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I wonder...can we choose what side to help with this? Or are we just going to be given a faction to fight for/fight on our own.

For example, if enough people help the Corpus; we'll all get sexy, sexy mods. But if we fight on the side of the Grineer, then they'll give us weapons to use? Then again, something along the line of that would cause a serious rift here among the forums...'You guys all suck, you fought for X instead of Y, when Y's reward was clearly better!'

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I wonder...can we choose what side to help with this? Or are we just going to be given a faction to fight for/fight on our own.

For example, if enough people help the Corpus; we'll all get sexy, sexy mods. But if we fight on the side of the Grineer, then they'll give us weapons to use? Then again, something along the line of that would cause a serious rift here among the forums...'You guys all suck, you fought for X instead of Y, when Y's reward was clearly better!'

In livestream, it was mentioned, that our goal, as a Tenno, is to prevent ANY faction from gaining too much influence, hence preserving balance. Infested are just chilling this time.

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I do believe that Zanuka is the name of the berserker frame and that she's being experimented on by the Corpus. This explains the collar and head things seen in the concept art. Either we help the Grineer to get Zanuka and they give her to us or we help the Corpus and in thanks they give her to us. Either way we get her and get to kill lots of enemies.

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This is kind of a hard choice lore-wise.


The Corpus are completely full of greed and want to experiment on Warframes to discover their secrets.


The Grineer are slavers (End of Livestream 16 at the Shipyard concept.) that would want to experiment on Warframes just as much.


The only way to win is not to play. D:

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