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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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Yes, that's all very nice, Lotus, but now I have to speak up for my friends that threw their lot in with the Corpus. You praise them in this message, yet still they'll receive the sub par reward. Those Tenno that bled in the hopes of stalling the Grineer's expansion in the name of balance (though I still think a stash of sleeping Tenno will be a lot more balancing than a cowed Grineer), they deserve a proper reward for their service.


As I said, I much preferred to save our fellow Tenno from Alad V's grasp, it makes little difference to us if the Grineer boost their power in the slightest by capturing some Corpus territory. Balance will be kept, as always, because we're still stronger than both of them. But the men and women who fought for a different idea are still Tenno, and still deserve the proper recognition.

      A brother.

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People should have gotten the rewards from the side they supported.

i agree that there should be more to the losing side that only a BP of the gun you are supposed to grind


a lot of corpus supporters wont have a emblem to celebrate this event. altho im not sure why someone would use a badge of shame it could be part of the reason why someone picked corpus anyway


i wonder what symbol infested would use.

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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus


x.x can u guys send only 1 more pls :c i only need 4 to get 100 D: pls 

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sigh... and I was literally 2 missions away from the tier 2 rewards...

is there any way to extend it even a little? It gets rather difficult to run 100+ missions while in school. I hope these tier 3 weapons won't be event exclusives. I wouldn't mind finding them on some random boss in a few weeks :)  

Well. i'm in 9th grade with homework everyday -because of my **** math teacher- and i got to 100 on grineer and 54 on corpus, so you had enough time.


EDIT- i also had plans most of tuesday and i'm not allowed to play past 9

Edited by Subzerokid
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im seriously just so upset with DE right now :( i did not even check the end of time for this event because i was SURE!@!!!!!!!!!!  that it was ending at 5pm pacific time, the standard daily login reward time. i play alot of games. custom built pc. tournaments all of that. i have never seen a game not stick to their defined time and this.... im going to call it a "mistake" #*($%%@ me so hard with the definition of an end of day... im trying to give more credit to DE by calling it a "mistake"  rather than a conscious decision of actually CHOOSING this time. 


ive noticed im in no small way the only one getting screwed out of 50+ missions of hard work because of this very issue.

i highly suggest reopening the event. 

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Well. i'm in 9th grade with homework everyday -because of my **** math teacher- and i got to 100 on grineer and 54 on corpus, so you had enough time.


EDIT- i also had plans most of tuesday and i'm not allowed to play past 9

And I'm away from home 14 hours a day (06:00 - 20:00) I have a commute of 1,5 hours (so 3 hours a day, car and train), and then I need to get started on my school projects and chores at home. And still got to 91, the trick? Planning. but if you're not used to the am/pm thing you can make mistakes.

Edited by Torxe
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