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Carnis Mod Set Has a Bit of a Problem


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The Carnis mod set gives you a short buff after killing an enemy with a heavy attack. This all sounds great in theory, but in practice there's a bit of a problem.

The buff only triggers if an enemy dies from the heavy attack itself, not from procs inflicted by the heavy attack. So, if you perform a heavy attack that creates a slash proc (several weapon types even have a forced slash proc on heavy attack), then you will not get the buff if the enemy dies due to that proc. 

To make matters worse, the Carnis mod that goes on melee weapons increases slash damage and status chance - giving a boosted probability of slash procs. So, the mod itself decreases the chance that you will trigger the mods set bonus.

This is an anti-synergy. Can we please turn it into a synergy by making heavy attack procs trigger the buff?

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