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Original Warframes Before Going Berserk


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There was a thread a while back that discussed Umbra versus the original frames but I can't find the thread. One poster was questioning why the lore was off because of Ballas calling the frames "failures". I could've sworn that the warframes were "working" prior to going berserk, as spoken through the Leverian, but we didn't have a proper timespan to go by. Falsagger gave a great ideal regarding this by speaking about the mechs Xaku and the Entrati:

"The mechs speak volumes about the story of War Frame because those were the first antique War Frames in the game"

"Xaku is an old model made out of other frames. He was one of the first prototypes or the first ones on the War Frame construction technology"

"The Entrati family were one of the missing dynasties of the Orokin Empire forned by powerful lineage of families"

So, was the second generation War Frame program actually a success, providing stable sentience as told in the Leverian or is the Leverian discussing Tenno controlled Warframes? If Ballas created them, could it have been "mother" that ordered helminth to shut down due to an Orokin/Entrati fight?

 Lastly, the new player experience intro shows the same hue when the starter Warframes shut down as the mechs when they're powered up. It looks different than transference. Could this also support the sentience?

Am I overthinking, on the wrong track or so far so good? Lol!

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