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Elite Crewmen - Just As Bad As Scorchers


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Speaking of which: why do the Corpus gain like 50% Elite Crewmen but my Grineer allies dont get a single Scorcher? One Elite Crewman can freaking SOLO A MACHINE GUNNER.




Because the Corpus know they're not going to get any real Tenno assistance with their credits-only battle pay, so the grunts have to pick up the slack.


Whereas it's vice-versa for the Grineer, who feel like they can just kick back and let the Tenno rampage around.

Edited by Katakuna
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The enemy and ally types during invasion seem just as much RNG as anything else. I've had 8 Napalm with 3 Heavy Gunners in a room, while the Corpus spawned 12 MOA and 4 Prova Crewmen (seriously, why bring a Prova guy along, to begin with?)


Another time my Corpus allies had about 10 Railgun MOA just run right up into a bunch of  Scorpions and Eviscerators. (you would imagine they snipe them as they do during a Corpus defense, but nope. Right up into the enemy's face -__-)


But yes, Elite Crewman AKA "Dude, where's my shie---argh! *dies*" and Scorchers are damn annoying with how quickly they can tear through you, your allies AND even your sentinel who pretty much dies instantly to fire and you no longer got Guardian Shield Boost to try and save your butt...


The resistance mods need to be looked at and heavily buffed. 60-75% fire/laser/poison/etc resist would much more appreciated than a lousy 12% that doesn't make much of a difference.

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you know what is worst than scorchers and elite crewman togheter? napalms.


"oh, you think you dodged that? WRONG! oh, you think you are outside of the area of effect of the fire? WRONG! oh, you want to melee me? instant knockdown! and OH, you can´t see anything because of the fire? take MORE FIRE!"


i hate them. even if the corpus make tenno-corpus monsters from the tenno on the cryopods, it won´t be as bad as the napalms. never.

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They are like scorchers only their beams have a longer range.

But yeah, now that we encounter them in larger quantity their broken nature becomes clear.


1. They don't need to reload. They can fire for ages, unlike Moas and Crewmen who fire in controlled bursts or have to stop at some point.


2. They can of course follow you with their aim anywhere, since instead of having any tactical AI our enemies are empowered by auto aiming.


3.Their flux rifles drain shields and health very quickly and that on rifle range, unlike the Fusion moas.


4. They don't stop firing at you for several seconds even if you get behind cover. Meaning rolling or getting behind cover are not very usefull since they just fire if you throughout the rolling or hit you when you expose yourself at bit out of cover.


Overall this results in an enemy which when given the opportunity will drain your life quickly from rifle range and can't be shaken off with movement. The only true tactic being to pick them out of the targets and finish them off before the others.

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Use the terrain, I know it's a shocker for a lot of ppl to not be able to walk into a room and face tank everything while hitting the win button but c'mon.  These maps have pillars and boxes and rocks everywhere, just break LOS once they target you. 

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This thread still around?


Elite Crewmen are still OP as crap, but now us Grineer fans have Scorchers, Eviscerators and Napalms -  so our OP is stronger than Corpus OP.


All we need now are Hellions on our side and we can go afk, lol

Edited by Brimir
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This thread still around?


Elite Crewmen are still OP as crap, but now us Grineer fans have Scorchers, Eviscerators and Napalms -  so our OP is stronger than Corpus OP.


All we need now are Hellions on our side and we can go afk, lol


No Hellions please. NOOOOOOOOOOO

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Elite Crewmen are a cakewalk if compared to the Napalms, Scorches and Eviscerators on the Grineers, combined with the stunlocking powers of Rollers, Scorpions and un-dodgable heavy shockwaves. But seriously, are the player's AI allies always vastly weaker than the opposing faction? Because my horde of Elite Crewmen ALWAYS get insta-gibbed by a single Napalm every time they show up, yet here i read that one could go up against a Heavy Gunner. Which they can't for me.

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