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Loyalty Or Sacrifice?


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Traitor. Save our brethren and fight with the grineer for now! Do not be fooled into thinking you need to protect those colonies from enslavement - those are Corpus colonies who would very much like to see us all wiped from existence.



By joining the Grineer at this time, we shall rescue our brthren, grow in strength, weaken the corpus and, should the need arise, be able to shut down the Grineer in the future.


Join me, brother!

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Traitor. Save our brethren and fight with the grineer for now! Do not be fooled into thinking you need to protect those colonies from enslavement - those are Corpus colonies who would very much like to see us all wiped from existence.



By joining the Grineer at this time, we shall rescue our brthren, grow in strength, weaken the corpus and, should the need arise, be able to shut down the Grineer in the future.


Join me, brother!

Except the Grineer still want the Tenno dead. 


So "some tenno slaves" or "all dead tenno" 


It's a hard choice, but I'd prefer to keep the Tenno race alive, even at the cost of some.


But alas, what SortaRandom said is true...Alad V is a stingy prick.

Edited by AscendantWyvern
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Only fools will fight for the Grineer, how can they be trusted to save us if all they've done so far was attempted genocide? It is as if you were Jews fighting for the Nazis because you fear what the Russians may be doing could be worse.

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Only fools will fight for the Grineer, how can they be trusted to save us if all they've done so far was attempted genocide? It is as if you were Jews fighting for the Nazis because you fear what the Russians may be doing could be worse.

Kinda not the best metaphor, since Corpus want to torture, dissect, and experiment on the Tenno, while the Grineer simply want to put a bullet through their heads and be done with it. Nazis did quite a bit of both.

If I had to pick a fate, I'd rather be in the Grineer's hands.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Kinda not the best metaphor, since Corpus want to torture, dissect, and experiment on the Tenno, while the Grineer simply want to put a bullet through their heads and be done with it. Nazis did quite a bit of both.

If I had to pick a fate, I'd rather be in the Grineer's hands.


nugget_. Harder Is Better. That's what my GreatGrandfather told me. So, I should still choose Corpus.

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Here are some reasons you should be going with the Grineer for now, brothers and sisters:


- The enslaved colonies will be corpus colonies, who would very much like to see all of us Tenno wiped out of existence.


- Our brethren will be rescued by us, thus increasing our numbers and strength. Even if the grineer grow in strength, so do we, and we'll be able to take them down should the need arise in the future.


- If we do NOT take the grineer's side, our brethren will be subjected to all sorts of experiments by the corpus, included but not limited to theft of our warframe technology as well as indoctrination of our brethren.




As for the long-term consequences ingame, we do not need to know, we can take guesses. In any other game you wont know either, unless you look for SPOILERS wich is almost the same as cheating.




I hope that convinces you to join me with fighting along the grineer against the corpus.

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Grineer is a plague, Corpus are business men, which means Grineer want everyone dead but themselves, and Corpus just wants money and tech, I'll stick with Corpus.


Adittionally to money and tech, they want to capture Tenno to experiment on. Do you really want to turn your sleeping brothers and sisters into lab rats for the Corpus?

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Adittionally to money and tech, they want to capture Tenno to experiment on. Do you really want to turn your sleeping brothers and sisters into lab rats for the Corpus?



But isn't the Tenno all about balance in the universe, I don't see the Corpus trying to take over every single world like the Grineer are doing, Sacrifice a Few for the greater good, instead of siding with Chaos.

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I plan to go with whatever my clan chooses. Just so that we can win, even against my ideals.


What I wanted was to kill both. It's stupid that you don't get the option in the first place. Help Grineer and virtual tenno gets saved, I don't see any benefits. If it's for Berserker they should have mentioned that in the event and I still think she's much more likely to break out on her own regardless of any help (if she's a real berserker she'd be badass like that). And thus probably more Grineer content.


It's obvious that everyone will fight for Grineer to save some Tennos so DE is just using this event as an excuse to be lazy to add better non-Grineer faction content. Look at all the things Grineer already has, Planets, Weapons, Units, all much more then the other two factions. And if we complain that DE is adding more Grineer content in the future when Grineer wins, DE can easily say it was our choice.


It's bad planning on their side to actually give us an option to sacifice our fellow tenno. We can fight both, rescue the hostages and steal ourselves some Grineer/Corpus goodies while we're at it (Lotus clearly mentioned that it was possible with the Hand Cannon blueprints. We've been fighting both factions since the beginning of the game itself, why the f* do we need to join up with either side? How is that necessary? Really really badly thought out.

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Siding with the Corpus limits Grineer expansion. Siding with the Grineer recovers suspended Tenno.

But let's look bigger. The Grineer are a genetically modified race, suffering from over-cloning and degradation. Their immediate goal is to repair themselves and then go on to conquer the galaxy. They want Tenno frames as conscripts to fight for them, but in this particular conflict their major goal seems to be stomping all over the Corpus who invaded their territory and broke faith with a treat. The Corpus are high tech merchants, that seek power through economics rather than solely military intervention. They want Tenno frames to dismantle and reverse-engineer to improve their technology base. We aren't immune to their influence even as they hate us: The starter Braton rifle, implied to be both popular and numerous among the Tenno, is a Corpus design. They don't use it, which means they export it, which means we bought it from them.

Under Grineer rule, everything becomes incredibly corrupt despotism. Under Corpus rule, everything becomes megacorp dystopia.

What are the Tenno's long term goals? I'm a little fuzzy here, but it seems like the Tenno are an artificial race designed by the Orokin. Their design purpose seems more defensive than offensive, since Orokin ships and facilities are absolutely lousy with Tenno pods just waiting for something to wake them. This goes along with the general impression of the Orokin being incredibly paranoid with all their traps. With their beneficient masters now gone, the Tenno should fall back on their core principles, which seem to be preservation of peace, pursuit of personal perfection, and integrity to the clan.

Preservation of peace: Neither side is interested in peace except through victory, though a Corpus victory would result in less blatant misery since their conflicts are covert, digital, and economic while the Grineer are gratuitously violent, fractious, and think nothing of killing and maiming opponents in any arena.

Pursuit of personal perfection: Neither side is interested in advancing the Tenno and sees them only as a resource to be acquired.

Integrity to the clan: Obviously, assisting the Grineer and recovering the dormant Tenno displays more integrity than leaving them to Corpus vivisection. The Grineer want Tenno also, but they want them intact and functioning.

And what of the shifting in balance of power as a result of this conflict?

If the Grineer win, they gain several new worlds to exploit for materials and possibly a quantity of Tenno soldiers. It's not really clear whether they are prepared to give up the pods in exchange for our help, or even if Tenno *can* be forced into service to a new master. If the Corpus win, they gain new Tenno technology that will advance their state of the art, which they are already prepared to immediately go to market with. I have a strong suspicion that the only reason robots like Jackal and Raptor aren't in mass production is because Corpus wants to maintain exclusive control of their best hardware, but completing "Zaruka" sounds like it would give Corpus Tenno-equivalent tech which means their current prototypes become available for mass production and export.

All in all... I'd suggest supporting the Grineer. If they do capture some of our people, at least they will be alive and we can do something about it later. And ultimately the Grineer are a damaged and decaying species with obvious points of vulnerability to keep them in check (i.e. their bioresearch). The Corpus, if given unrestricted access to a bunch of Tenno to butcher secrets out of, already have a plan in motion to basically take over everything...and they are stable, efficient and unified where the Grineer are not.

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The Clan's will is to side with the Corpus, and I obey.


This event makes me feel defiled and leaves me with a foul taste in my mouth. We need our brethren in stasis to slay the dogs and the merchants. Alad will betray us, but so will the 'Neer. My fervent hope is we can turn turn around once their numbers are depleted and slaughter them all.


I also hope that we can put a bullet through Alad soon.

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