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Mag, Sin-ematic augmentation


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So, A while back it was mentioned that Mag's bullet attractor mechanic as displayed in the cinematic trailer might come as an augment soon. but there hasnt been any word on that for a while, And I cant say I dont see why, Bullet attractor's mechanics as they are are frankly better than "pocket nyx" especially combined with her disarming augment, and unless the bullet attractor damage is sharply increased, I dont see it being an upgrade to the original, not to mention the existing augment is really good so giving the players something to compete with that is tricky.


But Here's what I think, Don't make it an augment, make it innate, a hold cast of bullet attractor, in a similar way that Garuda's Mirror orb is charged before a throw, Draining more energy over time, but pulling bullets in from a wider radius, and applying a higher damage multiplier, but only in a cone in front of mag, the length and angle of which determined by ability range. and limited by Line of sight, perhaps with some punch through, giving mag a focussed directed attack ability (which is what the trailer showcases it as. while still allowing mag to use it as a chokepoint blender or emergency safety bubble in other circumstances.


Also, while we're on the subject of mag's augments, Now that greedy pull only applies to client-side mods so a (non trolling) mag cant use it to scoop up drops for the squad (honestly i really loved doing that in survival missions as it saved everyone a lot of manual collecting, just bringing it all into a neat pile) and now mag has a mini greedy pull as her passive, can we just have that made innate and replaced with something better? perhaps a pickpocket style looting mod:

  • Pull no longer pull-ragdolls creatures but has a 30% chance to pickpocket each creature affected for extra drops, maybe scaling with strength, maybe not, but Not stacking with ivara's pickpocket.
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thats not a bad idea but also a little too situational to be reliable, conversely it would still either need energy costs or it'd be overpowered as mag could run around willy nilly being a bulletproof death machine. so i figure might as well make it part of her root kit, ive been puzzling over how to balance it so that isnt a downgrade to her existing Bullet attractor/augment and that hit me today.

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10 hours ago, Desdemona-XI said:

So, A while back it was mentioned that Mag's bullet attractor mechanic as displayed in the cinematic trailer might come as an augment soon.

What was shown in the trailer already is in the game. Magnetise does catch all the bullets, even in a much larger area and does not require a restricting "charge" animation. Trailer just showed an artistic interpretation of Magnetise to craft a more compelling action scene.

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18 hours ago, ShortCat said:

What was shown in the trailer already is in the game. Magnetise does catch all the bullets, even in a much larger area and does not require a restricting "charge" animation. Trailer just showed an artistic interpretation of Magnetise to craft a more compelling action scene.

True, however that has not satisfied most players who still want it, and it also does not negate DE Rebecca stating they planned to make that effect an augment in the future, I am simply presenting a best-of-both option

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On 2020-06-10 at 1:43 AM, Zsword said:

As someone who despises the current Magnetize because it blocks a ton of damage by lingering after the target dies: what cinematic bullet attractor affect is being discussed?

the effect from the warframe cinematic trailer that aired last year at tennocon 


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