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Up to two additional mod slots for prime frames and gear, but extremely difficult to acquire


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basically, in order to unlock extra mod slots you must meet several requirements and follow this super grindy method of obtaining it.

First you need to have put a potato on your frame and unlocked all other available mod slots

Second you must do the same with a copy of the warframe or weapon you're unlocking the extra slot for

Next you need to have them both rank 30

finally you must sacrifice both of them to create a single infused version of the last one where you have to reunlock everything and then use a second potato to unlock the newly added slot after all of the other slots have been unlocked.

To acquire the augmented version of the prime warframe or prime gear, you must follow the previous steps with an infused prime warframe or infused prime gear.

It's gonna be incredibly hard to obtain and most people will not be willing to fork over the platinum for this massively OP variant if their warframe or whatever is already super OP without it, but people with an abundance of platinum or free time will have no better joy than getting their hands on the most overpowered version of their current frame.

Infused and Augmented frames are not allowed in PVP unless their extra slots are empty

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16 minutes ago, teknikalarkitekt said:

It's gonna be incredibly hard to obtain and most people will not be willing to fork over the platinum

..Nothing about your suggestion is hard at all, maybe to a newb but I could literally do all of that to multiple Prime frames a day with little to no cost given the handful of 'Potatos' and Forma I've got laying around, the Exilus adapters would basically be the only cost I accrue and that's minimal given how much spare prime 'crap' I've got sitting around I can sell. It's also completely and totally unneeded unless you also address the capacity 'issue'

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that's not hard, just a lot of waiting.

also, you're going to add 'unlocking' the Mod Slots that already exist?
Leveling stuff is already boring enough and should be just removed from the game really, not made longer. it has no rewarding feeling nor is interesting to acquire/fill.

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On 2020-10-08 at 7:36 PM, LucianDeRomeo said:

..Nothing about your suggestion is hard at all, maybe to a newb but I could literally do all of that to multiple Prime frames a day with little to no cost given the handful of 'Potatos' and Forma I've got laying around, the Exilus adapters would basically be the only cost I accrue and that's minimal given how much spare prime 'crap' I've got sitting around I can sell. It's also completely and totally unneeded unless you also address the capacity 'issue'

Help me out here. How could I make this feature difficult for people to achieve but also worth it? we could add like 5 max level for each level of infusion to help with the cap but that's just a little bit more grind. What if you add something similar to riven mod quests to unlock each extra level passed the normal level cap after you gain enough experience to level up?

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