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Master Chief Vs. Warframe


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Setting the current debate aside for a moment, one fight I'd like to see is Master Chief against an average Blood Eagle warrior from Tribes. No BS magic powers for them, only extremely potent weapons and technology. (an antique chaingun at least 450+ years old as of the time period of the current game was described as firing 7 flechettes per round, 5 of which were explosively tipped and could each blow a platter-sized hole in an unarmored human. The current chaingun in the game has less lore attached, but can punch incandescent molten holes the size of a grapefruit in starship armor with each round. Units with Myrmidon heavy armor can pack a Fusion Mortar, a downscaled mech weapon with an unmodified weight over 1 ton that fires long-range micro fusion explosives. Their armor and shields are good enough that one in-universe scholar writing a field report on the 'primitive' natives of the Wilderzone noted that heavies will sometimes fire the weapon at their feet and let the massive explosion propel them forward. Yes that's right: Rocket-jumping is a recognized and valid tactic in-universe, not just gameplay mechanics)


Of course, it'd be a ridiculous stomp in favor of the one wearing the SCARAB hardsuit, wielding a spinfusor, and zipping around at over 250-300 kph, but it'd still be fun to watch.


[edit:] It'd be even more lopsided since Tribal shields are particularly effective against pure kinetic energy, which is why regular bullets have fallen out of favor in the Wilderzone unless they're packing high explosives. According to lore the Blood Eagle's sidearms are all either plasma-based or equiped with armor-piercing high explosive rounds, and are strong enough to seriously mess up thick blocks of armor-grade metaplas, a material described elsewhere as being strong enough to laugh off anything short of hypervelocity rounds when used in thin sheets only as thick as a human skull. (for reference, hypervelocity means 3,000 m/s or higher, nearly twice as fast as a modern tank round) These are their personal sidearms mind you, not their main weapons.

Edited by Senteth
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It's kinda funny how low on the power-armoured-super-soldier totem pole Spartans actually are.

When you get right down to it so are Tenno really, there's a lot of ridiculously powerful sci-fi space marine types running around.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Master Chief may be the last Spartan, but he isn't a super soldier.  He's an AUGMENTED soldier.  The Tenno are super-soldiers, specially bred (or spliced), trained, and equipped to be unstoppable.


Furthermore, the Spartan program, which MC hails from, is essentially a failure.  MC is the last Spartan because his comrades didn't have the strength or intelligence to survive.  Being one grade ahead of failure is still a D-, that's not good.  There are THOUSANDS of Tenno left purely by virtue of how well-designed and well-hidden they are.


Then there are the weapons and gear.  MC has more powerful weapons, but the Tenno have smarter weapons.  The Tenno also have sentinels that can grant them stealth, a death ray, etc. etc.


All these factors suggest that MC is VASTLY outmatched by the Tenno, and I haven't even gotten to each warframes' abilities!

Unfortunately, the Tenno "outmatch" MC because of their powers. 


And it wasn't that the Spartans were not intelligent or not good enough, its that they were usually outnumbered when they were fighting a battle, usually (exaggerating a bit here) 50:1. They were fighting a desperate fight to save themselves (humanity, that is) from a zealous alien race that seeks to eliminate them with higher advanced technology that emulates that of the Forerunners. Furthermore, if you read up on Halo lore, it was stated that Humanity was actually much more technologically advanced (level 2, one level below the Forerunners) before their "devolution" (after Humanity lost the Human-Forerunner War). Since then, Humanity has achieved vast levels of technological advancement and produced a type of soldier that would stop a zealous alien race. 

On the contrary, Tenno are using advanced technology that was already pre-invented by a race called the Orokin; the Warframe. Warframes are specifically modified for certain situations (Rhino for general purpose damage and tanking, Nova for kabooms, and Ash for ninja-ing), whereas the Spartan Mark series armor isn't specifically modified for a certain situation (sure, they serve as the tank, but they aren't modified with laser damage reduction or anything like that). Sure, you might argue that regular Warframes are different from Prime Warframes. HOWEVER, I counteract that because the regular Warframes are merely simpler copies of the more powerful Prime Warframes. How do you think we make our Warframes? We have to have some sort of blueprint, somewhere to stem the regular Warframes from. Tenno also scour the galaxy and the Void looking for newer and stronger weapons to kill enemies with (i.e. Paris Prime, Orthos Prime, et cetera), where as MC is, and always will be, predominantly using regular, human projectile weaponry that is standard issue and isn't specifically modified for any sort of situation (basically general purpose weaponry). Also, MC maybe an augmented soldier, but so are Tenno. Tenno might be a simpler version of Orokin, but they weren't "devolved" or anything like that. 

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A team of Tenno can easily take down most of the pretty popular videogame characters out there. Think about the way they go full sprint in and out of a room, taking out entire armies in a matter of seconds. No, not even poor 'ol cheefy or even Blue Team would be able to stop a rampaging team of Tenno.

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Nova: Anti-Matter is one of the most stupid elements in Warframe. AM exists in Parallel Universes and Matter and AM cannot co-exist since both will cancel each other out and explode. DE made their calculations wrong, if Nova coats her enemies with AM, they will explode immediately and their surroundings including her. Once she conjures her AM, it would connect to all Matter particles in the respective Area.

Seriously? Where did you pick up your science literacy? Antimatter does not exist in a parellel universe, it exists in our own universe and has a charge opposite of that of its normal matter counterparts. Second, we have no idea what kind of containment or delivery mechanisms she uses. For all we know she's keeping it in vacuum containment and teleporting bits of it to enemies, or performing weird quantum effects that cause minute quantities of the enemy's armor to spontaneously convert to antimatter when excited by sufficient kinetic or thermal energy. (which seems to be the best rationalization for how M-Prime works) And to head off more idiocy, just saying antimatter doesn't mean nuke-level destruction. Depending on the amounts used, it could go off like a firecracker or like a fuel-air bomb.


Sorry but I can't help but reinforce this.


  NOVA uses electromagnetic energy to contain and control highly volatile antimatter that fuels her abilities.  

–In-game description


This is similar to how antimatter is contained in real life;


Antimatter in the form of charged particles can be contained by a combination of electric and magnetic fields, in a device called a Penning trap.



The more you know.


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Now that I have your attention, Hello there!


It's almost embarassing that i've been playing this game for so long, and this is my third time actually posting on the forums instead of lurking. To be honest, i've always thought of this community as rather silent, but the more online games I involve myself in, well, it turns out that I was the silent one. So before this next update comes in and I get focused on the grind again, I figured why not come to the forums and actually say something.


Lately I've become very interested in helping the newer players catch their space legs, so if any newbies out there need any help at all, send me a message or find me online! There's a strong chance that if i'm not at work, then i'm at warframe. I have all warframes, and am familiar with a good majority of the mods and how they interact with weapons, and my mainframe is a Vauban, so I can bounce you till you ragequit be really, really helpful.


Anyways, there's not much more to say in something as simple as an introduction, so I'll pose the Title's question again:


In an Epic, High Stakes Death Battle, would Master Chief of the Halo series stand any chance against 1 or more Tenno, and if so, which of and/or how many of the warframes would he be able to defeat/kill/neutralize before he is another mark on someone's Soma?


See you around, Space Ninja.

He stood against teleporting forerunners/promethians with serrated blades, and survived. Tennos would be a piece of cake. Except rhino... Ofc
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He stood against teleporting forerunners/promethians with serrated blades, and survived. Tennos would be a piece of cake. Except rhino... Ofc


Nova should be able to defeat him. His shields and armor stands no chance against a relentless assault of anti-matter, that's for sure. After a hit, the shields would be down, she wouldn't give chief enough time to recharge. Not sure about anti-matter effects against bubble shield though.

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Spartan IIs - 33
Spartan IIIs - 1500 (5 companies of 300-ish)
Spartan IVs - ~500

So the total canonical number of Spartans in the Halo universe would be a touch over 2033. Master Chief is described as an "average" spartan except with a moronic amount of luck. (source: just check the bloody wiki. I don't ever do this stuff normally so suck it up, please.)

There's no canon number of Tenno. Let's assume that every registered user is a Tenno operative that's been re-activated. As of July 2013, there've been 3 million registered users (http://www.videogamer.com/pc/warframe/news/warframe_celebrates_3_million_users_with_update_9.html).

Furthermore, building on Senteth's statements, In-game Tenno can deflect bullets to some extent, run on walls, and more interestingly, pin a half-ton bloke in power armour to a wall one hundred metres (328 ft) away. With a bow.

So assuming that Little Johnny hasn't been oneshotted by some jerkwad who's minmaxed a Braton, most, if not all of UNSC's forces, Spartans included would have been completely annihilated by a tide of mass-murdering space ninjas.

Edited by xStonedRaveNx
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He stood against teleporting forerunners/promethians with serrated blades, and survived. Tennos would be a piece of cake. Except rhino... Ofc

I just looked those things up and I can't say I'm very impressed. In the cutscenes they go down to one pistol shot, shotgun blast or burst of AR fire. Hek in Spartan Ops 7, a regular human kicks one over.

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Power supply: Connected to the Void. An entire universe of alien energy. This was confirmed by Vor after the Arid Fear event.

May I get a link/reference to that? I did Arid Fear and everything, but I missed the Lore afterwards. Why DE doesn't have a seperate Victory tab on it continues to baffle me.

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My Queens-

They found us. Why did the Corpus think they could hide in the Void? Despite their heritage they seem blind to the Tenno's connection to that place. I know you are sour on mysticism but I'm beginning to turn my view on it.

Every time we tear a Tenno corpse from its metal womb we find nothing to explain their power. Our Warframe engineers gesture wildly about nanotechnology, how reactive dissolution hides the answers. What if a Warframe is merely a lightning rod? A conduit for these demons of the Void? Consider how it could change our plan.

For now I await the Tenno's invasion of our Settlements. I have brought with me some reinforcements and your messages of encouragement to rile up the troops.


Now that I've read it again it looks like conjecture on Vor's part. I could have sworn he was more sure than that. Oh well, it does clearly state that Tenno are more powerful than any conventional technology could replicate. I have no idea what reactive dissolution is, and all the google searches turned up drastically different results that where all over my head.

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Our Warframe engineers gesture wildly about nanotechnology, how reactive dissolution hides the answers. 

I think by "reactive dissolution hides the answers", they mean that they think nanotech self-destruct systems dissolve away all traces of how a Warframe's systems work when a Tenno dies, leaving no evidence behind. Either explanation could be right, but for the moment I'm inclined to side with Vor's hunch.

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How is this thread still alive? Look, Tenno outnumber and outmaneuver Chief. But Chief is apparently made of 4 leaf clovers cuz he's damn lucky. Thus the only true winners would be the Ultramarines once they invade and blow everything up. FOR THE EMPRAH!

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For those of you saying stuff about rockets, keep in mind the rockets used in Halo are anti-material projectiles, ammunition used to eradicate heavy ordinance vehicles.  The rockets of the Warframe universe?  Pins and needles by comparison.  Also Master Chief could outrun and out-strength any of the Tenno.  His top speed would certainly let him outrace even a fully fitted Loki with Volt's speed ability.  Of course, there's the matter of reaching that speed first, but that is trivial when you realize his armor makes him weigh around half a ton.  The momentum behind physical combat and speed would overpower any of the Tenno, and they'd have a rough time moving him due to his immense weight.


As for weapons, the Tenno may have him beat, though many of the weapons used save for the Corpus arsenal is comprised of physical projectile-based weaponry, of which the armor is incredibly durable against.  The plasma/beam weapons of the Corpus would make for a more deadly approach considering the heat would exacerbate his overshield faster than bullets would.  With smart tactics though and enough cover, Chief would most likely outlast the Tenno through sheer brute strength and use of surroundings.  Being as strong and durable as he is, Chief could start chucking random heavy objects, while using his strong proficiency in weapons training to use anything he could obtain in the Warframe universe to its fullest potency.

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Do you have any proof of any of that? Just by eyeballing it the Ogris explosion is larger than the Halo one. I admit this ones kind of tenuous since we don't know how explosive detonite is.

Earlier Senteth did a footspeed analysis of Excalibur and even he was close to MC's book based top speed. They are also waaaaay faster with reflexes, being able to parry machine gun fire and lasers. You can't even kind of pretend MC can do that.

Tenno seem ridiculously super strong as well. Did you miss us putting a sword through a massive Carbon Steel combat cyborg with one blow most of the time? There's also the ridiculous throwing power Tenno have. Master Chief has never to my knowledge displayed that level of strength. If he has provide a quote please.

Master Chief is threatened by his own arsenal in the books. His durability is barely impressive by today's standards without his shield, which as you say is extremely weak to fire and lightning attacks, two things most Tenno put in their guns.

How is he going to get any enemies weapons? Did you miss them self destructing in blue explosions about 5 seconds after the user dies?

Cover isn't going to help much. Most Tenno have at least one power that completely invalidates it.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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How is this thread still alive? Look, Tenno outnumber and outmaneuver Chief. But Chief is apparently made of 4 leaf clovers cuz he's damn lucky. Thus the only true winners would be the Ultramarines once they invade and blow everything up. FOR THE EMPRAH!





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Do you have any proof of any of that? Just by eyeballing it the Ogris explosion is larger than the Halo one. I admit this ones kind of tenuous since we don't know how explosive detonite is.

Earlier Senteth did a footspeed analysis of Excalibur and even he was close to MC's book based top speed. They are also waaaaay faster with reflexes, being able to parry machine gun fire and lasers. You can't even kind of pretend MC can do that.

Tenno seem ridiculously super strong as well. Did you miss us putting a sword through a massive Carbon Steel combat cyborg with one blow most of the time? There's also the ridiculous throwing power Tenno have. Master Chief has never to my knowledge displayed that level of strength. If he has provide a quote please.

Master Chief is threatened by his own arsenal in the books. His durability is barely impressive by today's standards without his shield, which as you say is extremely weak to fire and lightning attacks, two things most Tenno put in their guns.

How is he going to get any enemies weapons? Did you miss them self destructing in blue explosions about 5 seconds after the user dies?

Cover isn't going to help much. Most Tenno have at least one power that completely invalidates it.

EDIT: about the reflex thing, you should watch trigun. It's an old anime and the main guy on there can read where the person is going to shoot and adjust accordingly. It's not always about nanosecond reflexes you know. But in all seriousness I highly recommend this show if you want to watch a really awesome anime. It's really cool!


MC's book based speed gets up to 65MPH while Excalibur's speed was somewhere between 30-43KPH This is dierectly from the guy you're referring to. 65 MPH is 104KPH. Even loki's base speed was only about half that. Please do your math if you're going to call him out on that. and just for good measure here's the exact text from that guy and the wikia on MC

Did some tests in the dojo's obstacle course, measuring landscape features against a Warframe's height (turns out the large square tiles come in convenient sizes of roughly 2 meters, making measuring easy) and an Excaliber with no mobility mods was able to reach speeds of 30-43 kph by my (very) rough tests. (sometime I'll have to record a video and do frame by frame to see exactly how much time it takes rather than looking at the timer in the corner) In-game he has a speed modifier of 1, making him the baseline frame to measure the others by. Loki has a speed of 1.25, so that means he'd go 37.5-55.9 kph with a rush mod slapped on


You also seem to have missed this from the guy to which your guy was replying to. and this part is outside of their suit. Imagine how strong they are in it. Just read the wikia it'll tell you most of what the capabilities of a spartan are. Then we have the spartan. Highly trained and highly augmented. Reflexes started at a rating of something like 20 miliseconds where the average human is 215 miliseconds (not the easiest thing to measure, so let these values describe unassisted standard reflexes. "at rest" if you will. No adrenaline/A.I./machines/focus/whatever you want to say that can augment reaction times) Outside of their armor a spartan can lift 3 times their weight, their weight being double that of your average human. So effectively 6 times the bodyweight of your average person.( At present, there are only 4 or 5 humans in history that have accomplished 4 - 5 x their bodyweight. So at default, a spartan is stronger than any human in history) Spartans can run at a consistent peak of 38 mph and sprint up to 65 mph (the fastest human ever recorded was 28mph, A cheetah can burst over 62 mph, and your horse tops out at about 55 mph.)


As for the weapons that whole argument is stupid considering this is between MC and the warframes not their weapons. We all know that warframe weapons are as powerful as the usas-12 with fragrounds before the update on BF3.

If your gonna compare them give them the same gun and see what happens. The weapons aren't apart of the warframes nor MC.


As for the fire you're probably right but show me where the electricity effects him please. I want a reference to that because technically he should be pretty invulnerable to that considering he's like a faraday suit that is powered by a fusion reactor which doesn't need electricity run because.. you know.. It's the thing making the power.. 


As for cover you're probably right but it IS dependent on the power.

And if you take away the suits you get a 7ft tall snow white giant and technocyte infested humans with capabilities beyond a normal human. Also, a bunch of naked people..


EDIT: also just for the sake of sakes, 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers... Conversions.. **** YEAH

Edited by Miose
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Master Chief may be the last Spartan, but he isn't a super soldier.  He's an AUGMENTED soldier.  The Tenno are super-soldiers, specially bred (or spliced), trained, and equipped to be unstoppable.


Furthermore, the Spartan program, which MC hails from, is essentially a failure.  MC is the last Spartan because his comrades didn't have the strength or intelligence to survive.  Being one grade ahead of failure is still a D-, that's not good.  There are THOUSANDS of Tenno left purely by virtue of how well-designed and well-hidden they are.


Then there are the weapons and gear.  MC has more powerful weapons, but the Tenno have smarter weapons.  The Tenno also have sentinels that can grant them stealth, a death ray, etc. etc.


All these factors suggest that MC is VASTLY outmatched by the Tenno, and I haven't even gotten to each warframes' abilities!

Huh? Wuh? You have no facts at all the suggest the tenno were bred or spliced. AT ALL. MC was trained at the age of 6 and equipped with his power armour to be unstoppable. Not only is he an agile tank, but he is incredibly know-legible in tactics. A 1v1 with a tenno, mc would win. In halo 4 there was a massive shockwave of death that literary turned all organic life form in a Massive radius into ash, it only made mastercheif faint. This orb of death would be equivalent to 1000 novas MP. Tenno are gun runners who can shoot magic. MC is a veteran experienced and exposed to a vast amount of combat scenarios. To MC a Tenno is just another elite. 

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Stick around to the end of the post kids... despite what this looks like, gonna surprise yah. ;)



Do you have any proof of any of that? Just by eyeballing it the Ogris explosion is larger than the Halo one. I admit this ones kind of tenuous since we don't know how explosive detonite is.

Earlier Senteth did a footspeed analysis of Excalibur and even he was close to MC's book based top speed. They are also waaaaay faster with reflexes, being able to parry machine gun fire and lasers. You can't even kind of pretend MC can do that.

Tenno seem ridiculously super strong as well. Did you miss us putting a sword through a massive Carbon Steel combat cyborg with one blow most of the time? There's also the ridiculous throwing power Tenno have. Master Chief has never to my knowledge displayed that level of strength. If he has provide a quote please.

Master Chief is threatened by his own arsenal in the books. His durability is barely impressive by today's standards without his shield, which as you say is extremely weak to fire and lightning attacks, two things most Tenno put in their guns.


http://youtu.be/Bglzosd3QPU?t=6m9s - This whole sequence... if you literally replaced Master Chief and the 2 Spartans with 3 Warframes, would it seem at all different than our existing cinematics?


The covenant laser sword is also shown in the clip to be able to parry weapons fire. Master Chief then goes on to wield the sword himself with some skill, making it obvious he could just as easily block the same weapons fire... so the MC can parry weapons fire just like the Tenno.


Weapon Quality in the Halo universe is actually quite high... they have cloaking technology, assault laser technology and countless more... it COULD stand to reason that Chief's weapons *IF* he has access to every piece of gear and weapons as is available by lore/games, that his would be vaguely in the same league as a Tenno's weapons. If we really want to argue the point, I'm sure the sounds made by tenno projectile weapons could be used to roughly determine weapon speeds and the like, and estimating metal densities I'm sure we can find that all in all, some of Chief's weapons will overpower Tenno weapons (Lol Boar, lol Burston) and some Tenno weapons outclass the Chief's weapons (lol needler).


(Following is gleamed from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_Chief_%28Halo%29 and http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/SPARTAN-II_augmentation_procedures amongst others)


Now, to quantify the chief's strength, seems faily simple. Outside of his armor, Spartans are capable of lifting 3 times their body weight... and the Chief is on record as weighting 287lbs. This places his lifting strength at 861lbs outside of armor.


The MOLNJIR Mk VI armor, unaugmented by Cortana's presence, multiplies the chief's already enhanced strength by 5. This brings his final (estimated) "Lifting Strength" to 4305lbs. Through the use of combat training, technique etc, it can be assumed the Chief's unarmed combat strength (punch strength etc) is higher.


The MOLNJIR Mark VI suit's shielding is able to produce a regenerating shield of 8 Megajoules of kinetic/energy resistance. As a reference, the standard rifle bullet in the advanced weapons systems provided to troops in the Halo Universe puts out roughly 10 Joules of kinetic energy.


I've seen people talk about Heat being the achillies heel of the Master Chief, which is funny... the chief inside his armor survived orbital reentry, multiple times. The heat generated by orbital reentry is roughly 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. As well the Mark 6 armor contains numerous systems designed specifically to reduce the effect of heat.


Also, once through the shield, the MOLNJIR armor's composition contains refractive technology, meaning that energy based weapons have part of their heat and damage potential deflected and mitigated, further enhancing the armor's resistance to damage.




The chief still loses... most of the time.


Simply put, the near-supernatural abilities of SOME of the Warframes outclasses the nature of the Spartan 2 modifications and the MOLNJIR Mark 6 armor. An example? Sure!


Chief vs Nova - Nova Wins, Anti-Matter, you just can't stop that with the technology available to the chief in the battlefield.

Chief vs Frost - Frost Wins, despite both having bubble shields, Frost has an instant-attack that freezes inanimate objects and flesh solid.

Chief vs Nyx - Nyx Wins, despite the minimal mental training and discipline, Nyx's abilities would at least stun the chief, if not convince him fighting was bad, and they should go get drinks together.

Chief vs Trinity - Trinity Wins... because Link.


Chief vs Ember - Chief Wins, The MOLNJIR armor's systems can suvive orbital reentry, Nova's flames are irrelevant.

Chief vs Ash - Chief Wins, Ash's abilities are all countered by super human reflexes, of which the chief has and then some.

Chief vs Volt - Chief Wins, Volt's abilities are based on electricity, of which the MOLJNIR armor makes irrelevant.

Chief vs Excalibur - Chief Wins, while not an easy fight by any strength, Excalibur possesses no great supernatural ability that exploits a weakness in the chief.


So it's not so cut and dry... but on the whole, I would think more Warframes would beat the chief than the other way around. (Soul Punch... Most of Mag's abilities, etc)




TLDR: MC gets his &#! kicked by Supernatural-like abilities that exploit his weaknesses, Warframes win more fights than they lose, but not by much.

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