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To Everyone That Doesn´t Like Conclave


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if you don´t like it, stop coming to the conclave forums to say how much you don´t. it doesn´t help anybody, it makes DE take longer to read actual feedback and it won´t make DE get rid of it.


i personally don´t like it, but i people could actually give feedback without others getting in the way, then maybe i would play it.


so, why the hell are you even doing on these forums? get out, go improve PvE, but don´t make PvP worst. it won´t make PvE better.

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There is conclave section on forums?

Improving Warframe > Conclave Feedback. I don't go there often but it's there for people who have ways of improving the Conclaves (basically a place to complain about something that isn't the focus of the game). I like PvP but I don't like the way Conclaves are now, so I just don't use Conclaves.

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Most if not all of the threads on the first page do not have this issue... What am I missing?

there´s countless threads where as an example, someone complains about X ting neing unbalanced on PvP or things like that.


then the next 10 posts say "who cares about PvP on a PvE focused game?" which is quite an inmature answear.

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if you don´t like it, stop coming to the conclave forums to say how much you don´t. it doesn´t help anybody, it makes DE take longer to read actual feedback and it won´t make DE get rid of it.


i personally don´t like it, but i people could actually give feedback without others getting in the way, then maybe i would play it.


so, why the hell are you even doing on these forums? get out, go improve PvE, but don´t make PvP worst. it won´t make PvE better.

>says to not complain about how much you hate Conclaves on the Conclaves Feedback forum

>complains about people complaining about how much they hate Conclaves on the Conclaves Feedback forum

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Well, technically, if the pvp is terrible, then that would make the pve look pretty good by comparison.


Just saying.

only for players that are already playing.


for new players, seeing a terrible mechanic in the game would drove them away, and with them, their delicious money *rubs hand in a creepy way*

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only for players that are already playing.


for new players, seeing a terrible mechanic in the game would drove them away, and with them, their delicious money *rubs hand in a creepy way*


I highly doubt that something that doesn't even exist can drive new players away. (Yes, conclave is a thing, but PvP is NOT the focus of the game, and will NEVER be. It's just there because part of the community cried for pvp [which was obviously a bad idea considering that Warframe IS a pve oriented game] so they HAD to create it.)

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if you don´t like it, stop coming to the conclave forums to say how much you don´t. it doesn´t help anybody, it makes DE take longer to read actual feedback and it won´t make DE get rid of it.


i personally don´t like it, but i people could actually give feedback without others getting in the way, then maybe i would play it.


so, why the hell are you even doing on these forums? get out, go improve PvE, but don´t make PvP worst. it won´t make PvE better.

i dont give a dam about Conclave rating...

it doesnt reflects the "skill" and "potential OPness" of the equipment...

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I highly doubt that something that doesn't even exist can drive new players away. (Yes, conclave is a thing, but PvP is NOT the focus of the game, and will NEVER be. It's just there because part of the community cried for pvp [which was obviously a bad idea considering that Warframe IS a pve oriented game] so they HAD to create it.)


Stop &#!-pulling, this is getting tiresome.


We know that PvE is the focus, people have known this since the game came out last year. But that doesn't matter, and that doesn't mean that new content and alternative playing modes can't ever, ever, ever be added. They obviously won't be the focus, but that doesn't mean that the people making the game can't make them anyway and work on them on the side. Childish entitlement.


DE originally wanted PvP in this game, and they've never once said that they weren't going to add it. Most of their track record is PvP games and multiplayer modes, so they have absolutely no problem with it like some of the players do here. This game was going to eventually have PvP anyway, regardless of people "crying" for it.


Just stop whining about it already, muffin-face.

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