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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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This just popped up on FB:


Lotus Transmission Correction:


The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:


“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”



so, as i have been saying.... KILL THE CORPUS!

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Really, Maybe you need take of your Fanboy goggles off, Its been 3 hours since the original post if DE wanted to fix they would of already done so. Those Tenno are going to get capture no matter what happens there already a part of the Berserk project.


Lotus Transmission Correction:

The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:

“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.”

Well done there.
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I still don't get what the grineer gets out of this. They have no interest in the cryopods? They're just going to let us leave with them? and why can't we fight for the Tenno (fight against both). I don't see why we have to pick a side to begin with

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I still don't get what the grineer gets out of this. They have no interest in the cryopods? They're just going to let us leave with them? and why can't we fight for the Tenno (fight against both). I don't see why we have to pick a side to begin with

they dont know where the cryopods are. they just know they are in corpus space. Lotus can find them (somehow) before the grineer do.

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It does not change my opinion that a third option needs to be in this event. But i may play if the option to save my brethren is real. If that's the deal Lotus worked out with the Grineer then at least something good comes out of supporting these two groups of tyrants deserving nothing but my bullets.


But as someone utterly frustrated with the politics of the day being forced to eat yet another crap sammich is REALLY getting tiresome.

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so if we support grineer we save fellow tenno.


then grineer will grow stronger(more challange)




they don't rly grow much stronger they will just remove the corpus from the solar system! and we can kill alad v later anyway

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I'm sorry but that still doesn't make sense


hmm let me try again.


Corpus doesn't know the exact location of Tenno but their scounts are close to finding them.


Grineer want Tenno but have basically no idea where they are, so they'd take essentially forever to find them.


Grineer want to kick Corpus out of a system so that they can then go in and START to find Tenno. However, this is a system where the regular Tenno/lotus faction essentially already has free reign to run missions, even if its corpus/grineer controlled. So if we help the Grineer, we will still be able to quickly get in and rescue the Tenno before the Grineer can figure out where they are.


However, if we help the corpus, since they are already so close to the Tenno, they will find/capture them.

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I'm sorry but that still doesn't make sense

Sure it does, Lotus has been reading everybodies space mail prism style so she know's where they keep the goods.  Once the Corpus have been beaten into submission they'll be ripe for the picking while the Grineer flounder around uselessly. 

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Plus we get to kill more Grineer. Win-win-win.


But looking at the stats screen, Grineer killing seems like all I'm doing...




You really don't like them do you!


Mine is something like each one between 60-70k, same order as yours but much closer.

I'll keep the balance be playing catch-up with my Corpus kills I think :)

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I don't care about the other tenno, we have to balance the solarsystem, even if it means to sacrifice our brothers and sisters!

ah yes "balance", you mean giving more power to two factions and totally neglecting the third (which has 3 bases on mars btw)

we have dismissed these claims

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hmm let me try again.


Corpus doesn't know the exact location of Tenno but their scounts are close to finding them.


Grineer want Tenno but have basically no idea where they are, so they'd take essentially forever to find them.


Grineer want to kick Corpus out of a system so that they can then go in and START to find Tenno. However, this is a system where the regular Tenno/lotus faction essentially already has free reign to run missions, even if its corpus/grineer controlled. So if we help the Grineer, we will still be able to quickly get in and rescue the Tenno before the Grineer can figure out where they are.


However, if we help the corpus, since they are already so close to the Tenno, they will find/capture them.

Corpus wants the cryopods to grow stronger

Grineer wants the cryopods for the sake of having it (too stupid to put them to use I guess)

Tenno should help either side... why? betray them? Why would either side let us help them in the first place

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