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Gradivus, Silvanus


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Well I want the Corpus weapons more.


As for the in-game choice, well Grineer have a stranglehold on the system. It´s clear Corpus forces are no match for the Grineer heavy troops.


Unless we want to make them even more powerful, we need to level the playingfield.

Unfortunately this means we must let Corpus win. They need to get their strength up to be able to counter Grineer.


My guess is that this is what this Zanuka Project is really about - to introduce new units to better match the enemy.


I hate to see Tenno fall into Corpus hands, but lets face it this is a better choice then let Grineer take possesion of more space and get the Tenno as well.


So, help crush those vile Napalms for the good of the many.

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Well I want the Corpus weapons more.


As for the in-game choice, well Grineer have a stranglehold on the system. It´s clear Corpus forces are no match for the Grineer heavy troops.


Unless we want to make them even more powerful, we need to level the playingfield.

Unfortunately this means we must let Corpus win. They need to get their strength up to be able to counter Grineer.


My guess is that this is what this Zanuka Project is really about - to introduce new units to better match the enemy.


I hate to see Tenno fall into Corpus hands, but lets face it this is a better choice then let Grineer take possesion of more space and get the Tenno as well.


So, help crush those vile Napalms for the good of the many.


I think that the status quo will shift, regardless of which side will come out victorious. As for myself, I'd rather let the Grineer gain more power than letting the Zanuka Project reach completion.


I mean, I'd rather fight an armada of clueless brutes than to even give the chance of getting a glimpse on the details of Tenno technology for a faction that is already capable of mass producing machinery based on Orokin technology.


And ofcourse I don't know yet, what the Zanuka project is, but if I imagine a worst case scenario...

...Corpus built, mass produced warframe-copies on the battlefield...

No thanks. I'd rather help the Grineer to ravage every corpus system.

P.S.: Finally, someone who thinks about the consequences of the conflict!!! :)

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I think that the status quo will shift, regardless of which side will come out victorious. As for myself, I'd rather let the Grineer gain more power than letting the Zanuka Project reach completion.


I mean, I'd rather fight an armada of clueless brutes than to even give the chance of getting a glimpse on the details of Tenno technology for a faction that is already capable of mass producing machinery based on Orokin technology.


And ofcourse I don't know yet, what the Zanuka project is, but if I imagine a worst case scenario...

...Corpus built, mass produced warframe-copies on the battlefield...

No thanks. I'd rather help the Grineer to ravage every corpus system.

P.S.: Finally, someone who thinks about the consequences of the conflict!!! :)


Well while ideally supporting the Grineer would prevent the construction of whatever the Zanuka will result in, we all know DE has no real Storyline or Plot so far.


IF they REALLY are ready for two story-branches I will be the first to stand up and cheer. But I doubt it.


I think that since we will soon meet Alad and his pet warframe-dog on his own turf, we can at least assume the project will be a reality, but maby not in the same scale as it aill be if the Corpus is allowed to claim the Tenno.


Grineer Victory


The Grineer Siege aided by the Tenno has finally ended. The Corpus forces have been destroyed or put into Grineer Detention Centers. Mars is now under Grineer rule and the Empire have placed a fleet of warships in a blockade around the system, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

Several orders of construction of new fortified bases and mining operations were issued.


However a small fleet of Corpus vessels escaped before the blockade could fully form, and it is now confirmed that Alad has left the system alive. His current whereabouts are unknown at this time.


However, data recovered from the databanks suggests that the Zanuka Project is still active, a corrupted Blueprint could be traced to a ship among the fled Corpus vessels.


Corpus Victory


The Grineer Siege was halted at last. The massive invasion forces were repelled only because of the valiant efforts by the Tenno warriors, vastly outnumbered and outgunned. Alad celebrated this victory by claiming the cryopods and rewarding his newfound Tenno-Allies with new weapons from the R&D branch.


Even though the Grineer suffered a big blow and the survivors were forced to flee Mars space, reports of fleets regrouping preparing to strike at other Corpus Strongholds are allready coming in.

What the consequnces of allowing the Zanuka Project to reach its conclusion will be, we will all learn soon enough.





Sorry, couldnt help myself.

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How to choose a side? Think of it this way. If the grineer win they increase their influence but they are still the grineer. We can easily kill them. They are something like your little brother's bully. So would you rather fight with your little brother's(captured tenno) bully or would you fight with your little brother turned into a mindless cybernetically-enhanced murder machine, because this Zanuka project is probably right this thing. I'd rather fight grineer than other tenno. At least killing grineer is easy on the concious.

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 i really want to know what the zanuka project is... it'll be more fun playing and fighting new enemies... 


but however grineer is taking over... we we'll never know what the zanuka project is...


we'll be fighting the same enemies once again... i hope DE creates "INFESTED INVASION" event, like the infestation is spreading to the whole system and the two faction will be needing the help of a tenno to stop the infestation... but of course with a cool rewards after the event 

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Now what would be Real interesting is that the frozen tenno are Ancient. They carry the original Plague.

Alad manipulates the virus to evolve, creating new warframes.

But things go horribly wrong, containment is breached, and the new infested begin to spread, half tenno, half something else.

The doom of all.

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Now what would be Real interesting is that the frozen tenno are Ancient. They carry the original Plague.

Alad manipulates the virus to evolve, creating new warframes.

But things go horribly wrong, containment is breached, and the new infested begin to spread, half tenno, half something else.

The doom of all.

Actually, Hayden Tenno, the first Tenno became what he was when he was injected with the Technocyte Virus which transformed him into something... else. If my memories are correct (I played Dark Sector a long time ago, and only once).

"Not much is known about Hayden's later life, except that he unified mankind and that with his rule began the Orokin Period, a golden age for all of humanity, he also founded the Tenno, powerful warriors who can manipulate reality, masters of sword and gun and wielders of the Warframe Power Armors, based on Hayden's Armor. Quite a few of them wielded artificial Glaives to honor him." -- http://darksector.wikia.com/wiki/Hayden_Tenno

So yeah, the Tenno and the warframes are basicly products of the Plague, people, who were infected by the virus, so...


Holy moley, this idea is more plausible then it might seem. O__o

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Remember the Deal.

Corpus and Grineer had a deal. Any found Tenno would be shared. SHARED!

So what makes anyone think Grineer wont use tenno to research?

Where do you think they got their powers from to begin with?

So it really becomes a q of who we hate most, and

the long term effects.

Of course, DE can do whatever after the event.

Many theyll pull a rabit next and reveal Vors Prize, part II.

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Or the strain they carry is the Weapon released against the Sentients.

This virus is much deadlier then the recent outbreak.

Huh. Or it just seems seems deadlier, because the Solar system is now filled with genetically degraded, debilitated infants called Grineer, and ofcourse the physically weak Corpus. :D Is it possible that the Plague is just the original Technocyte virus, that was spreaded inadvertently by the Tenno when they re-awoke and made contact with the Grineer and the Corpus? Hm-hm. :D

Never mind, back to topic: it would be truly epic if this would turn out to be about the virus itself, thus letting us know more about the lore, and maybe strengthening the connection bethween the two games. Who knows?

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Huh. Or it just seems seems deadlier, because the Solar system is now filled with genetically degraded, debilitated infants called Grineer, and ofcourse the physically weak Corpus. :D Is it possible that the Plague is just the original Technocyte virus, that was spreaded inadvertently by the Tenno when they re-awoke and made contact with the Grineer and the Corpus? Hm-hm. :D

Never mind, back to topic: it would be truly epic if this would turn out to be about the virus itself, thus letting us know more about the lore, and maybe strengthening the connection bethween the two games. Who knows?


I agree with that. If Dark Sector is indeed supposed to be the beginning, we have some things to discover yet. Where did the Sentients go, and will they emerge? Why is the Solar Rails broken at Outer Terminus?


What was the relationships between Orokin Lotus, Tenno, Corpus and Grineer, that is their anscestors? How does this reflect on what Lore we have now, like Grineer wanting to exterminate all Tenno, Corpus feeling betrayed by them, the Tenno memories lost, the infested Bosses speaking to Tenno as if they were old friends, what became of Hayden Tenno?


This is off topic. On topic I think Corpus know secrets about the past. They search for answers to the Orokin they do not understand. And they know Tenno are the best place to find those answers.

I have a suspicion that since Corpus are basically craftsmen and architects that are on a quest to rebuild the Orokin technology, and perhaps dream of a new Orokin Age, they are more likely to drive the plot forward.


So whatever Alad has found, it will be of value to the Tenno, and Lotus probaby.


If Grineer take these secrets for themselves, we can expect new Grineer weapons of War directed directly at the Tenno.


Grineer has one goal: Total domination of all others , even if they destroy the world in the process.


Madmen with guns, versus mad scientists with robots.

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Well I want the Corpus weapons more.


As for the in-game choice, well Grineer have a stranglehold on the system. It´s clear Corpus forces are no match for the Grineer heavy troops.


Unless we want to make them even more powerful, we need to level the playingfield.

Unfortunately this means we must let Corpus win. They need to get their strength up to be able to counter Grineer.


My guess is that this is what this Zanuka Project is really about - to introduce new units to better match the enemy.


I hate to see Tenno fall into Corpus hands, but lets face it this is a better choice then let Grineer take possesion of more space and get the Tenno as well.


So, help crush those vile Napalms for the good of the many.


I completely disagree. Sacrificing Tenno is never a better choice. If they Grineer get stronger we can always just beat them back down into submission. Its not like the Grineer subjugating the Corpus really affects us.

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Hmm. Look at it this way. Grineer wants Tenno dead. They allso want everyone else dead.

Corpus are pretty weak, but clever.

Do we really want Mars to be a Grineer stronghold?

Should we really give the Tenno to Ruk to be chopped up and used?

I dont like the idea, but Grineer are much stronger as a total.

Some balance would be nice.

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