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[Scarlet Spear] «Brute force» fail-safe mechanics for Space teams in Murex ships


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Reason? The pic speaks for itself:


We spent about 5 min destroying the first Murex and all the remaining time we wasted on protecting our oplinks while waiting for the last kill code. We stayed up until 1 hour 15 minutes before Murex ships appeared again and someone went to Earth.

At first I asked someone to assist Ground, then the whole Relay died, as in nothing in the feed has happened: no teams and codes.  I was told that there were no Murex ships. Then people started joining the Flotilla again and... once again, nothing. Some went to Earth, but no codes were sent. An hour later we finally got our last damn code.


For the love of god, add fail-safe mechanics to space teams. You sure worked hard on adding imminent failures conditions if people don't kill stuff in regular missions, but, on the same page, nothing was done for the opposite - when the players are SOL due to bugs.

What I propose:

Implement a «brute force» decryption when space teams don't receive codes for 5 minutes - decryption in this case will proceed at halved speed. It's still better (a lot better) than being taken hostage by the game indefinitely and not being able to do anything but abort the mission.

Edited by Thundervision
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In theory, the "Squad Link" is gating space mission progress by ground mission progress - In simple terms: A ground mission has to be completed before a space mission can be completed. It is like sorties, you have to do the first mission before you can do the second. There is no actual linking happening.

In practice it even fails to serve this unexciting function, somehow DE managed to mess up this feature to the point of it being a bugged roadblock.

Just put it out of it's misery.


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Me again. Guess what's new? Now you can auto fail the Murex assault if you are not getting codes for about 30 min. It appears that there's a hidden mission failure condition for the Murex assault.

Honestly, I don't know if it was there from the start, because on Friday my fellow Tenno and I stayed for 1 hour 15 minute to complete 1 Murex. Most of the time was wasted at 8/9 codes and I'm sure we spent way more than 30min waiting for that one last code. Today, however, we found out that THERE IS a failure condition.

I stuck at the very beginning - at 0/9 codes. A random Tenno then joined and deployed his Oplink. Then we got our first Kill Code and stuck again after which he left. 3 more players joined (and I was hosting it). We were lucky to receive codes to progress to 2/9 Murex codes. Since you can't predict how much time it will take, we decided to stay. Besides, we saw the codes being transmitted and received. So it was just a matter of time.



Well, after some time it became clear it will take SOME time to progress, but since we got Shedu drop and I've managed to gain 50 Intrinsics, our current rewards clearly made it worth to stay until the end. And we stayed. Right until the "no Kill Code" mark reached about 30 minutes after which the only thing we've received was the "Mission Failed" screen. I'm just speechless...

Not only there's not a single mention that it's possible to fail the mission in the first place (since losing the oplink forces extraction), but you can't even extract until you drive away 2 or 3 ships, and that was the first one we stuck with!


Fun fact: deploying an oplink and then leaving the game leaves the oplink behind.

Edited by Thundervision
Calmed down and made the text more appropriate
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@Thundervision I still don't dare to blow an entire wave's progress on testing it, but having been sat around waiting for above an hour for codes to happen myself without it auto-failing, I wonder if what you experienced was instead something like the bug I've run into frequently, which I thought should only apply to soloing (but Warframe being Warframe, you never know), wherein the mission instantly halts or fails the moment I dare switch to Operator?

It pretends I lost my OpLink, whether it's been undamaged or even unused in one case; if I trigger the fail on my way into a second Murex I can even place my OpLink down despite the game pretending I have none left.

Seems consistent with that "Event goal failed" (OpLink 'destroyed') message.

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