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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Spartan IIs, those who are genetically augmented since there crucial stages in Life has a shapr sense of Acuity and Rapid Perception, hence, there eyes can slow Time. Smaller Animals especially Insects revolves around the World of Slow Motion(for us, but not for them)

To the Insect- eg. Fly (not all Flies), that rolled up newspaper at lightning speed are like inching through your Room arriving late from a Party.


Master Chief can easily dodge a Rocket fired from Ogris nor Volt with his Speed Skill sprinting on him are all like a giant Tortoise trying to grab a bite of carrot under his Pants.

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He had to turn control over his suit to his AI for a few seconds before she managed to work out the trajectory and slap it away.

Hardly counts as bullet timing. I never said he wasn't fast. His reflexes are better than human and he can run as fast as a car, but Tenno are still better.


Tennos rely on their Warframes' abilities and Mods. Master Chief does his work based on his Skill. Remember, in his whole Game, his Armor and Weapons were never upgraded. He didnt even bother to Poop for the past 30 years of service. 



Imagine not pooping for 30 years mate. Consider the Horror and sacrifice of his butthole.

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Wat. He gets a new type of armour every game, and it has waste recycling systems. He was both upgraded and pooping his armoured trousers all the time.

I also flat out don't believe you that they where genetically engineered to slow time. I've read a few of the books and at no point where they described fighting like it was the Matrix.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Wat. He gets a new type of armour every game, and it has waste recycling systems. He was both upgraded and pooping his armoured trousers all the time.

Ive read a few of the books and at no point where they described fighting like it was the Matrix.


He doesnt get any new armor. Its the Graphics, duh.


Plus Master Chief is refereed to one of the Reclaimers. Humans who have been judged by the Forerunners as Guardians of the Galaxy.

And Master Chief alone is the only sentient being whose Evolutionary Makeup been fast forwarded by the Librarian. In Halo 5, you'll see him with Gills and Flippers, he even has a Tail and Three Testicles.

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I know you're just being a tosser because Master Chief is losing, but please be serious.

He gets three upgrades through the series. Before the fall of Reach he had a Mark IV MJOLNIR, he got the mark V during Reach and used it through Halo 1, he got the mark VI at the beginning of H2 and then used it through the rest of the series.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Honestly, you guys seem to not realize the sheer power the Spartans held. They could slow time and react fast enough to dodge rockets, bullets, and plasma bursts.

Dodging rockets? Ha. Tenno are fast enough to use their swords to block fully-automatic heavy weapons fire from point blank range. (as seen in gameplay and the first cinematic trailer) Closest thing John 117 has is slapping away a rocket, and that was a one-time thing that he had to rely on Cortana for.


Chief loses in the reaction time department. Let's see if there's any categories he surpasses the Tenno.



Their shields were powerful enough to drop from orbit and survive, and their armor was able to handle being crushed under a 4 ton tank, and come out smiling.

Orbital drop required him to be surfing a piece of forerunner ship, shielding from the worst of the heat and airbraking his descent. If it was enough to slow him down to terminal velocity it'd be no worse than falling off a plane, which some humans have survived in real life. Even assuming no airbraking, the amount of energy his shields would have absorbed would be no greater than 3 megajoules according to the calcs I've seen, and there are multiple occurrences of a Spartan's shields being dropped by far less. Being crushed under a 4 ton tank is nice, but Tenno can easily survive getting whacked with Lech Kril's hammer, which if we assume is solid and has a density equal to iron would weigh well over a ton. This is of couse discounting the lengthy spikes, any high-tech addons to make it hit harder, and the fact that it's being swung by an incredibly strong 12-15 foot tall cyborg. The puniest Grineer weapon is a machine gun that fires bullets roughly 15mm in diameter at speeds faster than the Paris. (which the description reveals is actually closer to a railgun than anything else) They only tickle an average Warframe.


Durability advantage: Warframes.



Tenno, to the best of our knowledge, are nothing more than highly trained human/human like beings. Their suits are what gives them most of the advantage, and they don't seem to be able to move that fast, with the exception of Loki.

Actually, it's been confirmed by the devs that Warframe occurs in the same universe as Dark Sector and that Hayden Tenno was the first warframe. This along with the dialogue from the infested bosses indicates that the Tenno are all modified by the technocyte virus, a nanotech plague that can convert ordinary people into monsters capable of tearing through metal with their bare hands. Presumably the version the Tenno carry is more controlled than the one that is currently infesting the solar system, but you can hardly say that they're ordinary humans. As for speed, in the games, Chief runs at a crawl that would make Rhino embarrased. The books have him at better speeds, but still within the range of most frames with rush mods. Even if you were correct that the suits were the source of all the Tenno's advantages, so what? They're still superior to a Spartan in capabilites.


Mobility advantage: Warframe.



Excalibur can Slash Dash at a Spartan, but the Spartan can grab his arm in mid slash and flip him sideways without being touched. A Rhino can charge them, but the Spartan can just lock their armor (Which takes about a quarter second according to the books and Halsey's notes,) and stop him dead. Mag could pull or crush them, but their armor would automatically lock from the pressure, and withstand up to 8 tons of force per square inch. Ash can Shuriken., but how useful is that when they could dodge them, or even catch them?

Evidence? Excalibur is fast enough to block a stream of bullets with his sword. Merely being near the slash dash is enough to bisect extremely heavily armored space marines. Mind telling me how MC is supposed to even touch him without getting the same treatment?


Evidence that armor lock would stop a charging rhino? It can tear through hordes of shielded all-metal robots without issue and toss them aside. (again assuming iron densities for the MOAs, we're looking at over a ton or more per robot)


Mag's crush takes out shielded full-metal robots, and when used on Grineer, (who have crazily heavy armor, are mostly machine themselves, and often have shields) it jams their arms and legs through their own ribcages. Armor lock isn't going to cut it.


The games HIGHLY underplayed the Spartan's strength, and it's only mentioned in the books a few times.

Try throwing a dagger so hard that it lifts a grineer marine (which easily weighs over a ton) off his feet and sends him hurtling several meters backward. Tenno are no slouches in the strength department either. (also, have you seen the way they can throw Hikau with max speed mods? 'inhuman speed' doesn't even begin to describe it)



In addition, they wouldn't be fighting alone. If even two Spartans are together, their strength is nearly tripled, because they can literally communicate and work together at the speed of thought. And who says they'd use only UNSC weapons? They pick up and use any weapon found on the battlefield, what's to keep them from ambushing an Eviscerator and stealing their Miter? Or robbing Captain Vor for his pistol? Spartans are adaptable, whereas Tenno are strict and inflexible.

A: Tenno also habitually fight in packs and can also seemingly 'communicate at the speed of thought' as you put it.


B: Using grineer or corpus weapons requires them to get them first. Not so easy when each grineer is the combat equivalent of an ordinary spartan (not joking either) and almost always comes in groups.


C: Standard enemy weapons pale in comparison to the ones the Tenno have upgraded for their own use, and are only a threat to a Tenno when used in large numbers.





Master Chief is completely outclassed here, even leaving out the Warframes abilities. (which the Spartans have absolutely no way to defend against in most cases)

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The games HIGHLY underplayed the Spartan's strength, and it's only mentioned in the books a few times. In addition, they wouldn't be fighting alone. If even two Spartans are together, their strength is nearly tripled, because they can literally communicate and work together at the speed of thought. And who says they'd use only UNSC weapons? They pick up and use any weapon found on the battlefield, what's to keep them from ambushing an Eviscerator and stealing their Miter? Or robbing Captain Vor for his pistol? Spartans are adaptable, whereas Tenno are strict and inflexible.


The F*** did those come from?

The F*** did the Grineer get into this?

Did he S#&$ them out of his &#! on his way to the battlefield?

And most of the guns function the same in-game,so the "strict and inflexible" part falls flat on it's &#!...in the speed of Terminal Velocity too.


Proof they would defeat any of the Grineer?

The Eviscerator cuts them in half with a single shot.

Vor teleports away and shoots from his key/gun,or cuts them with the Skana.


Plus,it's only MC(+hammer), so only one spartan vs single/multiple Tenno(possibly only one of every class,a dozen,tens, hundreds,hundreds of thousands or even millions)



Come back with facts instead of Hyperbole....unless you're a troll

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I'd go with the Chief in 1v1 fights.

I'd argue he couldn't even without them, but what about the powers? He's not going to manage to kill a Tenno before they pull something he has literally no defense for or experience against.

Loki: decoys and invisibility do exist in Halo, but they are effective against Spartans. Master Chief is probably going to lose all his guns too.

Mag: Yanks him all over the room, collapses his shield and makes him shoot himself.

Excal: Blinded and sliced apart by slash dash

Saryn: He shoots her shed skin and suddenly finds himself melting

Nyx: She makes him her *@##$. MC has no defense against mind wammies.

Nova: Soooo much anti-matter.

Vauban: Hangs helpless in the air and gets electrocuted to death.

Trinity: He tries to kill her but most of his bullets mysteriously end up in him.

Ash: Teleport spam. MC already gets insta killed by high tech swords, Ash can skip the whole run-at-him stage.

Ember: Might lose. Her powers aren't terribly impressive right now. I'd give her a 50/50 shot.

Banshee: Never notices her coming, and gets an arrow in the weakspot he didn't know he had.

Necros: MC gets the soul punched out of him.

Rhino: MC could never win. Ever.

Volt: Can't hit what you can't catch. MC then eats an electric hitscan laser.

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Halo's basically running with an unmodded frame while using grenades and failing to have any acrobatic skills at all.


MC is poorly trained in comparison with the Tenno, he isn't immune to pain like they are, and they've got quasi-magical abilities.


He's heavily outclassed. Also, as has been pointed out a few times, Tenno don't even die right. They sit there mortally wounded blasting away at things until they lose consciousness, and even then, they're still able to reboot their systems as if nothing happened.


So, it's a tough guy versus some immortal magic ninja zombie version of himself. He might be able to get away alive if he can pilot something(his ability to drive appears to be something Tenno can't do), but realistically, he's doomed in open combat, and based on his technology, probably could be hacked.

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As far as bullet timing is concerned, he DID kind of wench-smack a tank-killing missile away from him during his suit's trial run in "The Fall of Reach" and there's cases in almost every book where he moves significantly faster than regular humans. Maybe not bullet-time fast, but he's certainly quick.

The feat with him slapping a missile required him to rely entirely on Cortana- his reflexes aren't fast enough to do it on his own. Tenno have the raw speed and reflexes to sword-block automatic weapons fire at point-blank range as a matter of course.


Most of the UNSC's weapons are objectively worse than those of Vietnam-era America. MC is vulnerable to his own weapons, which says certain things about his shields and armor. In contrast, even the crappiest starter gun in Warframe is capable of amputating limbs, making armored heads explode like ripe watermelons, or blowing platter-sized holes in armored torsos without mods. Things only get worse from there.

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The OP doesn't state what Master Chiefs loadout would be...so I'll just hypothesize...


Master Chief

Helmet: Captain King

             Increases revenue, with a reduction to self esteem

Badge: UNSC Clan

Event Badge: Finished the Fight. Started a New One.

Syandana: 10 cubic meters of burlap


Main Weapon: Dewgriss

                        Fires rockets of Mountain Dew at enemies, impact does 150 points of acne damage to target.

                        Splash damage of 500 anti-social outbursts in the general radius of Xbox Live.


Secondary Weapon: Dual Ritos

                        Throws fistfulls of Doritos at enemies. Ignores armor, and hits directly in the arteries.

                        Orange hell-dust continues to slow enemy's movements for a time.

Melee: Bungie



Sentinal: Xbone

               With "Online" and "Kinect" as default and mandatory precepts, Xbone is more of a sentinel than anyone wanted.



Master Chief also has innate Penetration.


Can our Tenno stand against him?

Edited by MSD3000
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Don't forget, he has a special taunt in which he claims to sleep with your mother and calls you a f@g.

Most of the UNSC's weapons are objectively worse than those of Vietnam-era America.

This seems a bit harsh but then again their only infantry grenade launcher is a single shot break loader, so what do I know?

Edited by ValhaHazred
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This seems a bit harsh but then again their only infantry grenade launcher is a single shot break loader, so what do I know?


The official stats for many of the UNSC's weapons are worse than what we have right now. Saying that they're worse than Vietnam era America isn't quite correct I'll admit, but barring a few exceptions like their coilguns, laser weaponry, and a handful of regular weapons, their arsenal is solidly 1960's era in capabilities.

Welcome to Warframe, Diquad.

(Screw, everything. T1000 from Terminator 2, would own everyone. Tenno included.)

Until Ember or a Tenno with an Ignis decides to melt it, a Saryn decides to use Miasma, a Nyx mind-controls it, or a Nova decides to use one of her many antimatter powers that is. ;p

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I Don't mean to be a Downer but. 

There's to much Overestimation and Underestimation.





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We need more super-soldier comparisons to Tenno, I'm enjoying the hell out of this.


In an Epic, High Stakes Death Battle, would Master Chief of the Halo series stand any chance against 1 or more Tenno, and if so, which of and/or how many of the warframes would he be able to defeat/kill/neutralize before he is another mark on someone's Latron Prime?


Also, fixed ;3

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I'm not even sure Master Chief could take down a single Warframe on his own. Even going by the books his guns are worse, his shields can't take more than a magazine or so of his own weaponry or a few shots from a plasma rifle, he isn't a bullet timer and his available tech is way below Tenno Standard.

Tenno in the trailers (and thus the closest thing to Lore we have) are all super powered, bullet timing damage sponges.

I think Master Chief would be roughly equal to a high level Elite Lancer with a weak assault rifle and maybe a jetpack.

Doesn't really work as a representation of Halo since Monty Oum amped it up so much. If Master Chief was half as awesome as the Spartan in that vid, the war would have never happened. The Elites would have fallen to their knees in worship and brought the Prophets as a sacrifice to their new lord and savior.


What? Master Chief's abilities are much better represented in Haloid than in the actual game.


He had super strength and speed, not sure where you got the idea that he was like a shield lancer lol.

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We need more super-soldier comparisons to Tenno, I'm enjoying the hell out of this.

A few off the top of my head

Space Marines (Warhammer): Tenno could probably take the faceless mook Spess Mahreens, but some of the more prominent ones would make them work for it. The Marines have better armour and weaponry, but lack the maneuverability and bullS#&$ magic powers. Except Primarchs. Primarchs would end them.

Samus Aran (Metroid): Not really sure if she counts because she is a one-off but whatever. She murderstomps the Tenno. She can run faster than the speed of sound, fly using the screw attack, swim through lava and her megabombs are mini-nukes. Her regular beam shot isn't anything to snear at either.

Cyber-Ninja (Metal Gear): Probably a pretty close fight. The Cyber-Ninja and Tenno seem tied for speed, durability and crazy powers but Tenno have a ranged advantage and the Cyber-Ninja are waaaaay stronger.

Ghosts (Starcraft): They can both mix it up in stealth and ranged firepower pretty well, but the second it gets into CQC Tenno stomp. Tenno have a strong speed and defense advantage, but ghost psionics can get pretty powerful.

Replica (FEAR): Tenno murder them in droves. Their weapons are about equal (Penetrator and Boltor are basically the same gun) but Tenno crush them in every other category.


What? Master Chief's abilities are much better represented in Haloid than in the actual game.


He had super strength and speed, not sure where you got the idea that he was like a shield lancer lol.

I'm sorry, but I don't remember Master Chief throwing a jeep 200 ft, drop kicking a pelican, or dual wielding a Gauss cannon and a Minigun. Monty Oum specializes in crazy awesome fight scenes and has a strong tendency to go waaaaay over the top. If you can provide quotes from a book of him doing anything close to something the Spartan does in Haloid I suggest you do so.

Sorry, I meant Elite Lancer.

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I'd argue he couldn't even without them, but what about the powers? He's not going to manage to kill a Tenno before they pull something he has literally no defense for or experience against.

Loki: decoys and invisibility do exist in Halo, but they are effective against Spartans. Master Chief is probably going to lose all his guns too.

Mag: Yanks him all over the room, collapses his shield and makes him shoot himself.

Excal: Blinded and sliced apart by slash dash

Saryn: He shoots her shed skin and suddenly finds himself melting

Nyx: She makes him her $#*(@. MC has no defense against mind wammies.

Nova: Soooo much anti-matter.

Vauban: Hangs helpless in the air and gets electrocuted to death.

Trinity: He tries to kill her but most of his bullets mysteriously end up in him.

Ash: Teleport spam. MC already gets insta killed by high tech swords, Ash can skip the whole run-at-him stage.

Ember: Might lose. Her powers aren't terribly impressive right now. I'd give her a 50/50 shot.

Banshee: Never notices her coming, and gets an arrow in the weakspot he didn't know he had.

Necros: MC gets the soul punched out of him.

Rhino: MC could never win. Ever.

Volt: Can't hit what you can't catch. MC then eats an electric hitscan laser.


Read all your Previous Posts and Provide a rebuttal. Tennos are only ahead of Spartans due to their  Abilities drawn from Japanese Anime Freaks and weird fetishes. Sorry Ottakus and Hen...(nvm) lovers. Your kind freaks the World out.


Loki: There was no record of MasterChief loosing to a Cloaked Elite neither a Cloaked Covenant Ship escaped his Grasp


Mag: There was only one incident where Masterchief was trapped on stasis-Didact's Telekinesis. 

his Armor on the other hand has Magnetic Holder Strips (Check Wiki) which can hold any of his Equipment including his Armor, everything with a Magnetic Property where he can attach himself easily on Metal Surfaces in Zero Gravity and on which that Armor has withstand Requiem's Gravitational Pull which was over 10 times of Earth's. 


Excalibur: Read the previous Posts

Saryn: Masterchief is an augmented Human who had exceeded its Evolutionary Timeline. He is not stupid to continuously shoot an obvious Decoy.


Nyx: Masterchief annihilated a Battalion of Covenant Elites and Covenant Alike, Promotheans, destroyed a Covenant Ship alone and nuked a Forerunner. You're argument is invalid.


Nova: Anti-Matter is one of the most stupid elements in Warframe. AM exists in Parallel Universes and Matter and AM cannot co-exist since both will cancel each other out and explode. DE made their calculations wrong, if Nova coats her enemies with AM, they will explode immediately and their surroundings including her. Once she conjures her AM, it would connect to all Matter particles in the respective Area.


Vauban:  Mag


Trinity: Once Masterchief notices that Bullets wont work on her and Link's Flaw-which is brute force. Masterchief is the Space Version of Batman.


Ash: Once in Melee Range, there is no telling if Ash pars with Masterchief's Melee combat. And Ash cannot spam Teleport since he has to get away from Masterchief before conjuring the skill over again.


Ember: MC's Armor is coated with Hydrostatic Gell that regulates its Temperature and can actively change its density to conform MC's shape which can be pressurize to various levels to balance out the external Temperature. 

If Mastechief can survive a fall from Outer Space, a merely thousand degrees wont burn him out.


Banshee: Loki


Necros: Similar to Nova's AM, Necros Soul Punch is uncorrelated. Once Proven, this would tear a rift in the other World and None can halt Divine Intervention. If Soul Exists, so does God. No one messes up with the Big Guy.


Rhino: Define why? Both characters are equally match. Subjectively, only Rhino can par with MC.


Volt: Read previous Posts. 

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