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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Dodging rockets? Ha. Tenno are fast enough to use their swords to block fully-automatic heavy weapons fire from point blank range. (as seen in gameplay and the first cinematic trailer) Closest thing John 117 has is slapping away a rocket, and that was a one-time thing that he had to rely on Cortana for.


Chief loses in the reaction time department. Let's see if there's any categories he surpasses the Tenno.


Modern Calculations between the Comparison of Speeds of Ammunitions.


Similar to the Blade, once its peak has been reached, it can never be upgraded further. 

Bullet's will remain stationary. Not mentioning most weapons in Warframe has travel time. Hence, WW2 Weapons are much better.




Missile Speed (Present Time). Since bullets are stationary, they might be replaced in the Future with Missiles, Lasers or LIGHTSABERS! 


Modern Missile Speed is thrice faster than of a Bullet.


Plus, the Tenno's Speed on blocking those bullets are irrelevant to the speed of the incoming projectile. He animates a waving pattern on blocking 1500m/s that are centimeters apart from one another and are spread out inches from one another.

It would be like swatting homing Hornets with a Chopsticks.


Thus, your argument is invalid.


Orbital drop required him to be surfing a piece of forerunner ship, shielding from the worst of the heat and airbraking his descent. If it was enough to slow him down to terminal velocity it'd be no worse than falling off a plane, which some humans have survived in real life. Even assuming no airbraking, the amount of energy his shields would have absorbed would be no greater than 3 megajoules according to the calcs I've seen, and there are multiple occurrences of a Spartan's shields being dropped by far less. Being crushed under a 4 ton tank is nice, but Tenno can easily survive getting whacked with Lech Kril's hammer, which if we assume is solid and has a density equal to iron would weigh well over a ton. This is of couse discounting the lengthy spikes, any high-tech addons to make it hit harder, and the fact that it's being swung by an incredibly strong 12-15 foot tall cyborg. The puniest Grineer weapon is a machine gun that fires bullets roughly 15mm in diameter at speeds faster than the Paris. (which the description reveals is actually closer to a railgun than anything else) They only tickle an average Warframe.


Durability advantage: Warframes.


Earth's Gravitational Pull: g = 9.80665 m/s2 = 32.1740 ft/s2


Requiem's Gravity well pulled Propelled Sci-Fi Ships from Drift Space. (Earth's Gravity is unable to pull a drifting artificial sattellite). Let's assume Requiem's Gravity is ten Times much stronger than of Earth's...


Okay, lets not assume since I suck at Math. Calculate those alone.



Actually, it's been confirmed by the devs that Warframe occurs in the same universe as Dark Sector and that Hayden Tenno was the first warframe. This along with the dialogue from the infested bosses indicates that the Tenno are all modified by the technocyte virus, a nanotech plague that can convert ordinary people into monsters capable of tearing through metal with their bare hands. Presumably the version the Tenno carry is more controlled than the one that is currently infesting the solar system, but you can hardly say that they're ordinary humans. As for speed, in the games, Chief runs at a crawl that would make Rhino embarrased. The books have him at better speeds, but still within the range of most frames with rush mods. Even if you were correct that the suits were the source of all the Tenno's advantages, so what? They're still superior to a Spartan in capabilites.


Mobility advantage: Warframe.



Parallel Universes never collide nor intersect. So its Impossible for Tennos nor MC co-exists in a certain particular time in a particular Universe. As Batman can outwit Superman and Flash. How much more the Space Version of Batman?

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Am I the only one that finds it unrealistic that tenno run across walls and defy gravity like they do? I mean really unless they have some kind of magical force holding them to the wall I don't think they could run straight for as long as they do. By the logic of warframe if a tenno could do that then MC could too. I mean technically because of his magnetic locks he could just walk on the ceiling although I don't know why he never has... also no one knows how damage would translate from one game to another. For all we know Master Chief's shields could be worth like maybe 7 maxed out tenno shields of rhino (rough estimate but I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one... I mean come on 7 is a good number right?). Two different games that have different damage scales can't be compared like this. It would have to be by lore and at the moment warframe has practically none, so we have no clue who would win. And for the record spartans are actually very fast... as in 65 mph fast. This was infact done by John... And as for him being the last one left... In the lore there are still atleast 13 spartans still active with many more spartans never confirmed KIA. Also I would like a reference to Hayden Tenno being the first tenno or this being the same universe as dark sector because I've never read or heard that one before...

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Am I the only one that finds it unrealistic that tenno run across walls and defy gravity like they do? I mean really unless they have some kind of magical force holding them to the wall I don't think they could run straight for as long as they do. By the logic of warframe if a tenno could do that then MC could too. I mean technically because of his magnetic locks he could just walk on the ceiling although I don't know why he never has... also no one knows how damage would translate from one game to another. For all we know Master Chief's shields could be worth like maybe 7 maxed out tenno shields of rhino (rough estimate but I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one... I mean come on 7 is a good number right?). Two different games that have different damage scales can't be compared like this. It would have to be by lore and at the moment warframe has practically none, so we have no clue who would win. And for the record spartans are actually very fast... as in 65 mph fast. This was infact done by John... And as for him being the last one left... In the lore there are still atleast 13 spartans still active with many more spartans never confirmed KIA. Also I would like a reference to Hayden Tenno being the first tenno or this being the same universe as dark sector because I've never read or heard that one before...


That's because Halo provided a Storyline and Hypothetical Facts to Counter those ineffable abilities of Spartans esp MC.


Tennos? We have no idea how we defy Gravity through Wallrunning nor how we can survive a 50 Feet Jump from Corpus Towers without a scratch and on the fact that we dont loose our Legs yet getting bump by a freaking roller is just so...ugh.


There are no hypothetical Facts in Warframe.

We dont have any idea where our characters reside. What's inside those suits, do they even poop or what? And amongst all missions, no Tenno bothered to collect Intel about.the Hostile's Faction activities. If MC lives in the Warframe Universe, he wont be stupid to raid a ship consecutively because the Lotus says so. He would rush through where the Queens and the Board of Council resides. 

MC would sabotage the Cloning Facilities instead of Ship Reactors- Alone.

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In CQC most war frames will win against MC.

Hell let's just use Trinity. 


WOL + EV and he just stands there.

And she would have enough energy to do it 24/7 until he is bored to tears.


Provide your Arguments with Gameplay facts instead of just statements. Please.


Trinity cannot use EV on MC because MC lives on a different Universe where Blue Orbs (Godknowswhy and where these thing exists and why they emit energy) exists that powers up a Space Suit. EV works on Grineers, Corpus and Infested because there suits needs these Blue Energy but MC doesnt. Thus, your Argument is Invalid.


WOL would not work on MC mainly because MC doesnt have a HP bar. You wont get proteins from a broccoli would you?


Link however, has flaws too.

Reduces damage done to Trinity by 50 / 60 / 70 / 75 percent and reflects 100 percent of any incoming damage to a maximum of 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 simultaneous linked targets.


Thus, if MC's Melee slices through Trinity, he would feel the Pain and as a Spartan, it would be much like a Pinch. So if MC exhausts Link and worn its Energy Reserves out, Trinity has nowhere to go.

If MC can lift a goddamn Promethean Knight, it would be an easy payroll for him to rip off Trinity's Limbs. He can feel the Pain though and negates the entire Utility of Trinity.


And Link has only a Maximum Duration of 10 secs (unmodded). MC wouldnt pretty dumb to shoot Trinity on those 10 seconds.



Again, Argument Invalid.

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well, it depends how you look at it, if you look at it from the gameplay perspective, Master Chief can only take a few bullets before his shields is down, and a few more and his dead, tennos on the other hand can each a dozen of rockets before they go down. so tenno would win. but if viewed from the lore/story perspective, Master Chief would probably take down as least half the warframes before going down, if all 14 frames were going at him at once, he's supposed to be sort of indestructible afterall. then again, all the frames could probably just simultaneously use their ults, and it'll probably just kill Chief out right, and it wouldnt help if he tried to use cover either, cuz most ults goes through cover.


You forget that the Master Chief is the luckiest man

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well, it depends how you look at it, if you look at it from the gameplay perspective, Master Chief can only take a few bullets before his shields is down, and a few more and his dead, tennos on the other hand can each a dozen of rockets before they go down. so tenno would win. but if viewed from the lore/story perspective, Master Chief would probably take down as least half the warframes before going down, if all 14 frames were going at him at once, he's supposed to be sort of indestructible afterall. then again, all the frames could probably just simultaneously use their ults, and it'll probably just kill Chief out right, and it wouldnt help if he tried to use cover either, cuz most ults goes through cover.

Umm no.Master Chiefs shields only go down that fast because hes getting hit by @(*()$ plasma and plasma grenade and needler rounds.

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You forget that the Master Chief is the luckiest man



"We dont have any idea where our characters reside. What's inside those suits, do they even poop or what? And amongst all missions, no Tenno bothered to collect Intel about.the Hostile's Faction activities".


They do,we just don't know what the Hell Lotus does with them,hell, DE themselves say that Lotus isn't trustworthy.

If MC lives in the Warframe Universe, he wont be stupid to raid a ship consecutively because the Lotus says so. He would rush through where the Queens and the Board of Council resides. MC would sabotage the Cloning Facilities instead of Ship Reactors- Alone.

He gets horribly killed by thousands/millions/single of high level Grineer able to tank damn near everything the Tenno throw at them before he gets to killed,no luck,no "ooh I pound the guy with my super strength",no ambush.Bam,shot to oblivion, Dead.

Also the Tenno are all about loyalty(nevermind the fact they're pretty much amnesiacs) so of Course they obey the Lotus.




Umm no.Master Chiefs shields only go down that fast because hes getting hit by @(*()$ plasma and plasma grenade and needler rounds

Yet bullets do more than just fine against them,Excalibur tanks those things.

Simply said,MC is the closest to a realistic supersoldier.

Tenno are pretty much magic supersoldiers + the media interpretation of Ninjas + futuristic weapons.

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He gets horribly killed by thousands/millions/single of high level Grineer able to tank damn near everything the Tenno throw at them before he gets to killed,no luck,no "ooh I pound the guy with my super strength",no ambush.Bam,shot to oblivion, Dead.

Also the Tenno are all about loyalty(nevermind the fact they're pretty much amnesiacs) so of Course they obey the Lotus.


Read the previous posts please. Your kind rapes my mind.



As for the Loyalist Grineer Supporters.


Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a personcountry, group, or cause. (Philosophers disagree as to what things one can be loyal to. Some, argue that one can be loyal to a broad range of things, while others argue that it is only possible for loyalty to be to another person and that it is strictly interpersonal.)


The Devs claim that Tennos are only loyal to one another. Therefore, the Lotus only acts a medium for them to rise from their decaying Race. They are not loyal to the Lotus, they are only using her as much as the Lotus are using the Tennos in her favor.

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Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a personcountry, group, or cause. (Philosophers disagree as to what things one can be loyal to. Some, argue that one can be loyal to a broad range of things, while others argue that it is only possible for loyalty to be to another person and that it is strictly interpersonal.)


The Devs claim that Tennos are only loyal to one another. Therefore, the Lotus only acts a medium for them to rise from their decaying Race. They are not loyal to the Lotus, they are only using her as much as the Lotus are using the Tennos in her favor.


Who  woke them up,gives out the missions,the information they need,is the hacker in the missions,the one that provides the materials(maybe the corpus+Lotus) AND the one who organizes them and their intel?

The Lotus,she pretty much has their loyalty guaranteed by waking them up and leading them/giving them a purpose.


They've shown that they don't listen to others beside Lotus or other Tenno.


Though yeah,it's not exactly loyalty,but it's the closest they have to everyone else beside themselves in the warframe universe and I'm sure the survival missions are pretty much suicide missions.


They don't know jack about the world around them besides "three enemy factions out to kill us" and the one who controls them,giving said informatiom is the Lotus.


She pretty much has them by the Strings by this point.

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Who  woke them up,gives out the missions,the information they need,is the hacker in the missions,the one that provides the materials(maybe the corpus+Lotus) AND the one who organizes them and their intel?

The Lotus,she pretty much has their loyalty guaranteed by waking them up and leading them/giving them a purpose.


They've shown that they don't listen to others beside Lotus or other Tenno.


Though yeah,it's not exactly loyalty,but it's the closest they have to everyone else beside themselves in the warframe universe and I'm sure the survival missions are pretty much suicide missions.


They don't know jack about the world around them besides "three enemy factions out to kill us" and the one who controls them,giving said informatiom is the Lotus.


She pretty much has them by the Strings by this point.


There are reasons why Alad V refers us as Eyeless slags. One reason is your given response. Gullible, Tennos dont care less much what they are doing or what they are after.

Not because someone saved you doesnt mean they can be trusted. That is why Foresight is considered a Rare Quality of an attribute.



Were goin off-topic. We are here to argue if a Tenno can land a single punch on MasterChief.

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Provide your Arguments with Gameplay facts instead of just statements. Please.


Trinity cannot use EV on MC because MC lives on a different Universe where Blue Orbs (Godknowswhy and where these thing exists and why they emit energy) exists that powers up a Space Suit. EV works on Grineers, Corpus and Infested because there suits needs these Blue Energy but MC doesnt. Thus, your Argument is Invalid.


WOL would not work on MC mainly because MC doesnt have a HP bar. You wont get proteins from a broccoli would you?


Link however, has flaws too.

Reduces damage done to Trinity by 50 / 60 / 70 / 75 percent and reflects 100 percent of any incoming damage to a maximum of 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 simultaneous linked targets.


Thus, if MC's Melee slices through Trinity, he would feel the Pain and as a Spartan, it would be much like a Pinch. So if MC exhausts Link and worn its Energy Reserves out, Trinity has nowhere to go.

If MC can lift a goddamn Promethean Knight, it would be an easy payroll for him to rip off Trinity's Limbs. He can feel the Pain though and negates the entire Utility of Trinity.


And Link has only a Maximum Duration of 10 secs (unmodded). MC wouldnt pretty dumb to shoot Trinity on those 10 seconds.



Again, Argument Invalid.

Starting energy + Energy Siphon + Streamline + Continuity + Aura Helmet + Narrow minded + Constitution + Link + Blessing + The big guns of the big ninjas

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Starting energy + Energy Siphon + Streamline + Continuity + Aura Helmet + Narrow minded + Constitution + Link + Blessing + The big guns of the big ninjas


Hypothesis without explanation. Observation Invalid. Try again.

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There are reasons why Alad V refers us as Eyeless slags. One reason is your given response. Gullible, Tennos dont care less much what they are doing or after. Not because someone saved you doesnt mean they can be trusted. 



Were goin off-topic. We are here to argue if a Tenno can land a single punch on MasterChief.

Who took a way their weapons/powers?

They can and will kill him,did the OP specify the Book version?

If he/she didn't,guess what?

We use the Game version,where he is at best quasi-super human,with his only impressive feat is his luck,which doesn't do jack in a hypothetical battle.

Then ,what many said about his shields,strength,reflexes are pure,unadulterated, fan-wank.

Except maybe the orbital drop,but still many brought up why it wasn't that impressive for already established reasons.


Nor did he specify which kind of Tenno he would go against,so let's see who's the starter frame:Excalibur

Simple use,mk1 braton,lato,skana.

Every one of his 4 abilities.Or just slash dash(Tutorial given)

Normal shields,normal health,normal speed.

Chief also gets(what we assume) his standard set

Standard combat rifle,standart gun,some normal  grenades.


Ways it could end:

Tenno used slash dash,ends as well as you can expectv

We could have a gun fight,Tenno could win with possibly higher shields.

Fist fight?

Maybe,but too specific to actually count.


We don't even know the terrain,so no "loot", so it could be a 2 dimensional surface with no Cover.

No superior intelect,no strategy, no squat,we only have a Tenno vs MC going Leeroy Jenkins,dodging etc on eachother



The only question is how strong are eachothers shields


Now of you count the (possibly non-cannon) Book version with possibly the best weapons available to him(except sniper unless invisible sniper Loki counts too) vs any Tenno with a Braton,Lato,any  Meele weapon,all abilities,full energy:

-Rhino:Iron Skin,Rhino stomp,if MC survives that,he gets a Gram to the face

-Nyx:Mind control,next

-Saryn:shed skin,Miasma/charged meele poison in the back


-Volt:Shock/electric shield,then shoots him down with not a single bullet hitting him

-Excalibur:Slash dash,next

-Ember:overheat tanks him,then shoots him to death

-Frost:Frozen and cut,or snowglobe and shot

-Nekros:soul punch,shoot him while he's down

-Nova:Her first ability

-Loki: goes invisible,backstabs or charges with any weapon

-Trinity:Linked and shot

-Ash:same as Loki

-Banshee:Sonic wave,sonic quake, either way blown away and shot

-Mag:Crushed or pulled over and shot.


And that's some just of the simplest ways they could kill him.


Don't bring up any "other universe" crap that just grants plot armor and before defiling it as no proof,counter-proof please.

If you say it won't work say WHY it won't work.

Many of us consider obvious the advantage of being invisble,freezing,burning him,tanking more,stopping him dead on his tracks,soul punching,electrocuting etc. someone at a single thought.

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A few off the top of my head

Space Marines (Warhammer): Tenno could probably take the faceless mook Spess Mahreens, but some of the more prominent ones would make them work for it. The Marines have better armour and weaponry, but lack the maneuverability and bullS#&$ magic powers. Except Primarchs. Primarchs would end them.

Samus Aran (Metroid): Not really sure if she counts because she is a one-off but whatever. She murderstomps the Tenno. She can run faster than the speed of sound, fly using the screw attack, swim through lava and her megabombs are mini-nukes. Her regular beam shot isn't anything to snear at either.

Cyber-Ninja (Metal Gear): Probably a pretty close fight. The Cyber-Ninja and Tenno seem tied for speed, durability and crazy powers but Tenno have a ranged advantage and the Cyber-Ninja are waaaaay stronger.

Ghosts (Starcraft): They can both mix it up in stealth and ranged firepower pretty well, but the second it gets into CQC Tenno stomp. Tenno have a strong speed and defense advantage, but ghost psionics can get pretty powerful.

Replica (FEAR): Tenno murder them in droves. Their weapons are about equal (Penetrator and Boltor are basically the same gun) but Tenno crush them in every other category.


I'm sorry, but I don't remember Master Chief throwing a jeep 200 ft, drop kicking a pelican, or dual wielding a Gauss cannon and a Minigun. Monty Oum specializes in crazy awesome fight scenes and has a strong tendency to go waaaaay over the top. If you can provide quotes from a book of him doing anything close to something the Spartan does in Haloid I suggest you do so.

Sorry, I meant Elite Lancer.


I said that Haloid depicts his strength better than the game, but not that it does so precisely. I understand Oum's stuff is exaggerated.


But I believe Spartans can lift twice their weight in armor. And, I also believe they weigh something like 500-550 pounds. So Chief should be able to lift 1000-1100 pounds or so.


It's not "Superman" strength, but it's definitely more than a Human could lift.


Now Gray Fox(Cyber Ninja) from Metal gear would definitely be a better fight. I would wager that if the Metal Gear:REX wasn't actually pressing the foot down onto him, that he could actually lift it. Fox was obscenely strong.

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Read all your Previous Posts and Provide a rebuttal. Tennos are only ahead of Spartans due to their  Abilities drawn from Japanese Anime Freaks and weird fetishes. Sorry Ottakus and Hen...(nvm) lovers. Your kind freaks the World out.

In my experience rabid Halo fanboys are just as bad as rabid anime fans. *shudders at the time I got into a debate with someone that honestly thought Naruto was better written than Lord of the Rings* And the Tenno's demonstrated abilites mean that they stomp all over MC even before their special powers come into play.

Loki: There was no record of MasterChief loosing to a Cloaked Elite neither a Cloaked Covenant Ship escaped his Grasp

Elites don't teleport, run at crazy fast speeds, wield weapons that can bisect heavily armored and shielded opponents in a single swing, guns that blow platter-sized holes through armored torsos at even their most basic settings, and which can turn an entire marine, armor and all, into flaming bits of chunky salsa with the right mods. Elites also lack the incredible reflexes Tenno display or the neural sensors integrated with their weapons to improve aim.

Mag: There was only one incident where Masterchief was trapped on stasis-Didact's Telekinesis. 

Mainly because it's the only time it's ever been used against him, and it did a stellar job of stopping him dead in his tracks too.

his Armor on the other hand has Magnetic Holder Strips (Check Wiki) which can hold any of his Equipment including his Armor, everything with a Magnetic Property where he can attach himself easily on Metal Surfaces in Zero Gravity and on which that Armor has withstand Requiem's Gravitational Pull which was over 10 times of Earth's. 

If all his equipement is being held on by magnets, he loses it all when Mag decides to make the forces of magnetism her toy. Also, do you honestly think 10x gravity is impressive at all compared to forces capable of crushing thick metal into balls of scrap?

Excalibur: Read the previous Posts

Yep, already read the previous posts. Excaliber wins in H2H combat due to superior speed and reflexes, comparable strength, vastly superior weapons, and his magical abilities.

Saryn: Masterchief is an augmented Human who had exceeded its Evolutionary Timeline. He is not stupid to continuously shoot an obvious Decoy.

Game mechanics. The decoy has its own shields and health, so in actuality it's probably a lookalike double of Saryn running around and causing a distraction. Alternately, it's imbued with the same psionic attraction power Nyx has and mentally compels enemies to attack it. I must also note that it's effective against genetically and cybernetically enhanced humans who are described as being brilliant scientists. No reason to think Chief won't fall for it either. Regardless of whether the decoy would or wouldn't work on Chief, her poisons most certainly would. They are explicitly described as being effective against organics and synthetics alike, and can reduce a horde of full-metal robots with energy shields into mist within moments. MC has precisely zero chance of winning if he gets close enough for her to use miasma.

Nyx: Masterchief annihilated a Battalion of Covenant Elites and Covenant Alike, Promotheans, destroyed a Covenant Ship alone and nuked a Forerunner. You're argument is invalid.

I see that you have no rebuttal at hand to how he'd deal with becoming Nyx's mind puppet. Here's a hint: He won't. (and for the record, Nyx has destroyed countless battalions of genetically and cybernetically enhanced supersoldiers, combat robots, hordes of infested, destroyed many many ships both on her own and with friends, fought extradimensional monsters, and worked directly for this universe's Forerunner stand-ins. Her list of combat feats and victories is just as lengthy and impressive as Chief's)

Nova: Anti-Matter is one of the most stupid elements in Warframe. AM exists in Parallel Universes and Matter and AM cannot co-exist since both will cancel each other out and explode. DE made their calculations wrong, if Nova coats her enemies with AM, they will explode immediately and their surroundings including her. Once she conjures her AM, it would connect to all Matter particles in the respective Area.

Seriously? Where did you pick up your science literacy? Antimatter does not exist in a parellel universe, it exists in our own universe and has a charge opposite of that of its normal matter counterparts. Second, we have no idea what kind of containment or delivery mechanisms she uses. For all we know she's keeping it in vacuum containment and teleporting bits of it to enemies, or performing weird quantum effects that cause minute quantities of the enemy's armor to spontaneously convert to antimatter when excited by sufficient kinetic or thermal energy. (which seems to be the best rationalization for how M-Prime works) And to head off more idiocy, just saying antimatter doesn't mean nuke-level destruction. Depending on the amounts used, it could go off like a firecracker or like a fuel-air bomb.

Vauban:  Mag

Ah yes, another person able to completely incapacitate Chief at the drop of a hat. Vauban's actually far worse since his ultimate doesn't just crush armor plating like Mag, it compresses the atoms of a target into a tiny speck of matter. Master Chief is going to be a tiny marble on the floor by the time Vauban's through with him.

Trinity: Once Masterchief notices that Bullets wont work on her and Link's Flaw-which is brute force. Masterchief is the Space Version of Batman.

Problem: Master Chief has nowhere near enough brute force to penetrate Trinity's defenses, particularly if link is running. (also runs into the problem that anything strong enough to kill her through her link will have 75% of its damage spill over to kill Master Chief. At best it'd be mutually assured destruction) Also, Trinity has a number of immobilizing powers at her disposal which will turn MC into a staionary target helpless to do anything but get shot at.

Ash: Once in Melee Range, there is no telling if Ash pars with Masterchief's Melee combat. And Ash cannot spam Teleport since he has to get away from Masterchief before conjuring the skill over again.

Again, speed and reflexes favor the Tenno by a high margin, strength is comparable, and the Tenno's weapons are far superior. (doesn't hurt that they have better defenses too) Ash's Bladestorm is teleport spam by any means of the definition. (just watch the second cinematic trailer) MC has no defense against that.


Ember: MC's Armor is coated with Hydrostatic Gell that regulates its Temperature and can actively change its density to conform MC's shape which can be pressurize to various levels to balance out the external Temperature. 

If Mastechief can survive a fall from Outer Space, a merely thousand degrees wont burn him out.

Master Chief was shielded from the worst of the heat by a piece of Forerunner hull material. Even if he didn't have the improvised heat shield in front of him, the heat a space shuttle is exposed to on reentry is only 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit. Nowhere does it say that Ember's abilities are a thousand degrees. In fact, given it's effectiveness in comparison to their dedicated energy weapons, I'd say that it's probably on the same level as Covenant plasma at the very least. It's certainly hot enough to melt shielded robots, which have a lot less squishy components than a living being in a suit.

Banshee: Loki

So Chief never knows what hits him. Banshee's Silence ability not only eliminates all sound in the area, it dulls enemy perceptions to the point that seeing the dead bodies of your comrades in front of you is no longer a cause for alarm.

Necros: Similar to Nova's AM, Necros Soul Punch is uncorrelated. Once Proven, this would tear a rift in the other World and None can halt Divine Intervention. If Soul Exists, so does God. No one messes up with the Big Guy.

Regardless of the metaphysics of real life, in a fictional setting the metaphysics are whetever the IP holder say they are. If they say Nekros punches out someone's soul, that's what he does. Many settings have defenses against that sort of thing, (most of them fantasy settings or anime) but Halo is not one of them.

Rhino: Define why? Both characters are equally match. Subjectively, only Rhino can par with MC.

Excaliber is more than a match for Chief, and Rhino is even better at melee than Exc is.

Volt: Read previous Posts. 
Soooo... weaponized electricity shorts out his shields and turns him into a smoldering corpse? (not to mention the impenetrable energy shield that can block all of Chief's weapons or the speedboost that can let Volt run circles around him)


Modern Calculations between the Comparison of Speeds of Ammunitions.


Similar to the Blade, once its peak has been reached, it can never be upgraded further. 

Bullet's will remain stationary. Not mentioning most weapons in Warframe has travel time. Hence, WW2 Weapons are much better.


There's a maximum velocity ammo can reach with using chemical explosives as propellant, yes. Magnetically-driven projectiles suffer no such limits, (which is why gauss weapons and coilguns are so popular in sci-fi) and sci-fi chemical explosives that would be impossible in real life would also be able to propel bullets faster.

Entirely apart from projectile speed, the projectile itself can also affect the outcome tremendously, and there's lots of room for improvement. You could go the WH40k route and turn your bullets into miniature grenades, or you could insert a microscopic sliver of degenerate matter to increase overall density and penetration by several orders of magnitude, you could sheath the bullet in plasma or any number of other things. Sci-fi isn't limited by the normal constraints of perfectly realistic physics or practicality. (as Master Chief's energy shields can attest to)


As for the in-game speed of projectiles in Warframe, in the cinematic trailer we see Frost using a Boltor, and the projectiles are seen traveling as fast as any other bullet. It's clear that the slower speeds of some weapons are game mechanics and not an actual part of fluff. In a similar vein to what I said a moment ago about how projectile speed isn't everything, even if the Boltor's projectiles were as slow as they are depicted in-game, they still have enough energy behind them to not only lift an armored marine weighing over a ton off the ground and toss him several meters, they also pin them to the walls through their armor. An insane amount of energy is required to pull something like that off, far in excess of nearly anything seen in the UNSC's arsenal.


WW2 weapons are better than most Warframe weapons? I must have missed the part where short bursts of fire from a M1A1 Carbine or T26 Garand were enough to de-limb people, explode armored and helmeted heads like ripe watermelons, or blow gaping platter-sized holes in torsos through a thick layer of metal armor. Because that's what an unmodded MK-1 Braton can do. Things only escalate from there.


Missile Speed (Present Time). Since bullets are stationary, they might be replaced in the Future with Missiles, Lasers or LIGHTSABERS! 


Modern Missile Speed is thrice faster than of a Bullet.

Your point? Missiles accelerate gradually over their flight time, and start out with velocities much slower than bullets. The missile Chief slapped was fired from relatively close range.


Plus, the Tenno's Speed on blocking those bullets are irrelevant to the speed of the incoming projectile. He animates a waving pattern on blocking 1500m/s that are centimeters apart from one another and are spread out inches from one another.

It would be like swatting homing Hornets with a Chopsticks.


Thus, your argument is invalid.

In-game animations are a limitation of the engine. It's clear from both gameplay and cinematics that Tenno are supposed to be fast enough to block incoming fire with their swords. The difficulty involved only underscores how much faster Tenno can think and react than Master Chief.

Earth's Gravitational Pull: g = 9.80665 m/s2 = 32.1740 ft/s2


Requiem's Gravity well pulled Propelled Sci-Fi Ships from Drift Space. (Earth's Gravity is unable to pull a drifting artificial sattellite). Let's assume Requiem's Gravity is ten Times much stronger than of Earth's...


Okay, lets not assume since I suck at Math. Calculate those alone.

You fail at science. An orbiting satellite is perpetually falling into a planet's gravity well, but due to its horizontal speed only ends up falling past the curve of the planet. A powered space ship sitting stationary above the planet would immediately begin to fall if power was cut or the engines destroyed, much like a helicopter would fall if you stopped its rotors. If it had established true orbit, then no matter the planet's gravity cutting the power or destroying the engines wouldn't cause it to get pulled in. You could establish orbit outside the event horizon of a black hole and not get sucked in. (now, the energy and durability involved in reaching a high enough speed to attain a stable orbit just outside a black hole's event horizon are another matter altogether, but the principle is sound)


I'd have to dig up the calcs, but Chief's fall at Requiem involved at most 3-10 megajoules. (and yet again I'll point out that it's an outlier and that his shields have been depleted or seriously threatened by far less energy on numerous occasions)


Parallel Universes never collide nor intersect. So its Impossible for Tennos nor MC co-exists in a certain particular time in a particular Universe. As Batman can outwit Superman and Flash. How much more the Space Version of Batman?



But I believe Spartans can lift twice their weight in armor. And, I also believe they weigh something like 500-550 pounds. So Chief should be able to lift 1000-1100 pounds or so.

 It's not "Superman" strength, but it's definitely more than a Human could lift.
A Tenno can throw a bar of metal (the Kestrel) with enough force to bodily toss 1+ ton marines over a dozen meters through the air, a far sight above merely lifting half a ton. (they can also achieve the same effect by punching them with the Kogake, or by swinging a staff at them really hard) Now, IIRC Spartans have better feats than just lifting that much, (my mind wants to say 2-3 tons of weight lifted) but it's clear that Tenno are at least in the same ballpark strength-wise, if not equal or above.
Edited by Senteth
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Provide your Arguments with Gameplay facts instead of just statements. Please.


Trinity cannot use EV on MC because MC lives on a different Universe where Blue Orbs (Godknowswhy and where these thing exists and why they emit energy) exists that powers up a Space Suit. EV works on Grineers, Corpus and Infested because there suits needs these Blue Energy but MC doesnt. Thus, your Argument is Invalid.


WOL would not work on MC mainly because MC doesnt have a HP bar. You wont get proteins from a broccoli would you?


Link however, has flaws too.

Reduces damage done to Trinity by 50 / 60 / 70 / 75 percent and reflects 100 percent of any incoming damage to a maximum of 1 / 2 / 2 / 3 simultaneous linked targets.


Thus, if MC's Melee slices through Trinity, he would feel the Pain and as a Spartan, it would be much like a Pinch. So if MC exhausts Link and worn its Energy Reserves out, Trinity has nowhere to go.

If MC can lift a goddamn Promethean Knight, it would be an easy payroll for him to rip off Trinity's Limbs. He can feel the Pain though and negates the entire Utility of Trinity.


And Link has only a Maximum Duration of 10 secs (unmodded). MC wouldnt pretty dumb to shoot Trinity on those 10 seconds.



Again, Argument Invalid.



if that is the case, I can say Master chief is unable to break the limbs of warframes because we don't ever see them broken. 

So he will not be able to catch excalibur slash dashing through him. Deal ?


If you wish to debate you have to accept all tools a war frame has. 

And I wasn't even going to talk about Trinity's Link because she doesn't even need it.


I repeat again. Trinity doesn't even need to kill him, just use EV and leave him suspended in the air till she is bored to tears.



Or you would prefer Nyx, who would mind control him and cortana for lulz ?

And it is proven Grineer rollers and Moas are just AI and yet they can still be MCed or Chaos.



Or you going to say they are different universe and don't apply ? 

If you are going to say "NO IT DOESN'T WORK!" then you don't deserve to debate.

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Good show! I've written yeomanry off as an unreasonable fanboy, but you're keeping at it. Very well argued, good luck getting him to pay attention to it though :(

He's comparing Master Chief to Batman! I hate Batman but I still know Master Chief is nowhere near as good as Batman.

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Good show! I've written yeomanry off as an unreasonable fanboy, but you're keeping at it. Very well argued, good luck getting him to pay attention to it though :(

He's comparing Master Chief to Batman! I hate Batman but I still know Master Chief is nowhere near as good as Batman.


I wholeheartedly agree! This was by far the most logical comeback I've seen!


I cringed when I saw what yeomanry wrote about Anti-Matter! I was very pleased to see him correct him! :3


Overall, 10/10. Good argument!

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