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Railjack - the pain in the backside


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yes the title applies 😄 

the pain in the backside -The forge - Refinement (but we will get to that later)

about 2 days ago i decided to see what all the fuss is about with this wonderful new feature "railjack". 
so i've recently built my railjack, done a few missions, and oh boy do i have some feedback on my terrible first impression....

  • first off, building the blastered thing...

lucky for me i played Scarlet Spear, so i had everything needed to build it.
what exactly is the point of making people do multiple missions with a 6 hour wait between them?
is there something wrong with getting all the parts by still doing the various missions but slapping a once off 2 or 3 day build time?

it just feels like a tactic to get people to log in every 6 hours, because if you dont, you just increase the time it takes to build it. (which is understandable, we dont want people to have the bad experience that chases them away too soon).

  • secondly, the lack of instructions....

lucky for me, i played Scarlet Spear, so i had a bit of an idea about how to get around some of the basics, by that i mean the "exiting", navigation was pretty easy to figure out.
with all hype around it, a simple guide wasnt in the budget?
i saw some descriptions mentioning increased resourses from refinement, i had no idea what it was talking about, so i had to Google it (i hope google is getting a cut, since they are providing instructions... its only fair)
i didnt even know there was a forge until i came across it in a video (even the people in the videos didnt know it was there at first).
the location of it is fine, but someone seriously couldnt make it bigger? i mean, BIGGER... it is literally a tiny light on the floor.
the only time someone will see it ON THEIR OWN, is if they are literally looking for imperfections in the interior, (or literal cockroaches 😄 ).

  • thirdly, the pain in the backside -The forge - Refinement

you are joking right?, this must have been an April fools idea.
i have played about 4 missions and repeated the first one 5 times for easy drops to get some upgrades going.
some of the missions i had low HP and shields, so i would just go back to dry dock and then head out again,
out of those 9 missions, 3 of them i got NOTHING in the mission summary (despite it being success), i thought maybe it was a glitch and it just didnt show the resources sometimes, and left it at that.
then during my research into the mentioning of refinement from above, is when i was told you lose the resources if you dont refine them, which explains why my mission success summary was empty.
having to refine your drops before returning or you possibly lose them?, you can not be serious.
i have seen topics where people say they are automatically refined and added to your inventory when you go back to the dry dock, sometimes they dont.
but here is the kicker... they seem to ALWAYS, do appear, if you go from one mission to the next, or the mission success summary is bugged.

  • fourth, the missions... same blastered problem as secondly... lack of instructions.

now i have only done like 4 missions as i said above, but i actually couldnt even finish the first one without help (again from google)
my first mission i killed everything, well, almost everything.
the crewships i had problems with, i couldnt seem to destroy them, and they kept regenerating, so i thought maybe i have to kill everyone inside, that should to do it,, so i did that.... but no.. the damn things were still there.
which at this point i was just annoyed and had a look at google to see how to destroy these things, which is where i found the only way to destroy crewships is by boarding them and destroying the reactor, at no point am i told this during the mission, nor any markers to indicate as such.

  • My conclution
  1. its either, to the extreme, not there at all or what seems to be half good. like the rest of warframe. (kudos for the trend)
  2. the tedious relogging to start the next phase of construction should be changed to a once off timer.
  3. until you know how to get around (from youtube videos) you dont actually know what to do.
  4. just remove the refinement option. all resources can come and go directly from your inventory.
    you have already slapped on insanely low caps and cooldowns, there is no point in having such a heavily limited feature when it actually costs you more in loses than possible gains.
  5. you need to google how to complete the FIRST railjack mission. because there is no guidance.
    mean while you are constantly bothered about demolysts in disruption missions. or the story most people dont care about in ropalolyst, that takes up half my 32" screen on 2k res.

and for the love of all that is right and wrong... ADD SOME GUIDANCE to railjack missions

anyone else had such an amazing time as me?

Edited by 5p33dy_01
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About the Crewships, and most of what you're complaining about, all of this was actually explained in devstreams past, but literally no one outside of the more than average/casual player actually watches those, so instructions for new players don't exist for them.

I knew exactly what was up when I got my Railjack. Where the forge was, the exits, the side guns, navigation, pilot explains itself, and the big gun.

I had prier knowledge to all these things, but I feel you're being a little more dramatic than necessary. I get that Crewships would be confusing, those aren't explained that I am aware of, but it's kind of so, to give you something to think about, and figure out how to take out this large, difficult enemy.

On the other hand, a quick once over with the ship would of been nice in a typical tutorial but, that's also why people say we have the best community. We answer these questions about new systems for those who are new to them and do not know how they work. We back up the lack of tuts for the game.

This game has always been "Here's a gun, go shoot things with it" without any further direction than that.

In the end though, you are a bit overly dramatic, and a tutorial would be nice, or Railjack for Dummies.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Alcatraz:

About the Crewships, and most of what you're complaining about, all of this was actually explained in devstreams past, but literally no one outside of the more than average/casual player actually watches those, so instructions for new players don't exist for them.

I knew exactly what was up when I got my Railjack. Where the forge was, the exits, the side guns, navigation, pilot explains itself, and the big gun.

I had prier knowledge to all these things, but I feel you're being a little more dramatic than necessary. I get that Crewships would be confusing, those aren't explained that I am aware of, but it's kind of so, to give you something to think about, and figure out how to take out this large, difficult enemy.

On the other hand, a quick once over with the ship would of been nice in a typical tutorial but, that's also why people say we have the best community. We answer these questions about new systems for those who are new to them and do not know how they work. We back up the lack of tuts for the game.

This game has always been "Here's a gun, go shoot things with it" without any further direction than that.

In the end though, you are a bit overly dramatic, and a tutorial would be nice, or Railjack for Dummies.

He is right thou, i mean it is not liek we have the Codex for this and DE finally needs to point people to it instead of relaying on people watching devstreams or the wiki.

I mean if new players start this in a few months, you alos goign to point them to months old devstreams aswell?

I love the game for the msot part but explaining things was never a strong side of DE or Warframe as a whole and they relaxed for peopel to find out themself and write all in the wiki, look at Fortuna and Orb Vallis fragment hunt for the Exploiter Orb, no leads in game to anything people searched obscure places not because they were interessting but because it was a easterhunt DE expected people to do, or at worse exampel putting the somachord in those maps with the saem restricitons as normal maps.

How are people suppsoed to find such on there own without any lead? Same goes here for any explanation at all simply. I like to see DE play those stuff without knowing what is going on simply and without developer mode, you see what happeend to Scarlet Spear, "overlooking" and "fixing" Limbo becasue they not considered him knwoing exactly how he works? It is poor to see how DE not understands much of there own game, and yes there is a difference between playing and programming but some stuff is very questionable and you wonder how that gets past anything whne they test only a bit even.

More tutorials, more hints, more pointing towards helpful things, you can't expect players to read or see every devsteam, update and hotfix. Beta or not.

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3 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

About the Crewships, and most of what you're complaining about, all of this was actually explained in devstreams past, but literally no one outside of the more than average/casual player actually watches those, so instructions for new players don't exist for them.

I knew exactly what was up when I got my Railjack. Where the forge was, the exits, the side guns, navigation, pilot explains itself, and the big gun.

I had prier knowledge to all these things, but I feel you're being a little more dramatic than necessary. I get that Crewships would be confusing, those aren't explained that I am aware of, but it's kind of so, to give you something to think about, and figure out how to take out this large, difficult enemy.

On the other hand, a quick once over with the ship would of been nice in a typical tutorial but, that's also why people say we have the best community. We answer these questions about new systems for those who are new to them and do not know how they work. We back up the lack of tuts for the game.

This game has always been "Here's a gun, go shoot things with it" without any further direction than that.

its great that they talked about it in their dev stream, why dont they add a link to the exact one with markers to jump between which times they spoke about the various things, then slap that on a pop-up when you enter your railjack.

you are right, not that many people watch it, honestly, i didnt have much interest in railjack, i prefer ground combat, since my first archwing experience, which was another pain.

they overload other normal missions with indicators, voiced comments, or even videos that take up half your screen while trying to run 1000 meters, that get to the point of seriously annoying when you have played enough of those types of missions, yet one of their latest features has nothing.

my first experience is what counts when you look at newbies, i could have easily just decided to not bother with it, once i found out you could lose everything you have gained in the mission.

15 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

In the end though, you are a bit overly dramatic, and a tutorial would be nice, or Railjack for Dummies.

that is one way to put it, another is if you actually wrote down your honest experience, rather than making it look good, by considering that you are overreacting.
to a degree you are right, it may seem "overly dramatic", but the truth is, im not wrong either.

yes guidance is needed.

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14 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

More tutorials, more hints, more pointing towards helpful things, you can't expect players to read or see every devsteam, update and hotfix. Beta or not.

this is absolutely correct.

the lack of information or instruction is one of the biggest problems.

people shouldnt have to google search everything, just because developers couldnt be asked to throw in a little more information, or links to information.

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