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A Chance To Make It Right


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I don't know but I am pretty sure you have big knife behind your back, include it is electrical.  If you agree to not dissect, kill, destory, abandon, eat, transform me and my fellow tennos then I would come agreement for fighting your side, if you break this agreement. I'll blow up some your priceless ships, laboratory, and marketing you do around the galaxy.


Would you agree tennos?

Edited by ChaoticEdge
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Dude i allready got my 100 points full. No way i'm breaking that and having to play another 100 for the other side again.


Screw you Alad V.


How about giving us our brothers and sisters back eh?


Also go away with "innocent people dying" you calculate their potential deaths when you made this gambit. You and only you are to blame for their deaths.


Take that Orokin Reactor and put it where the sun doesn't shine, the only acceptable reward would be for you to hand over the Tenno and pay Ruk off to stop his attack.


Otherwise we are chosing the lesser evil in this situation.

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Yes, let us not sacrifice ourselves for the weak. We should help them, submit to them, and be *@##$es to the Dogs. We were awoken to fight the Grineer threat, and we are warriors. The Grineer's defeat will cost us, Tenno will have to sacrifice themselves to see that it happens. If you cannot understand the purpose of sacrifice, then you are no warrior, you are no Tenno!

Indeed, many peopl already have forgotten from "where" we came and why we were awoken



"I care not of the innocent, my own kind or you and ruks marital disputes but my own self interest and betterment."
...  "So get back to me when you're ready to stop being cheap and greedy and willing to shell out more."


so who is cheap and greedy? .... you should analize better your statements

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Alad V, you will release the coordinates of our brethern still in cryo sleep. You will turn over new mod technology to tenno operatives. After we have affected a rescue, we can turn the tide of this war in your favor. The Grineer are eating away at your forces.  Give up your prize or die clawing for air in the cold bliss of vacume with a ruptured suit, and Sargus Ruk laughing at your feeble struggles.


My blades are sharp

my eyes are clear,

my mind is still.


We await your reply, while slaughter of  your forces continues.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

You have a lot to learn about us Tenno if you think you can persuade us so easily, Alad. I would sooner die than see any more of my Tenno brothers and sisters fall into your greedy and twisted little hands. It is for them, that I fight; not for money, resources, or your so-called "innocents". And when I find you, the last thing you see will be the sole of my Rhino's boot crushing the milk from your toilet-seated head! 

I hope you're ready for that day, for it will come soon enough.

Blood can only be repaid with blood...

Edited by Flexible-Raptor
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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

 You should quickly kill the captured Tenno and split them apart piece by piece to discover their secrets...

 Before this crazed mob comes after you.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

The war is far from over, but not all Tenno will be rise to the challange of the soldier out of goodwill. In the coming battles more potent bribes may do the job, for the battle is rich in credits and it is less a boon to some than others.

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I can't believe I upvoted this guy, but he's speaking the truth. Release the hostages immediatly, and you may consider ourselves your -temporary- allies.


Or we can just side with Corpus, learn their base load out, learn their technology. Then later do our Tenno thing, sneak in and rescue our brothers.


Still better than help Grineer take over Corpus, then get the hostages killed in cross fire.

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I see it like this. The Corpus want to indoctrinate Tenno and turn them against their enemies. We are enemies of the Corpus. I would rather retake any and all systems from the Grineer then be forced to kill an army of Tenno. The Grineer will enslave and murder billions, but that's war. We need to prevent the Corpus from indoctrinating the Tenno in those pods by any means necessary. We can easily deal with the Grineer Empire later. But for now we must prevent Tenno from falling to the Corpus.


The response from me is this. Either we get the cryopods, or I will help the Grineer destroy each and every soldier you send against them. 


I may be playing along the lines of the "story" here, but the thought of fighting Tenno, their minds twisted into weapons of war, makes me feel queasy. 


No bribe from the Corpus will change my mind.


I cannot wait until I see you face to face AladV, I cannot wait to personally kill you and your pet.

Edited by MakTheInfinity
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The corpus indoctrinate everyone they can and dissect Tenno for info. They know our greatest weakness in a sense. The Grineer are stupid and less informed about the Tenno. Stomp the Corpus now and deal with the Grineer later with help from our rescued allies.


The corpus would rather keep Tenno alive and learn about them, if they are alive they can be rescued.. Grineer wat to kill, there is no rescue if you are dead.  The only reason the Corpus kill Tenno is because of an agreement with teh Grineer

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


If you turn over ALL of the tenno pods we will help you remove the grineer presence that threatens the system. Your experiment should not outway the the safety of the corpus in the area dont you agree? Besides theres no profit in a lost system. Release the pods and the tenno will turn the tide against the grineer.

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If Sargas wins, we will gain more soldiers to counter his advantage; but if YOU win, Alad, what will we gain to counter your newfound advantage?


Reveal your true intentions as anything less than malevolent, and I will convice the rest of my clan to listen.

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Fellow Tenno, I realize you are all alight with the wrath of one who has lost their family, but we must realize. We cannot allow the Grineer to expand any further. I'd like to share a journal log I found upon the body of a fellow tenno.


          I can't remember what day it is. I don't really care, thinking back on it. This war has changed everything. This... Petty conflict between Alad and Ruk has served only to cause a civil war within us Tenno. I don't blame them, honestly. If they only remembered our purpose, our duty, to rid the galaxy of oppression, then they would serve as I do. But they refuse to remember. Their minds are clouded with blood and rot, and they know only to kill for their own kind. Selfishness, it seems, is a prominent feature amongst the greater clans. But even then, inside these clans, wars of their own rage on. The clans have been driven against each other, as each Tenno inside struggles to remember what it is they're fighting for. The clans burn, Moon and Shadow alike, as warlords growl fierce punishment against any who oppose their own ideals. I remember better than this. I remember a time when Tenno thought freely. I remember when we served our duty first, and our selfishness second. Others think as I do, but it is not out of foolishness that we aid the Corpus. We have realized that there must be sacrifice to save others. As we hover towards the Corpus ship for a rendezvous with our begrudged, temporary corpus allies, we lament the future loss of our brethren. And as we step out into the cold, sterile air, it pains us that our numbers will lessen because of what we do. As we rise, holding our guns at the ready, we recall the reason we are so willing to sacrifice everything.


Duty Drives us. No Grineer will be left alive.


-[NAME EXPUNGED] of Tenno Corpus Squad Nine

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Fellow Tenno, I realize you are all alight with the wrath of one who has lost their family, but we must realize. We cannot allow the Grineer to expand any further. I'd like to share a journal log I found upon the body of a fellow tenno.


          I can't remember what day it is. I don't really care, thinking back on it. This war has changed everything. This... Petty conflict between Alad and Ruk has served only to cause a civil war within us Tenno. I don't blame them, honestly. If they only remembered our purpose, our duty, to rid the galaxy of oppression, then they would serve as I do. But they refuse to remember. Their minds are clouded with blood and rot, and they know only to kill for their own kind. Selfishness, it seems, is a prominent feature amongst the greater clans. But even then, inside these clans, wars of their own rage on. The clans have been driven against each other, as each Tenno inside struggles to remember what it is they're fighting for. The clans burn, Moon and Shadow alike, as warlords growl fierce punishment against any who oppose their own ideals. I remember better than this. I remember a time when Tenno thought freely. I remember when we served our duty first, and our selfishness second. Others think as I do, but it is not out of foolishness that we aid the Corpus. We have realized that there must be sacrifice to save others. As we hover towards the Corpus ship for a rendezvous with our begrudged, temporary corpus allies, we lament the future loss of our brethren. And as we step out into the cold, sterile air, it pains us that our numbers will lessen because of what we do. As we rise, holding our guns at the ready, we recall the reason we are so willing to sacrifice everything.


Duty Drives us. No Grineer will be left alive.


-[NAME EXPUNGED] of Tenno Corpus Squad Nine

For the freedom of all and rule of none!

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