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Is New War Ever gonna come?


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All this "well ackshually it's already started" rubbish.

The reason this question comes up so often, which everyone already knows but still has a go at OP for, is that we want a cinematic quest.

Not "railjack was released, that's basically the new war."

Not 12 30 second cutscenes of Erra and Natah sitting around waiting for the war.

Not "go tickle the murex 50,000 times."

We want the quest, the "here is the beginning middle and end" with a climactic moment where we finally get to see/choose what happens to the Lotus.

I know DE has had setbacks in the last couple of months, but they promised it before covid was even a thing and then SERIOUSLY back-pedaled with "oh uh, all these tiny little things are paaaart of the new war."

Honestly full games get developed from the ground up in less time than a 1-2 hour quest has taken.

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3 minutes ago, anarchy753 said:

All this "well ackshually it's already started" rubbish.

The reason this question comes up so often, which everyone already knows but still has a go at OP for, is that we want a cinematic quest.

Not "railjack was released, that's basically the new war."

Not 12 30 second cutscenes of Erra and Natah sitting around waiting for the war.

Not "go tickle the murex 50,000 times."

We want the quest, the "here is the beginning middle and end" with a climactic moment where we finally get to see/choose what happens to the Lotus.

I know DE has had setbacks in the last couple of months, but they promised it before covid was even a thing and then SERIOUSLY back-pedaled with "oh uh, all these tiny little things are paaaart of the new war."

Honestly full games get developed from the ground up in less time than a 1-2 hour quest has taken.

I prefer them doing it this way, theres an ongoing narrative occurring since Apostasy Prologue and were getting an Actual Warframe Quest which hasn't happened since Chains of Harrow with Deadlock Protocol. 

Scarlet Spear had some meaningful rewards with Arcanes so if they add more events like that with The New War and have more meaningful rewards, I'm more then ok with that. 

It's not rubbish, it has started. And it will end with a cinematic quest when they get back to the office. 

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Most things what they announce are eventually coming but it will come when it is nearly complete. Video game making is not a thing what you can estimate. Sticking with deadlines makes stress - stress makes burn - burn means low quality product.

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2 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

Most things what they announce are eventually coming but it will come when it is nearly complete. Video game making is not a thing what you can estimate. Sticking with deadlines makes stress - stress makes burn - burn means low quality product.

Especially right now when they cant get full use of all the equipment (sound, motion capture) etc to make the content. 

We could be in for a long haul ladies and gents. We should be understanding in these times. Were gunna get through it but we also need to be realistic with what they can do at home. 

I think after Deadlock we might not see another frame/quest etc for a bit unless it's already deep in development. Hopefully they can get back to work like everyone else as soon as possible. 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Cram Duahcim said:

I prefer them doing it this way, theres an ongoing narrative occurring since Apostasy Prologue and were getting an Actual Warframe Quest which hasn't happened since Chains of Harrow with Deadlock Protocol. 

Scarlet Spear had some meaningful rewards with Arcanes so if they add more events like that with The New War and have more meaningful rewards, I'm more then ok with that. 

It's not rubbish, it has started. And it will end with a cinematic quest when they get back to the office. 

"Ongoing narrative" is being really damn generous.

Apostasy Prologue was two and a half years ago. People were expecting New War pretty shortly after that. Nobody has liked the crappy glitched transmissions for two and a half years. Hell, by the time they actually get around to releasing it Lotus will probably have been gone longer than she was around to begin with. For a huge amount of players that's already the case. God, I started with Plains of Eidolon like a lot of players did, I've had glitch lotus for 13 times as long as she was actually around.

The only developments on the storyline since then were a fraction of a second at the end of the Sacrifice showing Natah, Ballas' 10 seconds of "Lotus bad," Erra basically showing up to say he exists, and Scarlet Spear which had the tremendous lore of "Hey did you know the sentients have ships? That's bad."

These haven't felt like any development, all of the parties are all sitting around going "the war's gonna happen, just keep waiting 4 more years."

Rewards have absolutely nothing to do with the war, any event could have had that same reward pool, it was due to the arcane rework, not the content it was in.

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2 minutes ago, anarchy753 said:

"Ongoing narrative" is being really damn generous.

Apostasy Prologue was two and a half years ago. People were expecting New War pretty shortly after that. Nobody has liked the crappy glitched transmissions for two and a half years. Hell, by the time they actually get around to releasing it Lotus will probably have been gone longer than she was around to begin with. For a huge amount of players that's already the case. God, I started with Plains of Eidolon like a lot of players did, I've had glitch lotus for 13 times as long as she was actually around.

The only developments on the storyline since then were a fraction of a second at the end of the Sacrifice showing Natah, Ballas' 10 seconds of "Lotus bad," Erra basically showing up to say he exists, and Scarlet Spear which had the tremendous lore of "Hey did you know the sentients have ships? That's bad."

These haven't felt like any development, all of the parties are all sitting around going "the war's gonna happen, just keep waiting 4 more years."

Rewards have absolutely nothing to do with the war, any event could have had that same reward pool, it was due to the arcane rework, not the content it was in.

Well then take a break and come back when the quest is out then.

Point is: Its started. If you dont like how it's being rolled out then simply dont play it and dont participate in the events. 

Just because you dont like how it's being implemented dosent change the fact that with Railjack it essentially kicked off, the information was provided regarding the change before it launched. You can go back and find the devstream where they said it was going to be this way and look for yourself. 

If your upset about no cinematic quest that's fine and your entitled to your opinion. I actually liked Scarlet Spear. It had a decent little cinematic and the event was fun to play. Came with a couple weapons (Basmu has been used alot since I got it). It started rough but then turned out be pretty decent. 

Dont know about you but I'm pretty stocked about Deadlock Protocol since we haven't had an update like this since Chains of Harrow. 

I'm just saying if you dont like how it's being handled, a break might be what you need. I take breaks from time to time.

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