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I Want To Feel Like A Team


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I want to talk about a development that I feel is over the top nessasary for Warframe to actualy come together as a great PvE Coop game -

I want to feel like the people around me are on my team and are there for me. I would like to give my list of things to add that may improve my team awarness and inprove overall tenno to tenno comunication not including text and voice comunication

1. Adding dynamic lights or markers on screen that aid in the players perseption of teammate locations - i.e maybe team memebers could have a glowing sillouett if they are behind a wall in the sight of the viewer

2. Add more exagerated signaling when an team member is down or low on health / sheild

3. the adding of hotkey comands such as - go here, cover me etc

4. and maybe some other additions that give insentive to stick near your team - sucha s morral buffs or something where sticking with the group benafits you

Mostly I barly notice my team mates when I'm online - and playing as Trinity only, I do get fed up with the dificulty of keeping my team amtes alive - EXSSPECIALY when I've no idea who's life bar on the side coisponds with which tenno that is runnig around.

Edited by tactical_surgeon
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1. Adding dynamic lights or markers on screen that aid in the players perseption of teammate locations - i.e maybe team memebers could have a glowing sillouett if they are behind a wall in the sight of the viewer

2. Add more exagerated signaling when an team member is down or low on health / sheild

3. the adding of hotkey comands such as - go here, cover me etc

4. and maybe some other additions that give insentive to stick near your team - sucha s morral buffs or something where sticking with the group benafits you

1. This is already in the game :)

2. Our current system marks users on the minimap and screen, I will pass along that perhaps we need to increase visibility.

3. Interesting idea!

4. Also interesting idea.

Thanks for the feedback!

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hotkey commands would be nice, especially considering how most situations where you ypwould want to use them there is nowhere near enough time to type even basic commands, assuming your team is even paying attention.

Also adding hand gestures to go along with them would be a cool addition, or even having them seperate.

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well a good way to do this is to assume the tenno are all talking over radio so - even voice comands don't alert yoru pressence,

and second - they could just make a huge list of different comands and we could pick and chose which ones we want to use what key - in the controll setup menu -

just more comunication and team togetherness is all - about anything related is an improvment

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well a good way to do this is to assume the tenno are all talking over radio so - even voice comands don't alert yoru pressence,

and second - they could just make a huge list of different comands and we could pick and chose which ones we want to use what key - in the controll setup menu -

just more comunication and team togetherness is all - about anything related is an improvment

ie: daksouls gesture system but with added text messages for each command/action

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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3. the adding of hotkey comands such as - go here, cover me etc

But that would give voice to an otherwise voiceless character. I have grown to prefer it as is. Their voiceless nature gives the Tenno some mystique. Just my opinion though.

Edited by Windbow
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Right, thats true, we do have the "group point" command with Ctrl+G. I personally use it a lot!

You play? Cool! I just thought you only stay in character as "the Lotus". :P

Ahem. Perhaps some way of non-verbal communications? eg.

- "Defend Me" would give an indicator of a blue cog-like horizontal ring around the player that pressed it.

- "Focus Fire On My Target" would place a vertical rotating 'target' ring on that target.

- "Medic!" would place a blinking "+" sign over the head of the caller.

These indicators should be visible on the minimap too, of course.

edit: ps. As an aside, if you are the voice of the Lotus it would really be cool if you had your own model that can walk around the future Tenno secret base. I'm sure you'll be quite popular. :P Actually, I don't know how much work it would involve but DEfolks who interface with the community a lot should also have their own unique characters in game. You know, in case you want to hold events or give totally unique missions or something...

Edited by Windbow
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But that would give voice to an otherwise voiceless character. I have grown to prefer it as is. Their voiceless nature gives the Tenno some mystique. Just my opinion though.

I agree - I didn't consider that at the time but now that you say it, it makes sense - but still some sort of comand system would be nice

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I agree - I didn't consider that at the time but now that you say it, it makes sense - but still some sort of comand system would be nice

What do you think of my suggestions above? I'm curious what others might think of such non-verbal indicators.

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some non verbal comand ideas

1. -

Maybe make the team hp bar window a toggle and then assign symbols next to each person's name that appears over their heads when the window is toggled on.

2. give the players maybe a 3D visual hub - where sybols apear below or above the tenno to indicate what they have set their role to - exaple - I am a Trinity so I set mine to support, and a green circle/ symbol appears above my head and is visible to all players, so they know that thats my role, but I could just as easily change to an assault role, and a red symbol would appear over my head also visible to all other tenno

3. maybe like in Portal 2, you can give the comands with a simulated signal - you point at the space and like the waypoint comand you can target spots or enemies with a spacific comand, such as - levles of priority, or something else

but as far as I can think, having colored hub signals would be a good way to get points accross minus voice and text without the tenno actualy speaking.

Edited by tactical_surgeon
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I read the topic thinking someone wanted more 'A Team' influence and hoped for a thread about make-shift tanks, weaponry and smokinc cigars. Well, i guess this is also a nice thread, so i'll contribute.

I also prefer the 'silent' Tenno, as i also agree that this is adds to the mysterious space ninja feel. But I also agree that we need more communication in this game and i realy love command-roses in other games. They are a quick and efficient way to communicate things without the need of voice messages or ingame chat.

We already have the generic marker that somewhat adopts to whatever thing it's pointed at, so the core mechanics are already in place. We just now only need a variety of icons and sound-files to associate certain tactical decisions and orders witjhout using speech. For 'attack here' that could be a crossed Scana and Braton symbol in red, and to get the attention of all players you could combine that with a short drum solo (in the style of the current background music) or some other sound effect. Of course getting the idea for an attack symbol is probably the easiest part... and getting fitting symbols and color combinations for other orders like defend, regroup, etc might be quiet a bit harder to find... but maybe other players have some nice suggestions for that.

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What do you think of my suggestions above? I'm curious what others might think of such non-verbal indicators.

attack- the crossed skana and braton is good

Defence - A blue sheild ( simple enough)

support role - green Gorgon symbol

we Should have things to set to oursleves such as

cover me - the tenno gets a yellow (not sure what symbol, but the yellow color seems to fit)

helath / Heal me - red cross above the tenno in need

as a point to make - I'd like to add that these symbols would be good to show in the 3D space - and also if its a role indicating symbol by the life bars of the tenno


go here - blue flare on the ground

regroup - a sound of some sort - due to the ninja nature - maybe a flute

go silent - sound of wind blowing through

Edited by tactical_surgeon
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You play? Cool! I just thought you only stay in character as "the Lotus". :P

Ahem. Perhaps some way of non-verbal communications? eg.

- "Defend Me" would give an indicator of a blue cog-like horizontal ring around the player that pressed it.

- "Focus Fire On My Target" would place a vertical rotating 'target' ring on that target.

- "Medic!" would place a blinking "+" sign over the head of the caller.

These indicators should be visible on the minimap too, of course.

These would be indeed very nice. Personally, I'd prefer simpler mechanics than that. An enemy that is marked might just have a laser pointer drawn from the targeting player to the enemy with a little reticle effect around them. Medic is simple enough. Defend is a bit trickier.

Alternatively, when a person does more advanced actions, they could make holograms appear beside them doing the thing they request, still being silent, but being all about body language.

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