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Bug: permanent magnetic/scrambling effect in Corpus Railjack mission


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Yesterday I encountered something odd. I was affected by a magnetic effect or scrambling effect while piloting my Railjack (Veil Proxima corpus mission). Now I'm not sure where this came from, but perhaps something in the mission caused this effect to happen. The effect is that all hp and text is scrambled. So you cannot read the objectives and you cannot see your HP. Map and other icons were also distorted.

The effect wore off, but was reapplied later. I exitted the Railjack to go do some objective outside and the effect stayed. I completed the away mission, went back to the railjack. The effect remained too. I cleared the map. The effect remained. I completed the main objective (exterminate). Inside the ship the effect remained.

I completed the mission and went to try another mission, but since I was thinking this is a bug I tried Free Flight on Earth. The scrambling didn't go away. I went to the Dojo, but even there the effect was still present. 

Only after going to my orbiter and starting a new normal mission (non railjack) the effect went away. Also the effect was gone when I started a new Railjack mission.

I've not ever seen this bug before, but I can say it was very annoying.

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