. The "super-mobile Tenno" taking so long to get up could be due to the fact that they get knocked flat on their butt. They could be disoriented

PvE is the focus of the game, so mods to justify their existence need to be useful in PvE, and just because they -might- be useful in PvP is not a good enough reason.



Ced23Ric point : no idea who that is, don't spend enough time on the forums, but if you want to make a VALID point, don't bother using a picture. You'll get laughed at.

Ced was a ComMod who resigned in disgust over, well, everything DE had been doing at the time.


The point with Vor's Prize; you're making it sound like you're telling them how to run THEIR game.

Vor's Prize is a running joke now, even with the devs so....

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You keep stating that things are overpriced with Platinum when you said you are not buying any more Platinum. Most of the things in the game can be bought through getting materials and credits.
Farming? Deal with it. Probably almost every game out there has some form of massive farming. Off the top of my head I can't think of one that doesn't, besides shooter campaigns.


I'm just going to address the quoted points.


The point is, Nugget isn't extremely worried about his own wallet when it comes to the Market prices. Nugget, and many others who have previously voiced their opinions, are worried about the life of Warframe. Warframe Plat bundles, Plat prices and Market prices are all very high. Either Warframe is aiming for the "whales" with their Market and Plat pricing, or are actively trying to stop people buying Plat and stuff in the Market. This is simply not a good strategy for a Free to Play game. 


Also, with the introduction of trading, very few free players will now want to purchase any platinum, in the knowledge that a few hours farming could lead to a mod they could sell for a few plat to buy a slot or potato. The pricing of potatoes/slots/forma is spot on really, you don't think about spending 20 plat here and there. Cosmetic pricing around 50 plat is okay i guess, any more and you are going to start rocking the boat. The pricing of weapons/frames is not okay. Other than the "whales" or founders (or people who bought Prime Access now), most people are either straight up not going to, or are going to think twice about buying anything that costs $10-20+ for a frame or weapon. In order to keep your market flowing, people shouldn't have second thoughts about making a micro-transaction, they should be impulse buys. $10 maximum for a frame would not be too out there.


Now, you might argue that they are doing well financially at the moment (for all we know) which would be true given the growth of the game. But, bear in mind that the game has a well-known burn-out stage, and that DE seem fairly reliant on the big buyers, not to mention the founders will have helped hugely and it is now no longer in effect. Eventually, big buyers might drop off and if DE leave the market as it is, they will most certainly see their income suffer.


Farming is fine in most games. But banging-your-head-against-the-wall farming is not fun for players. Having to spend hours farming for the right Void key, to run it and get something you didn't want because their are a potential 10 items that you could have gotten from that one key is not a good scheme. Sure it incentives people to buy Void keys, that part I can deal with. But the diluted tables is simply out of order.

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Allow me to rebut, point by point.


Synapse was fixed, it was announced as a bug.
I'm guessing you're talking about the resource costs? I said that I knew they were fixed
The point with Vor's Prize; you're making it sound like you're telling them how to run THEIR game.
No. I'm saying that DE promised us lore and teased with Vor's Prize. This got the lore nuts (myself included) excited. When, DE obviously had no intention of releasing it
The streams: I don't watch streams, but, again, you're trying to make them run it your way it sounds like.
No. I was annoyed with particular livestreams becomes there were MANY issues that desperately needed to be addressed. Screwing around and answering nothing didn't help DE in the slightest
Ced23Ric point : no idea who that is, don't spend enough time on the forums, but if you want to make a VALID point, don't bother using a picture. You'll get laughed at.
Don't try to criticize if you have no idea what it's about
Apology : it wasn't directed at you, don't make it personal.
It was directed at the player base. Which is myself. It's every single player, so yes, it was directed at me
"Band-aid mods" : those I mainly, personally see useful in PvP. They are not useless. The "super-mobile Tenno" taking so long to get up could be due to the fact that they get knocked flat on their butt. They could be disoriented.
Ah, so you use Intruder, Maglev, Diamond Skin, Flame Repellant and Insulation eh? That must be doing wonders in PVP
Weapon variety : You don't see the usefulness of the weapons in any situation. They all are unique.
Are you kidding? You're grasping at straws here
Livestream 15 : why would they address problems in the game unless it was a MAJOR one over a LS?
Dude, at the time of LS15, there were PLENTY of problems that needed addressing.
The forums were in utter chaos at this point in time
Your note about mission types is compeltely opinionated.
No S#&$. But, that doesn't mean they aren't uninspired.
Can you, in all honesty, say that every mission type is unique and varied?
If so, I don't think you've played many games that actually have fun missions
You pretty much contradicted yourself in edit 12 by stating that they fix bugs almost within a week's time and yet there's still things to fix.
No I didn't.
"While there are still plenty of issues that have been around for months. (that I wish would take precedence)
DE still releases plenty of hotfixes to combat the bugs that will inevitably be introduced with every patch."
I said that there's still issues in the game that have been here for months, which DE hasn't fixed.
But, they're on top of a lot of the new bugs introduced
I don't understand how a date change for updates "takes a weight off their backs" in edit 13.
Because if updates on Fridays brought in bugs, the team would have to come in on weekends to fix them.
While I agree in edit 15 that the keys for keys to make a key for a key in a key with keys is annoying, adjust to the debuffs the keys give. Use Loki for the speed debuff; cloak duration and speed mods, and use Nova for the -75% damage dealt. It's VERY simple-minded to get around. Adjust or don't play the Vaults.
Are you kidding? You're telling me I have to play a particular frame to counteract a god-awful design decision? Or I just shouldn't play that content at all??
That's one hell of a lazy attitude
I agree with edit 16 in the fact that mods take too long to max level.
For edit 18, it was not lore breaking, at all. Tenno are "supposed" to be NINJAS. The Lotus seems to take offers to her advantage for us; they won't attack us, we can backstab them later and get more supplies for our own cause out of it. We are similar to the Corpus in that sense. They still may be ignoring Vor's Prize for suspense, and yes, things have waited for longer than months for suspense, and have done so in Warframe.
The Grineer kill us because we are literally the only thing stopping them from expanding their empire. The Corpus dissect us and part us out for profits/projects.
So, why in the hell would we fight alongside either? That was lore breaking as hell
Derf Anyo from edit 19 : It is a bad idea. Why should they add something in the game that the PAID DESIGN COUNCIL MEMBERS aren't allowed to even suggest in the DC forum area?
Alad V event : again, your opinion.
I will agree that Prime Access was a bad idea and is overpriced.
Nerfs :
Brakk ; Haven't noticed a nerf myself. Adjust.
Darvo : Do not use the term "everyone thinks it's awful". You are stating that EVERYONE in the game, minimum, thinks that it is awful. I did not.
So, you think ~$40 for the What Stalker pack is reasonable?
Whew, that took awhile to read. Didn't want to do it, didn't know what you were getting at at first, but overall you just sound...
You keep stating your own opinions and it looks like you're trying to make the game change into something that you enjoy.
You will not/cannot adjust to some things in the game.
You keep stating that things are overpriced with Platinum when you said you are not buying any more Platinum. Most of the things in the game can be bought through getting materials and credits.
Farming? Deal with it. Probably almost every game out there has some form of massive farming. Off the top of my head I can't think of one that doesn't, besides shooter campaigns.
**EDIT ; I don't know how to make show/hide sections in my comment, otherwise I would with replying to all of the OP's points.


Not even going to touch on the part where you called me butthurt.

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Farming is fine in most games. But banging-your-head-against-the-wall farming is not fun for players. Having to spend hours farming for the right Void key, to run it and get something you didn't want because their are a potential 10 items that you could have gotten from that one key is not a good scheme. Sure it incentives people to buy Void keys, that part I can deal with. But the diluted tables is simply out of order.


Have you ever played World of Warcraft? Warframe farming is NOTHING compared to other game farming.

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Have you ever played World of Warcraft? Warframe farming is NOTHING compared to other game farming.

The difference here?


Most MMORPG games have a lot of farming, but are fair.


Let's look at Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


Endgame has you farming dungeons for Tomestones that allow you to purchase gear. You need multiple dungeon runs to get what you want. Sound like Warframe? 

No. In FFXIV, once you get these Tomestones, you can buy whichever piece you want. You don't have to deal with the stupid amount of RNG that exists in Warframe.

If I need a Darklight helmet, I can run a dungeon a few times and buy it.


Want that T3 Capture key? Better run Survival missions dozens of times until the game decides you deserve it.

Want the Glaive Prime Disc? Better run dozens and dozens of missions to get it.

Want that second Fang Prime Blade? Better run dozens of missions in the hope that you're lucky.


The problem with Warframe's farming lies in the dilution, not the farming.

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Not even going to touch on the part where you called me butthurt.


That's pretty much what it's summing down to, honestly.


One large rant that was a waste of my time to read.


This is just YOUR opinion and you even stated "everyone", once, which was a mistake.


Not gonna bother letting you waste more of my time.

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Gee, thanks for removing the Infested from planets, DE. -.-


Check my thoughts in my OP

While it was a terrible idea to remove infested apart from "invasions", could you give a thought about a dynamic invasion system as a whole? Do you think all planets would eventually become overrun by grineer? Do you think infested invasions will be eradicated instantly because the players haven't faced them on a normal map for so long? Do you have an idea to improve the system?



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