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Ban problem

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<Name Removed>  just did a ban spree of over 70 people starting about 3 hours ago. Majority of the messages were not violating TOS or whatever rule chat is under. I said nice to an mr 0 volt frame and I got banned. After the unban, I tried to be more general without saying anything to a certain someone, but I got almost all of my messages deleted by him and soon got banned from region chat. Later, I went to Q&A to ask about it and see if I/we could figure out what’s happening, but <name removed> deleted all my messages and banned me along with one other that was helping me. I am now banned from all in game chats for I don’t know how long. I have tried contacting support and it’s been 2 hours and no ones responded. It’s apparently a holiday in Canada so the other guy suggested that they were off, should I just follow that or is the team just being really weird today? Also, how long does a chat ban last? 

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We on the forums cannot assist you with in-game suspensions, be it from chat or from the game as a whole. Seeing as we (the users and moderators on the forums) do not have access to the in-game chat logs, we cannot objectively say whether you have violated the rules or not.

DE Customer Support, on the other hand, is equipped to arbitrate any disputes you may have with an in-game chat moderator. They will have access to chat logs and records of your suspension from chat and will be able to act objectively on the matter.


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