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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Im not sure if this has come up or not but i dont think any of the Standard weapons the tenno have could punch through the Chiefs armor. i havent seen any weapon in warframe without mods galore that could punch a hole through solid Titanium Alloy Outer Shell plus the Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit underneath it. factor in energy shields its just not conceivable that standard issue warframe weapons or anything under whats considered Heavy weaponry could do anything but drain the shields and bounce off. the tenno would need to rely souly on their powers to injure him. and with the Hydrostatic Gel embers flames would do nothing to him. this is further augmented if hes using the armor lock or medical drop shield armor abilities to which will stop every damn thing coming at them. armor lock alone is over powered enough to stop any warframe ability for at elast seven seconds (think thats how long it lasts.) and the fact that his armor is powered by a nuclear reactor that pumpos out energy like a hamster of coffe he isnt going to go down very easily. now couple with the fact that master chief isnt the only spartan two left alive he would most lieky have Fred Linda and Kelly backing him up. thats four spartan twos against four tenno if were going by how many people can play together at one itme.

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Chief's own UNSC Arsenal is capable of killing him, his initial design was to fight rebels, not Aliens, who even after adapting to them still won over the majority of the Spartans, they would be much less prepared to fight a single Warframe. Tennos' standard weaponry, without mods are still pretty effective against robotic Corpus and heavily armoured Grineer, not to mention melee weapons that can cut through that same armour. That, and despte being able to survive reentry to planets he can still die to regular Incendiary grenades and Flamethrowers. Plus the armour lock renders him immobile and was also one of the reasons why he survived the first time, when he fell from a distance of 3Km and the second time he was shielded by a piece of metal plate that was designed to survive through gunfire and reentry.

Edit; Also Senteth took care of this issue, several times. :)

Edited by Damadarchius
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Im not sure if this has come up or not but i dont think any of the Standard weapons the tenno have could punch through the Chiefs armor. i havent seen any weapon in warframe without mods galore that could punch a hole through solid Titanium Alloy Outer Shell plus the Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit underneath it. factor in energy shields its just not conceivable that standard issue warframe weapons or anything under whats considered Heavy weaponry could do anything but drain the shields and bounce off. the tenno would need to rely souly on their powers to injure him. and with the Hydrostatic Gel embers flames would do nothing to him. this is further augmented if hes using the armor lock or medical drop shield armor abilities to which will stop every damn thing coming at them. armor lock alone is over powered enough to stop any warframe ability for at elast seven seconds (think thats how long it lasts.) and the fact that his armor is powered by a nuclear reactor that pumpos out energy like a hamster of coffe he isnt going to go down very easily. now couple with the fact that master chief isnt the only spartan two left alive he would most lieky have Fred Linda and Kelly backing him up. thats four spartan twos against four tenno if were going by how many people can play together at one itme.

'Standard Tenno weapons' with minimal/no mods can do things like blow watermelon-sized holes through incredibly thick carbon steel armor, a torso, and through another layer of thick carbon steel armor, or send a 1-ton armored combat cyborg flying several meters through the air and pin him to a wall. (a feat that comfortably puts them waaay above anything the UNSC has, barring rare exceptions like the Spartan laser) Various sniper weapons can cut 1-ton armored space marines in half with a single hit. Unmodded Miters can sawblade through over a full meter of metal and still have enough force left over to decapitate multiple 1-ton armored combat cyborgs. Even the MK-1 Braton semi-regularly leaves limbs lying about (or at least it did back when I had one)


In contrast, Master Chief and other Spartans with identical armor are regularly threatened by, injured, or even killed by their own 1960's era rifles. (seriously, the published stats for many UNSC weapons puts them roughly on par with Vietnam-era America's arsenal)


I know who I'm betting on.


You say Chief's armor is powered by a nuclear reactor? (it's fusion incidentally) That's cute. Tenno are powered by a vast, incomprehensible hell dimension.


Damadarchius already went over some of the other points, like how ordinary flamethrowers and incendiary grenades kill Spartans just fine, (they even do high damage to them in comparison to other weapons!) or how armor lock renders a Spartan immobile. Surviving multiple falls from orbit is impressive, but there were several mitigating factors in each instance, such as using Forerunner hull material as a heatshield, either through luck or intent using it to angle his descent and turn it from a steep vertical drop to a shallower and slower horizontal one, only surviving due to armor lock, etc. Even then, he didn't come out of it unscathed, it very nearly killed him.


 In Halo: First Strike, a number of Spartans fell from a height of only 8 kilometers. (as compared to Low Earth Orbit, which is 2,000 kilometers) Roughly 15% of them died outright from the impact, and several more were severely injured. (for perspective, ordinary humans have survived falls from those kind of heights in real life, unlikely and rare as it may be)

Edited by Senteth
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In contrast, Master Chief and other Spartans with identical armor are regularly threatened by, injured, or even killed by their own 1960's era rifles. (seriously, the published stats for many UNSC weapons puts them roughly on par with Vietnam-era America's arsenal)

This. Everything I've ever heard about their guns paints them as terrible pieces of garbage the space!future should be ashamed of using.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Alright i stand corrected. i will admit defeat on that. although im pretty sure the UNSC sniper rifle used in reach would be on par with all of the ones in Warframe.

You mean the Sniper Rifle System 99 Anti-Matériel, firing 14.5×114mm rounds? As you can guess from the name, it's an anti-vehicle weapon, of the sort that's been around since WWI. Putting a smallish hole in the side of a tank and hitting something vital is slightly different from hitting a 1-ton armored combat cyborg and slicing him in half like Warframe sniper rifles can do.


The caliber of the Halo sniper rifle is roughly equivalent to the estimated bore size of the Grakata, AKA one of the most basic Grineer weapons which only tickles most frames when used by itself. That should tell you something right there. As well, normal Warframe guns, even the most basic of them with little or nothing in the way of mods, seem to work very effectively in an anti-materiel role as well, judging by their effectiveness at utterly trashing Grineer mining vehicles, which are roughly tank-sized, visibly armored, and were seen deployed during hostile boarding operations as an offensive tool during the Gradivus event:



[edit:] Digging a little deeper, it seems other Halo fans have already calculated the kinetic energy of the sniper rifle, extrapolating from known stats and similar real-life ammo. To quote:



By roughly scaling from similar real-world KEP-type ammunition like the 120mm M829, we can assume that the 14.5mm APFSDS has a tungsten subcaliber penetrator with dimensions of ~8.8×88mm and a mass of 103g, possesses a muzzle velocity of ~1530 m/s (Mach 4.5), muzzle energy of ~120,556 J, momentum of ~157.59 N·s, and penetration of ~170mm of RHA at 90° from 1500m. This is far greater than the M903 SLAP's 7.7mm, 23g penetrator with its velocity of 1220 m/s (Mach 3.58), muzzle energy of 17300 J, momentum of 28.06 Ns, and penetration of ~19mm of steel RHA at 90° from 1500m. Given the fact that an APFSDS is not exactly similar to a SLAP in construction, such a comparison is not entirely fair; however, they are close enough for a rough idea to be gained.

Now, I'd contest the assumption that the round is fired at 1,530 m/s, given that its sister rifle, the System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel, has a known muzzle velocity of 1,450 m/s. Still close enough that I'm not going to make a big deal of it. So ~120 kilojoules in all for a single shot.


Compare that to the kinetic energy needed to accelerate a 1-ton object like your standard Grineer to say, 30 m/s. (sometime I'll need to find out how fast exactly the Boltor and similar weapons throw Grineer. For now though, I'm just going to estimate them as going roughly twice as fast as a rushing Loki, which is probably lowballing it) The numbers come out to 450 kilojoules, 3.75 times as much as the tank-killing Halo sniper rifle.


Keep in mind that the Boltor fires full-auto, and is considered a distinctly mid-end gun, as well as the fact that this estimate is just for how much energy would be needed to accelerate a 1-ton mass to that velocity, never mind pin it to a wall and keep it there.


So no, even the most powerful conventional weapons the UNSC has fail to stack up to even basic Warframe guns.

Edited by Senteth
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I think blowing up those mining machins with any gun is a gamism, and is probably unusable for the same reason MC can't actually flip tanks with his mind.

I agree with the rest though. Warframe guns are hideously powerful.

I'm not so sure. The other feats and info we do have for various Warframe guns puts them comfortably at an anti-materiel level, so being able to kill armored mining vehicles like that should fall under the category of expected behavior. (as well as the fact that lore-wise, the whole point of the mission is to send 1-4 operatives without demolition charges or the like to destroy them, which would be kind of difficult if they lacked a way of actually harming them with their weapons)

Edited by Senteth
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I dont know about you guys but the recent lore update on stalker/excalibur codex entries shows how powerful the tenno in thier warframes were. They were the last hope of the Orokin empire against the Sentients, both were powerful at that time and the Sentient being more, and they the Tenno wiped out the Orokin empire afterwards, they were not a different race but once citizen of the orokin empire returned from the hellspace. I really doubt that a group of spartans could do that same feat.

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hhhm... space ninja or  space marine? i say the warframe wearing tenno would  give the ol chief a good whipping because we are talkin  a regular ol super soldier marine in high tech gear vs void altered nano tech incased ninjas with the same physical abilitys and armaments(ish) plus special skills that level armies in no time at all...

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You mean the Sniper Rifle System 99 Anti-Matériel, firing 14.5×114mm rounds? As you can guess from the name, it's an anti-vehicle weapon, of the sort that's been around since WWI. Putting a smallish hole in the side of a tank and hitting something vital is slightly different from hitting a 1-ton armored combat cyborg and slicing him in half like Warframe sniper rifles can do.


The caliber of the Halo sniper rifle is roughly equivalent to the estimated bore size of the Grakata, AKA one of the most basic Grineer weapons which only tickles most frames when used by itself. That should tell you something right there. As well, normal Warframe guns, even the most basic of them with little or nothing in the way of mods, seem to work very effectively in an anti-materiel role as well, judging by their effectiveness at utterly trashing Grineer mining vehicles, which are roughly tank-sized, visibly armored, and were seen deployed during hostile boarding operations as an offensive tool during the Gradivus event:



[edit:] Digging a little deeper, it seems other Halo fans have already calculated the kinetic energy of the sniper rifle, extrapolating from known stats and similar real-life ammo. To quote:



Now, I'd contest the assumption that the round is fired at 1,530 m/s, given that its sister rifle, the System 99D-S2 Anti-Matériel, has a known muzzle velocity of 1,450 m/s. Still close enough that I'm not going to make a big deal of it. So ~120 kilojoules in all for a single shot.


Compare that to the kinetic energy needed to accelerate a 1-ton object like your standard Grineer to say, 30 m/s. (sometime I'll need to find out how fast exactly the Boltor and similar weapons throw Grineer. For now though, I'm just going to estimate them as going roughly twice as fast as a rushing Loki, which is probably lowballing it) The numbers come out to 450 kilojoules, 3.75 times as much as the tank-killing Halo sniper rifle.


Keep in mind that the Boltor fires full-auto, and is considered a distinctly mid-end gun, as well as the fact that this estimate is just for how much energy would be needed to accelerate a 1-ton mass to that velocity, never mind pin it to a wall and keep it there.


So no, even the most powerful conventional weapons the UNSC has fail to stack up to even basic Warframe guns.



'Standard Tenno weapons' with minimal/no mods can do things like blow watermelon-sized holes through incredibly thick carbon steel armor, a torso, and through another layer of thick carbon steel armor, or send a 1-ton armored combat cyborg flying several meters through the air and pin him to a wall. (a feat that comfortably puts them waaay above anything the UNSC has, barring rare exceptions like the Spartan laser) Various sniper weapons can cut 1-ton armored space marines in half with a single hit. Unmodded Miters can sawblade through over a full meter of metal and still have enough force left over to decapitate multiple 1-ton armored combat cyborgs. Even the MK-1 Braton semi-regularly leaves limbs lying about (or at least it did back when I had one)


In contrast, Master Chief and other Spartans with identical armor are regularly threatened by, injured, or even killed by their own 1960's era rifles. (seriously, the published stats for many UNSC weapons puts them roughly on par with Vietnam-era America's arsenal)


I know who I'm betting on.


You say Chief's armor is powered by a nuclear reactor? (it's fusion incidentally) That's cute. Tenno are powered by a vast, incomprehensible hell dimension.


Damadarchius already went over some of the other points, like how ordinary flamethrowers and incendiary grenades kill Spartans just fine, (they even do high damage to them in comparison to other weapons!) or how armor lock renders a Spartan immobile. Surviving multiple falls from orbit is impressive, but there were several mitigating factors in each instance, such as using Forerunner hull material as a heatshield, either through luck or intent using it to angle his descent and turn it from a steep vertical drop to a shallower and slower horizontal one, only surviving due to armor lock, etc. Even then, he didn't come out of it unscathed, it very nearly killed him.


 In Halo: First Strike, a number of Spartans fell from a height of only 8 kilometers. (as compared to Low Earth Orbit, which is 2,000 kilometers) Roughly 15% of them died outright from the impact, and several more were severely injured. (for perspective, ordinary humans have survived falls from those kind of heights in real life, unlikely and rare as it may be)



I am no expert in any relations with Arms or any variance (law) associated with it. 


Though even the most powerful conventional weapons Halo has to offer failed to stack up against our basic weaponry. 

Claiming that it is not powerful enough to penetrate or send a thick layer of carbon steel from a prosthetic marine who weights a Ton flying and impaled to a nearby Wall is kinda...indifferent.


How cant it send the same enemy unit if the level scales higher than the usual units on the Terminus of Mercury?


Example. There is no physical difference between a Grineer Marine designated on Mercury from a Grineer Marine on Ceres yet somehow, the weapon you used to end an Armada in Mercury fails to knock a single Grineer Marine down with one or two rounds?


Standard Grineer on Mercury-Dies on the first shot on the Knee? Yes

Standard Grineer on Ceres   -Dies on the first shot on the Knee? No


Standard Grineer on Mercury-Dies on the first shot on the Head? Yes

Standard Grineer on Ceres   -Dies on the first shot on the Head? No


How is that? Do they wear a thicker Armor? Are they heavier than the usual? Why do they go flimsy with their said carbon steel Armor and light as a feather when they die?


If the said bullet is powerful to pin down the said Marine, then why cant it knock the said Marine on his feet when you fired your first shot? To quote, 30m/s to accelerate a standard Marine unit. Which means, if a given Tenno Weaponry is able to penetrate a Grineer Marine on his first shot, he can repeat the same feat with other the other Units of the same rank. Yet it fails to do so. 







But something bothers me. Why would an advance race of mercenaries forged weapons that fires bolts instead of bullets? Why do they even bother to craft a weapon that fires projectiles that initiates travel time? Trolling?

Edited by yeomanry
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How cant it send the same enemy unit if the level scales higher than the usual units on the Terminus of Mercury?


But something bothers me. Why would an advance race of mercenaries forged weapons that fires bolts instead of bullets? Why do they even bother to craft a weapon that fires projectiles that initiates travel time? Trolling?

Levels and HP are a game extraction. Using game logic Master Chief's guns require ridiculous amounts of ammo to take down one lightly armoured human. Seriously, we know from it's description that the Boltor is designed to staple people to walls.

They made it because it's awesome, that's why.

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Levels and HP are a game extraction. Using game logic Master Chief's guns require ridiculous amounts of ammo to take down one lightly armoured human. Seriously, we know from it's description that the Boltor is designed to staple people to walls.

They made it because it's awesome, that's why.


At least it applies Reality. FYI, MC engages Aliens.


Levels and HP maybe are game extraction. So does weaponry. There should be some sort of explanation on its oddity.

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Game cutscenes would seem to be the most accurate source of gauging durability levels, and pretty much everything the Tenno go up against dies in a single shot or ability use, unless it happens to be a boss. (and even then they go down in seconds) The three locations shown in cutscenes so far are Ceres, Mercury, and Jupiter, which by in-game standards covers a wide range of levels. No notable difference was seen in the effectiveness of enemy armor in stopping Tenno weapons.


Similarly, while the Boltor's bolts may travel slowly in gameplay, when we saw it used by Frost in a cutscene, the projectiles traveled as fast as any other bullet shown. 

Edited by Senteth
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In Halo. You are free to set the difficulty before you start a campaign. Then the system switches its nodes to highlight your level of expertise to fit your your gameplay. Hostiles remain stationary in their level and HP for the whole campaign. Thus, unggoys remains unggoys till you rack for a wee-wee after your showerless marathon.


In Warframe. In higher levels. Godzilla hides under a Grineer Unit Uniform.

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In Halo, like you said, you can switch the difficulty of the game to better suit your expertise, you can add skulls for a bit more challenge or to make your journey through Covernant forces a living hell, but likewise, the Warframe Universe has a sort of difficulty system of its own. For example, a covenant Elite in Easy would probably take a few shots from the Halo Magnum, (I'm not counting Halo 1 where the Pistol was just unstoppable) but on Legendary they can take multiple clips from it before their shields even go down, depending if you aim for the head or not. 

The Warframe Universe equals this as lower planets are a lower difficulty, the only difference is that you need better equipment to take it to the next level, although Chief could not finish the campaign with the weapons he was given, he can forage around, even get more powerful weapons to add to his arsenal, Warframes make do with what they can use, only foraging for ammunition. So let's say Mercury is Easy while higher planets like Ceres are on Normal or higher, explain why both Universes, who use the same equipment are suddenly harder to kill in some places and not in others? Gameplay Mechanics, what would be the fun of traveling through levels using the pistol you got at level 1 to kill enemies through out the game? Or to be more realistic and set their armour on realistic standards, then a level 1 Warframe should have to fight maybe a level 30-60 equivalent of Grineer forces on his first mission, that would just be unfair, would it not?

Also, the cutscenes on Halo show that these Elites can be killed very easily, as shown in Halo Wars when those Spartans who were mentioned earlier killed them using their own melee weapons, or when Forge took out the Arbiter, I don't care if that Arbiter was weaker compared to the Arbiter in Halo 3, it doesn't take a regular, unarmed human to defeat an Elite who at the time would be the most powerful and intelligent Elite warrior, the Arbiter armour itself is a badge proclaiming, I am the best there is, for the Elite wearing it like the MJOLNIR Armour does to the Spartan wearing it. That high and trained of an officer should not be so easily killed by Forge, yet he does it. Then more examples would be from Halo 4 where Sarah Palmer using her akimbo Magnums, takes out Promethean Knights with a simple headshot, I remember because me and my friend literally had an argument with the TV for how unfair that was and the players had to take at least two to three clips from the same magnum to lower the Promethean Knight's Shield down in gameplay xD.

These Promethean Knights can teleport anywhere they want, do a sword dash of their own, they have four arms, one which can hold a weapon that takes Chief two arms to wield and another is a blade, a massive blade that stopped a Ghost coming at it at full speed. They have access to Forerunner Technology that converts to data at each shot or in other words incinerate you, and Grenades that cast a field of energy that can take down Chief's shields easily, then implodes and can kill the Chief if his shield had not gone down in the first phase of the attack. The only possible way the Chief can survive all this is to make the AI $&*&*#(%& :/ Or we have access to the Chief in the books, which is superhuman compared to the one in gameplay, otherwise I have no other possible explanation to how he has survived so far.

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Touche. But difficulty settings of the game alters the Universe youre are playing. From the very beginning to its very end. Which means, the Easy Difficulty lives in a different Universe than of the Legendary Difficulty. 

So it's possible to conclude a Hypothesis that the Promethean Knights lives in an Easy Difficulty where they can die much easily.


However in Warframe, whose difficulty setting is Unique rejects the Idea of a Whole Ideal Universe. The Standard Grineer Unit in a Low Tiered Planet is different from a Standard High Tiered Planet which makes no sense why and how they are any differences between the two yet remains stationary in a different level-

example. The Mining Tanks on Mercury is as durable as the Mining Tanks in the Whole Sol System which explodes in a single throw from a Glaive. And that tank is certainly heavier and is pure Metallic than any Grineer Unit. 

Edited by yeomanry
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