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The Tier 3 Event Pistols Are Not Exclusive


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Will you people PLEASE stop posting about how it takes too long for casuals to squeeze in 8+ hours for the event. Earning the pistols in this event is simply an early access for the weapons, like it's been FOR EVERY DAMN EVENT!


The ONLY event-exclusive rewards are wraith/vandal weapons, which you can get with a very manageable 25 missions. If you can't play 3-4 games a day over the course of a week then how can you possibly expect to get any sort of rad reward? 25 games, you're barely participating in the event and it's a slap in the face for those of us actually participating that you think just existing and playing the game you're entitled to whatever you want.


tl;dr. vandal/wraith is exclusive, the pistols will be available at some point in the future.


You can say I don't know that for a fact, but every event prior to this one has followed the same formula. Now can we please stop beating this dead horse for no reason? Bury the poor thing already.

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Uhm...your source?

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Moa_Event Frost Prime, available at a later date.


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sling-Stone_Event Ammo mutation mods, available at a later date.


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Informant_Event Exclusive Snipetron Vandal, not currently available.


Along with all the other vandal/wraith weapons that are completely unobtainable at the moment. This may change in the future. Do you guys really believe DE would go through the trouble of making brand new weapons and never release them?

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Will you people PLEASE stop posting about how it takes too long for casuals to squeeze in 8+ hours for the event. Earning the pistols in this event is simply an early access for the weapons, like it's been FOR EVERY DAMN EVENT!


The ONLY event-exclusive rewards are wraith/vandal weapons, which you can get with a very manageable 25 missions. If you can't play 3-4 games a day over the course of a week then how can you possibly expect to get any sort of rad reward? 25 games, you're barely participating in the event and it's a slap in the face for those of us actually participating that you think just existing and playing the game you're entitled to whatever you want.


tl;dr. vandal/wraith is exclusive, the pistols will be available at some point in the future.


You can say I don't know that for a fact, but every event prior to this one has followed the same formula. Now can we please stop beating this dead horse for no reason? Bury the poor thing already.

I did not get my 25 misisons. i have a life to live. while it may be fun for you to sit around inside for 8 hours playing the game, most of us would pick a nice trip to the beach or the movies. i like the the pistols are not exclusive. makes the game not eat up your time


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Fusion_Moa_Event Frost Prime, available at a later date.


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sling-Stone_Event Ammo mutation mods, available at a later date.


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Informant_Event Exclusive Snipetron Vandal, not currently available.


Along with all the other vandal/wraith weapons that are completely unobtainable at the moment. This may change in the future. Do you guys really believe DE would go through the trouble of making brand new weapons and never release them?

so you have no evidence  just educated guesses based on what has happened in the past 

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I did not get my 25 misisons. i have a life to live. while it may be fun for you to sit around inside for 8 hours playing the game, most of us would pick a nice trip to the beach or the movies. i like the the pistols are not exclusive. makes the game not eat up your time


so you have no evidence  just educated guesses based on what has happened in the past 

I did 25 missions in less then 3 hour what. I find it hard to believe people even casual player having trouble with this event. No offense. Did the whole event in one day easy.

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I did not get my 25 misisons. i have a life to live. while it may be fun for you to sit around inside for 8 hours playing the game, most of us would pick a nice trip to the beach or the movies. i like the the pistols are not exclusive. makes the game not eat up your time


so you have no evidence  just educated guesses based on what has happened in the past 

Then don't expect a reward you didn't earn. Do you work for 2 hours and expect 8 hours of pay? No. You're also playing the wrong game if you expect to make any level of progress with the amount of time you have to spare. Y'see, I don't have to look down my nose at people and imply that what I do with my time is valued higher than someone else's, I can actually supply a sound argument. I also question exactly how much of a life you actually live if you spend time browsing the forums of a game this late at night.


Edit: And yes, an educated guess with just a pinch of common sense. It takes hours if not days to texture, adjust, design, code, and implement a weapon for play. If you were put in a developer's shoes would you spend that many man hours for nothing? Because I certainly wouldn't.

Edited by 223kazin
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Then don't expect a reward you didn't earn. Do you work for 2 hours and expect 8 hours of pay? No. You're also playing the wrong game if you expect to make any level of progress with the amount of time you have to spare. Y'see, I don't have to look down my nose at people and imply that what I do with my time is valued higher than someone else's, I can actually supply a sound argument. I also question exactly how much of a life you actually live if you spend time browsing the forums of a game this late at night.


I did 25 missions in less then 3 hour what. I find it hard to believe people even casual player having trouble with this event. No offense. Did the whole event in one day easy.

Went camping caught fish and had fun. no internet and as a matter of fact guess what im doing on here. WORK inmportant emails and fairly boring stuff. forums is where i come to relax. i know i didnt earn it but getting the whole reward quickly that not only encourages people to play but makes it easier for them to get a reward and go and live a life. like the informant event

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Went camping caught fish and had fun. no internet and as a matter of fact guess what im doing on here. WORK inmportant emails and fairly boring stuff. forums is where i come to relax. i know i didnt earn it but getting the whole reward quickly that not only encourages people to play but makes it easier for them to get a reward and go and live a life. like the informant event


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Went camping caught fish and had fun. no internet and as a matter of fact guess what im doing on here. WORK inmportant emails and fairly boring stuff. forums is where i come to relax. i know i didnt earn it but getting the whole reward quickly that not only encourages people to play but makes it easier for them to get a reward and go and live a life. like the informant event

Good on you. I find fishing boring and camping inconvenient. I get a lot of enjoyment playing video games. Gaming and watching a good tv show are what I like to do with my recreational time. You're coming off as if it's somehow wrong to spend any amount of time on a form of entertainment. I don't care how you spend your time, or what your opinion is on what other people do with theirs. All my topic was meant to point out is that we don't need another dozen threads from casuals complaining that they can't get a weapon that has an extremely high probability of obtaining a few months from now.


If you can't invest 7%~ of your waking hours over the course of 7 days to earn a weapon, then clearly it's not that important that you need to feel frustrated you can't get it at the end of an event. For me, personally, I was going to plug in those hours one way or another because I still have a lot of fun playing Warframe and even if we cut out the tier 2 and 3 rewards it's still extremely time efficient because of the insanely awesome battle pay. I was able to supercharge 3 of my frames thanks to this event. DE could come right out and say "No pistol or melee weapon at all, sorry guys" and I'd still be happy because I'm 400k+ richer with a bunch of clan resources, an ignis recipe, 3 reactors, a forma, and a handful of cells.


In my opinion the battle pay alone is catering more than enough for casuals as is. If you want to number crunch the amount of hours it'd take to farm all that, by all means. I can tell you right now it'd take at least a few hours doing speed runs ad nauseum.

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I did not get my 25 misisons. i have a life to live. while it may be fun for you to sit around inside for 8 hours playing the game, most of us would pick a nice trip to the beach or the movies. i like the the pistols are not exclusive. makes the game not eat up your time


so you have no evidence  just educated guesses based on what has happened in the past 

So. . . I work with Amps (we throw parties from Florida to Texas). I work for another company and primarily deal with the other companies that deliver and distribute products to said company, and I am also a full time college student. I put in about 80 hrs of work and a bit of school since the 21st. Lord Zasca, I found time in my life to knock out the 100 mission reward in 3 days. I am incredibly casual, I only really pop on for events like this from time to time.This event has been going on for almost  week. Do not complain about your poor time management.

If you wanted the event done, you could have done it. Instead you come onto the forums of a video game and complain about how DE should make it up to you for you being a "lifer", as I like to call it, and not having any time to do enough missions. You then try to brag and put down these other fine people who are just saying "if you can't put in the time, don't expect the pay", and I just really don't see the point.

Getting the reward quickly doesn't encourage people to play. It encourages them to get the reward. . quickly. When the informant event was out, no one was bothering to do it. . at all, until DE was like "Oh, we're going to give mods." Once DE said that, everyone grinded to what they needed for the event. . and stopped. Same thing that's happening here.

I just don't see a reason to be negative about it and try to act like you're a bigger, better, or lesser nerd, on an ingame forum where no one really cares.

Tl:DR- Most people have lives. Most people make time for what they want. QQ is bad, mmk? Play nice.

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Primed chamber is different.

It was rewarded for being in the top 100 on the leaderboards for the event it was included in.

It was a reward for determination and grinding well beyond what was fun.

DERebecca has even stated that it WILL return in future event rewards. It might even come back as a top 100 again.

The pistol that is rewarded at the end of the event will most definitely be early access with free slot and potato. They will put the other one in the vault for later (same with the other melee weapon, and DERebecca has even stated this in a thread).

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I bet they will put them as clan researches in U11 or before


I also read something about that being the Brakk a bio- research and the Detron Enenergy research in the clan in update 11, but it still speculation, bc DE didnt confirm or denied anything.


Edit: But it make a lot of sense bc they arent special editions, only a new model of weapon, and powerfull its seem (just guessing).

Edited by Rapxtor
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DERebecca has actually posted in a thread saying that the items that aren't released will be going into the "vault" for later release. While we will probably see the Brakk as a clan research shortly after the event the Detron and Prova Vandal will probably be rewards for another event down the line.

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How about Primed Chamber?

It is exclusive to the top 100 players, but a weaker version was released for everyone else. The reason Primed Chamber stayed exclusive is that it's a lot harder to be in the top 100 players in an event than to do 100 missions.

Edited by BerelHawdos
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