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Conclave gets updates, Solo Pve deserves updates too


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What this post will be about:

 - New Recruit missions

- Adding 3 new operators to your ship

 - Having new Computer controlled allies in missions

 - New commands for controlling allies

Primary Goal of Post - To help increase enemy spawn rate during solo play, in a fun way


New Recruit Missions

In these missions, you will find tenno with ability to control warframes, needing your assistance. The assitance they require can range from something as simple as solving an investigation, to something as dangerous as you needeing to rescue them from a deadly Railjack situation.

Helping them will eventually cause them to join your team (thus recruiting them), adding up to 3 new operators that will be hanging around on your ship.

Adding operators on your ship

Each time you recruit an operator, you will have to asign them a warframe and atleast 1 weapon. You may also give them a companion and customize the warframe they use.

Once done, you can take these tenno (equipped with the new warframes you assigned to them) out on missions

Having computer controlled allies in missions

First, certain criteria must be met to determine how many of your operators can be in a mission with you:

1.) You must be the host to have more than 1 operator in the mission with you. 

2.) No matter if you are thoe host or not, you can always have atleast one operator with you, but you must have no specters in your gear wheel to do so. 

3.) The host will have an additional operator added to the mission for each missing player. If a player joins, the last of the host's operator that joined in will leave; if a player leaves, the host's next operator that was on the ship will take their place.


These operators will function much like specters do except each additional operator will increase enemy spawn rate, the spawn rate however, will not exceed that of what you would experience with just having 4 real players (non computer controlled warframes). The spawn rate of enemies will only increase if you are below 4 real players.


Open your ability selection menu, then press your "Slide" or "Secondary Fire" button to open up another menu. This will change up to 4 buttons on your controller to each do 1 of the following:

- Rally: 30 second cooldown, instantly teleports all of your operators to you and makes them follow you until told otherwise. They will only shoot enemies that have shot you.

- Defend: Selects a 10m radius area around your last aimed location that your operators will go to and hold their position.

- Attack: Your operators will focus fire at the part of the enemy you aimed at.

- Roam: Your operators will randomly roam around, staying within 25m of you. They will be able to pick up resources for you, and will occasionally seekout resources on the map. 

And of course if DE is skilled enough, this could go as far as selecting indiviual operators to obey one of the commands above, instead of all of them. OR DE can get crazier and let us decide an individual ability for an individual ally to use 😏

Explanation: Why i think this is good for warframe


I understand that warframe is designed to be a "team based" game but just because its a team based game it doesnt mean it should justify abandoning a game mode. Correct me if im wrong, but Solo play is something that gets way more attention from the playerbase than Conclave (PvP) in warframe, so why shouldnt it be paid more attention to by the devs? Solo play will never be better than multiplayer given the "4 heads are better than 1" rule being true but atleast it will add more pleasure to the playerbase who simply feel like playing by themselves know?

More about operators (Upgrades)


Each operator you recruit has their own unique story. Some of which you can take part of for side quest. Each side quest you participate in gives you an upgrade point that you can use on the operator to upgrade a specific skill. Some ideas i thought of for skills were reducing the cost of building materials, giving you ability buffs in combat, or being assigned to missions to complete them for you. The upgrads points will determine their chances of successfully completeing the mission on that last idea i gave.


Okay, what do you think?

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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I'm all for removing arbitrary punishments against solo play but having this auto-filling design can have some problems.

Sometimes you need to have absolute control over what's going on, beyond anything an AI can be directed to comprehend. It might be possible solo, but not while having AI milling around making a fuss. The low spawn limit can even make some of this easier; thinking of CC-strategies for defensive missions, Interceptions etc, where you gather and control the total spawns instead of needing to be a strict defender frame or a murderframe.

Sometimes you want to be the only possible target (often so that you can be no target) - I can't tell you how many times I've gotten screwed over by the uncontrollable spawn of a converted Lich, inviting chaos and crossfire that's gotten my squishy stealth 'frame killed; I wish I could tell my Kavat to stick with me when I'm sitting in my Ivara Cloak Arrow bubble instead of jumping out and drawing fire in the general area I'm trying to stay safe.

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I think the system is good. But I would create it with other allies. I think it is better to keep other operators as players only. 

In fact this system could be tied in to the rail jack crew system and open up new types of crew.

A business man the realizes he can't grofit if he js dead. So he joins the tenho with the best weapon credits can buy and his trusty hyena ( well you would have to do a mini quest to convince hin first maybe rescue his some or something ). This guy woulf be focused on deploying stuff

Or someone that caught the Arlo strain that late on regained their senses and sneaks out a transition begging for a rescue mission. After the quest she becomes a support type caracter 

Or maybe help the steel meridian to rescue a prisioner that later on become a weapons guy. 

I like the idea of deploying a squad , I just don't want the NPCs to the tenno. I think it makes more sense gameplay wise and lore wise to deploy other warriors of the system.

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26 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

Sometimes you need to have absolute control over what's going on, beyond anything an AI can be directed to comprehend

Yup, this is what makes the command features or having real teammates shine

I didnt want to completely erase the need for teammates

26 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

The low spawn limit can even make some of this easier; thinking of CC-strategies for defensive missions, Interceptions etc, where you gather and control the total spawns instead of needing to be a strict defender frame or a murderframe

Yup, this will still be possible in game by not bringing your other operators and just playing by yourself

26 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

I wish I could tell my Kavat to stick with me when I'm sitting in my Ivara Cloak Arrow bubble instead of jumping out and drawing fire in the general area I'm trying to stay safe

Yup i put commands for that


Unless youre saying the defend the radius is too big 🤔

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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3 minutes ago, keikogi said:

I think the system is good. But I would create it with other allies. I think it is better to keep other operators as players only. 

In fact this system could be tied in to the rail jack crew system and open up new types of crew.

A business man the realizes he can't grofit if he js dead. So he joins the tenho with the best weapon credits can buy and his trusty hyena ( well you would have to do a mini quest to convince hin first maybe rescue his some or something ). This guy woulf be focused on deploying stuff

Or someone that caught the Arlo strain that late on regained their senses and sneaks out a transition begging for a rescue mission. After the quest she becomes a support type caracter 

Or maybe help the steel meridian to rescue a prisioner that later on become a weapons guy. 

I like the idea of deploying a squad , I just don't want the NPCs to the tenno. I think it makes more sense gameplay wise and lore wise to deploy other warriors of the system.

Wait wa?

Though i do agree that it would be cool having other types of npcs aid you in combat (like the ones you listed), tennos with their warframes are also warriors. 

As for lore, tenno operators always used their warframes to help each other in missions. There was a trailer for this showing Frost, Nyx, and Ash coming to help Excalibur when he broke free from a cryopod

Prehaps i worded it wrong

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

Wait wa?

Though i do agree that it would be cool having other types of npcs aid you in combat (like the ones you listed), tennos with their warframes are also warriors. 

As for lore, tenno operators always used their warframes to help each other in missions. There was a trailer for this showing Frost, Nyx, and Ash coming to help Excalibur when he broke free from a cryopod

Prehaps i worded it wrong

No I just have a weird felling that Operators should be players. I'm also all for more impactfull cooperation , even for the sometimes feeling like the game caled in reinforcements for you. Like If a new player uses a self revice 3 times the game emits a priority call that any player can attend to help the young lad. Or more meaninfull connection though the squad link. 

I just have that weird reasoning that operators should be players. Even just Umbrifing a frame and deploying it on a mission by himself as fine on my eyes. But operators are a weird no no for me.

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Before I start, I will say that this isn't a bad idea. Having a good way to get three extra people on your team is greatly appreciated.

That being said,

1. Specters exist. While often forgotten, they exist to help a team that just needs a bit more manpower.

2. We do already kind of have a way to get extra teammates with converted Liches, who, if I recall correctly, will, in the future, assist with your Railjack in solo play. I get the feeling that these converted Liches, as well as others from similar hypothetical systems for other factions (like Corpus, Infested, and even maybe Sentient), will become a bit more active as time goes on, rather than spawning in on random chance every now and then.

3. I agree with keikogi. Operators should only be players. Programming the times to switch between operator and frame be an absolute nightmare to program, debug, and keeping the AI from being stupid. Also, from a less practical standpoint, the only non-player Tenno that we know of is Rell, whose operator form (as far as we know) has been destroyed. It would feel less special if we can just randomly run into a recruitable AI Tenno.

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3 hours ago, GladiatorDragon said:

Specters exist. While often forgotten, they exist to help a team that just needs a bit more manpower.

Yea i acknowledged this, and i actually do still use specters often. I like having wisp by my side, especially when im doing fortuna bounties because theres this one bounty that gives a task thats almost impossible to do.

Besides that, my primary goal was increasing spawn rate over "having help". The reason the spawn rate is so low when playing solo is because DE feels it makes the game fair (which it does to SOME extent), so im trying to purpose a different way to make gameplay fair without decreasing enemy spawn rate, as the the latter makes playing solo more unfair than this.

3 hours ago, GladiatorDragon said:

We do already kind of have a way to get extra teammates with converted Liches, who, if I recall correctly, will, in the future, assist with your Railjack in solo play. I get the feeling that these converted Liches, as well as others from similar hypothetical systems for other factions (like Corpus, Infested, and even maybe Sentient), will become a bit more active as time goes on, rather than spawning in on random chance every now and then

I hope so, theres a lotta fun things that could come with having your own little army to command, its part of the reason i LOVE this game called Saints Row and i also loved Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Assassins Creed Revelations. 

But emphasis on you saying "kind of". I dont like to not present an idea based on "assumption" that something might have already been thought of, because that just puts yourself at risk of getting your idea delayed if it didnt get thought of.

Theres no downsides in purposing the idea, but there are downsides in not doing it. So i chose to purpose it for no downsides

3 hours ago, GladiatorDragon said:

I agree with keikogi. Operators should only be players. Programming the times to switch between operator and frame be an absolute nightmare to program, debug, and keeping the AI from being stupid. Also, from a less practical standpoint, the only non-player Tenno that we know of is Rell, whose operator form (as far as we know) has been destroyed. It would feel less special if we can just randomly run into a recruitable AI Tenno.

Dang really?! I kinda see what yall are saying and i dont mind replacing the tenno with liches in my post but im shocked!


I honestly wouldnt see tenno being any less special if being controlled by a computer. They already seem like some of them were terrible warriors in need of a good leader

For example:

The fact that Nef Anyo created Zanuka out of warframe parts killed any specialness the tenno had to me cause HOW do you loose to Nef Anyo with your warframe?!!! 

Npcs? That explains it 😂

Index? Computer tenno helping the enemy score? Also killed any specialness they have to me

Also theres the stalker that also killed any specialness the tenno have to me. I dont recall if the stalker is being controlled by a tenno or not, but regardless he still weakened my perception of them. Stalker's to be on my level, but he still gets accidentally 1 shot by mr2 player.

The only thing that is special to me is the person controlling the tenno, other tenno in lore that led to the zanuka project and what not, are a bunch of losers haha. It all proves to me that Some tenno arent good, and need guidance

Only My tenno is the real deal 😈


But thanks for the feedback! Ill be able to settle with converted liches replacing the tenno in this post, just as long as the general point gets through and we get to customize our liches 💙🖤💙

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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