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For status damage (DoTs), is multishot on continuous weapons treated as a base damage increase? Does it double dip mods?



Hoping to get a quick answer to this without testing:


On 'Rifle'-class weapons mutishot acts as a %chance to make each ammo create an additional shot, which can independently crit or proc status.

On continuous weapons, 1 ammo produces 2 damage ticks, based on fire-rate and multishot acts as a % chance to increase the damage of 1 tick by +100%, before crits or status procs occur.


So, if I had a 100E damage beam with serration (+165%) and Stormbringer (+90%E) and Split_Chamber (+90%MS):

  • 10% chance that 1 tick will deal 503 raw electric damage.
  • 90% chance it will deal 1006 raw electric damage.

In the 1st case a Tesla proc would deal ticks of 100 × 2.65 x 1.9 x 0.5 = 251.

In the second case, in might deal:

  1. 251. (Ignore the multishot damage increase.)
  2. 251 x 2 = 502. (Double the damage.)
  3. 200 × 4.30 x 2.8 x 0.5 == (100 +100) x (1+1.65 +1.65 ) x (1 +0.9+ 0.9 ) x 0.5 = 1204 (Treat it as two proc-ing shots added together.)


I assume the second, hope the 3rd and hope not the 1st. As I have two rivens, CC&BD vs MS&CC&CD.


Thank for your help.



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2 answers to this question

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the easiest way to desrcibe beam weapons multishot is at 1.5 multishot you would have a 50% chance of doing 100% more damage per tic of damage

and just like everything else that does a DoT based on the damage dealt, it would factor the multishot damage increase into the proc

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