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[Concept] Banshee Reworked/Redesigned


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Hey guys, if you read this thread and like it, please leave a like as minimal feedback!

I know many people like banshee the way she is, and thats totally fair and great! I am trying to not take anything away from anyone with this. Instead I am trying to figure out ways to make her kit more synergistic, give her some tools she needs to survive on her own, and just updating her 7 year old kit to fit better into a 2021 envoirment!

To achieve this I had to become a bit creative and redesign her abilities in a way that made more sense with Banshees name, turning her literally more into a banshee, rather than just sound alone. These are all mostly animation, sound and visual changes however, while mechanics are only slightly changed to be more fitting for current days.

My goals are to make her more vicious in design similar to maybe a stealthy ghostly sneaky valkyr, or really embracing her name and control the battlefield with spiteful screams!, while also make her more competetive, survivable and enjoyable to play in harder difficulties. not locking her into specific builds or weapon choices.


Also I put alot of work into the visual presentation! (I did not... I used google!) so you can get a better understanding of what is in my head. sadly I am not an artist and therefore cant provide nicely designed images of what my ideas should look like ingame. but you should get a rough idea!


Introducing the reworked and slightly redisgend Banshee



Banshee is a sound-themed Warframe. Sophisticated acoustic powers enable Banshee to pinpoint enemy positions and weak spots, suppress sounds in her surrounding environment and disoriantate crowds, and even emit trembling Screams to topple her foes.




Completly new passive (old passive worked into her 3)

Killing an enemy with a finisher provides a stacking finisher damage bonus. duration is refreshed with each finisher executed


1 changed visually, in name and theme (cool change maybe, but isn't even needed)

Sonic Scream

Banshee lets out a fierce scream that pushes targets in range with enough force to incapacitate or kill attackers.

shyzJox.jpgv7h43Kr.gifnew animation, kind of similar to valkyr or chroma maybe

sound sample: https://www.pond5.com/de/sound-effects/item/24656137-distant-banshee-schrei

- Banshee channels sound at a high velocity to create a shock wave that propagates forward in a 90° cone up to 8 / 10 / 11 / 12 meters away. Enemies caught by the wave are ragdolled several meters and receive 250 / 350 / 400 / 500 Impact b Impact damage.

New Synergy:

If the enemy is affected by Sonar, enemys cought by the shockwave or fog take increased damage multiplied by Sonar's damage bonus. 

Total Impact Damage = Impact Base Damage × (1 + Ability Strength) × (1 + Sonar Damage Bonus)

- Banshee will push away all fog in front of her up to 10 / 14 / 16 / 18 meters, enemys hit be the fog will receive an additinoal 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 Blast b Blast damage with a guaranteed Blast b Blast  proc. the pushed fog will also deal damage based on enemy level

Total Impact Damage = Impact Base Damage × (1 + Ability Strength)  × Enemy Level Multiplier


My thoughts:

As it is right now I use this ability quite frequently for its augment, in steelpath it is really valuable somwetimes! sadly we cant make the augment baseline, so instead I wanted to give it some drastically more damage potential and synergy with her base kit! (really putting the KILL from the cheesy old trailer into this ability) while you have sonar active, Sonic Scream will deal improved damage and with the reworked 3(which we will get to) and the pushed away fog sonic scream will ALSO function similar to vaubans photon strike or flanchette orb, in that it will deal damage based on the enemys level, this will help immensely to deal with higher level enemys. so combining all of her skill together will yield great results!

I reduced the base range to compensate for higher damage, but with the newly added syngergy it also has much higher ranger than it has right now. so use your abilities wisely!



2 Do not touch this at all(directly)!

Using acoustic location, Banshee's Sonar power finds and tracks enemies, and exposes critical weak spots to everyone in your squad

My thoughts:

This ability is perfect and should never be changed, this is the reason we like banshee still! so rather than changing it I just added some synergy to it as you have seen with her 1.



3 The most changed ability. Added some much needed gameplay improvements! Which in return needs a visual and sound overhaul


Using Silence hides Banshee in an aura of ghostly fog that slowly spreads around her, stuns enemies and will limit their perceptions and tactical response to gunfire and Warframe attacks. additinoally Banshee and her allies cought in the mist will be harder to identify and hit for the enemy.

5RQ8vOo.jpg   dryicefog.gif   xJLkBPB.jpg


-BansheeIcon272 Banshee covers herself in the mists and emits an expanding sound dampening fog which follows her as an aura and rapidly expands outward by 10 meters per second up to 10 / 13 / 15 / 20 meters around her for 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 seconds, the fog will linger for 2 seconds .


-Every noise created inside the fog will be dampened and is reduced by 100%

-- All of BansheeIcon272 Banshee's and her allies' abilities, equipped weapons, and weapons equipped on Sentinels, should they be present, are treated as silent.

-- All Enemies entering the fog will experience a sonic disturbance, becoming momentarily stunned. Afterwards affected enemies will become unaware to sounds from gunfire, alarms, and death screams. Enemies Inside the Fog also have impaired aiming.

NEW added effect:

- BansheeIcon272 Banshee veils herself and allies within the fog becoming more elusive to hit and harder to see.

-- While inside the Fog Banshee and her allies have a 75% chance to evade all attacks (scales with strenghts up to 95%??) from enemys within the fog

-- Enemys outside the fog will not be able to see inside, rendering BansheeIcon272 Banshee and allies completly invisible to them.


My thoughts:

Here is my reason for this whole idea and rework. I think every warframe needs at least SOME form of damage mitigation, and I thought long and hard about what would fit Banshee the most.. and although I am not the biggest fand of evasive tactics, like on titania or the newly added xaku, I think, with scaling(?) and the double dip of semi invis+evade it should work great on banshee.

I think it would be a great idea to add an invisibility component similar to wisp, where Banshee isn't really becoming invis, but enemys OUTSIDE the fog, just dont see her/cant spot her, making her kind of somewhat invisible, and only entering dangerzone in the fog, where she has enough time to kill enemys! (this would also enable an alternative playstyle with very little range, to maximize "invisibilty" and safety and forfeit huge range on sonar and her other abilites). 

another way to make sense of this is that sound actually and scientifically proven can also not only impare your hearing but mess enough with your brain and fluids to also cripple your visual perception up to complete blindness, which would be another way to go about this ability

further explenaition: the fog spreads outwards similar to something like hildryn's pillage area, at a fixed speed, and is constatntly emmiting out of Banshee for the entire duration, but the max range IS limited, so it can only expand so far as your range allows it. this is an entirely new mechanic, but I think this should be doable! the fog also lingers for 2 seconds(modable ofcourse), which means that if you move forward, the fog you created behind you will still be there fore a couple of seconds before it disapears, this will have neat implications with her new 4! while also providing a bit more utility for other players where they dont have to run behind you all the time to get the benefit, unlike something like harrows 3.

I reduced the duration by 10 seconds, because it provides so much benefit now, so 30 seconds is to long even if it is only semi invisibility. 20 seconds is still plenty time and still exceed other similar abilities, and is a tradeoff I would gladly take!


4 Visually changed by adding a spectre and sound, but otherwise similar. Chroma inspired but good?

Sound Quake (Soul Scream?)

Banshee unleashes her Vengeful Spirit that releases a ultrasonic scream, channeling all of her acoustic energy into the environment, to violently shake the ground.


sound example: https://www.pond5.com/de/sound-effects/item/97196771-horror-game-vocal-creature-banshee-wail-wet-1-ghost


- Banshee unleashes her Vengeful Spirit, this Spectre of Banshee turns into a stationary Siren, The Siren will release a ultrasonic reverberations scream around her which inflict 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 Blast b Blast damage per second and stagger all enemies within 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 meters. The Siren will also attack enemies within 15 meters with a volley of smoke tendrills, dealing 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 Impact b Impact damage per hit.

-- By pressing the ability key again (default 4 ) the Vengeful Spirit will fly towards the targeted new location in a fog cloud dealing 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 Blast b Blast damage to any enemy it passes through. This has unlimited range and passes through walls and terain in a straight line and consumes 25 energy. After arriving at the destination the Siren will immediatly begin to scream again pushing away all fog present. (including the fog she brought with her)


- Sound Quake drains 12 energy per second, and will remain active so long as Banshee has energy. Sound Quake will end if Banshee runs out of energy, or if deactivated by holding the ability key (default 4 )

New Synergy:

- The Soundwaves released by BansheeIcon272 Banshee's Vengeful Spirit will blast away all lingering fog in its area of effect by 20 meters per second, sending it outwards 12 / 14 / 16 / 24 meters inflicting 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 Blast b Blast damage to all enemys hit by the smoke with a guranteed Blast b Blast proc.

-- This will tomporarily remove all fog from the area to increase its range. and will continue to do so while BansheeIcon272 Banshee herself is in the area of effect.



My thoughts:

By making Sound Quake no longer channeled by Banshee herself, this frees up a LOT of potential to use this ability as an effective crowd control tool, while Banshee herself is still free to act, making her gameplay experience MUCH more enjoyable and not AFK. this is is very important change to make, as this ability right now sees little to no use because of how stationary it is. to compensate for the newly added damage and overall more usefulness I reduced the base range by 25%, which is both a nerf and good, since you can maintain your fog more easily if you want to.

additionally I have given this new synergy and flavor, by beeing able to move the spirit around, which spares you another long animation of deactivating, and reactivating and instead provides even more utility so you can effectively control two areas at once, one held completly free of enemys by your Vengeful Spirit Siren Spectre thing, and one controlled by yourself and your fog silence area. BUT if you combine the two skills you get an even bigger effect, pushing enemys away AND crownd controlling them from afar, provinding even more range than live banshee at the cost of temporarily loosing the benefit of your protective fog aura. 



This is my rework for Banshee

EDIT: all augments should still function with these changes, for her 4 it could still just be a single scream released in a wider area. (but it sucks anyway and I dont care to much for it.


anyway, thanks for your attention! 



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On 2020-09-06 at 4:26 AM, Tiltskillet said:

I really like how you've improved her stealth aspect.  And I very much appreciate how you've addressed the horrible flaws in Sound Quake. 

What would you do with Resonating Quake?

thanks, Im glad you like it!

for the augment I would suggest just retaining it as is, and basically making it the way it is now, where banshee does not summon a vengeful spirit and instead just screams herself releasing a single much more destructive wider cry. while also adding the effect of pushing back the fog with it much father for even more range and added damage.

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