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Badly Communicated/designed Event, Again.


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So, as the event begins, we are still bickering about who we should choose.

The main argument in that matter, it seems, is whether or not siding with Grineer save our fellow Tenno.

This is the result, I believe, of the typo from DE in the original Lotus' transmission, followed by the lack of any clear-cut correction saying "siding with grineer save our fellow tennos". As it stands, it reads "siding with grineer saves our fellow tennos from Alad V". So here we have people endlessly speculating on Tennos potentially falling into Grineers' hands.


I hoped that this event would be fun, that it would be "Fight for both, maintain balance, ensure that the war last as long as possible and maximize losses for both sides, so that Tennos are the only victors.". We would win if there was no clear victor, and rewards would have been distributed independently. Enough corpus killed = corpus rewards, our fellow tennos saved. Enough grineer killed = grineer rewards, civilians not enslaved.

On a meta level, that would allow people to

1) get all the rewards provided they work hard enough for it (200 missions is hard enough to reward people doing it with everything)

2) Experience the two sides of the war, instead of being STUCK with one.


Instead, we are forced to choose a side, when we loathe both and would rather fight for the Tenno side.

We are not given that option.

It's a case of "Whoever wins, we lose". We lose half the rewards, and either civilians or tennos.

It seems like Lotus didn't even consider a third option. People on the forum are complaining that this situation is PERFECT, that we should aim for a "both lose, we win" ending, BUT WE ARE NOT GIVEN THAT OPTION.


As a result, the community is divided, and will be even more divided when the event will end.

The loser will complain that they didn't get what they worked for, the winner that they were not given the option to get both weapons, and the Loyalist/Traitor fracture will likely be here to stay.

People will blame each other for choosing the wrong faction and sacrificing the wrong people.

The community has been poisonned.

We'll lose people on that one.


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The event is fun.


I get to take on armies singlehandedly with only my guns and a few decoys for help.


Swarms of elite Crewmen are actually a challenge to face.


It is a game, it is fun, don't take it seriously.


Besides, I have my Roller buddy


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