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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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The Corpus are the ones who sound like us. We have lost our identity together with the lost of memory from cryosleep.


The Corpus helped me regain some of what has been forgotten. They truly have grand plans for us.

I look forward to cutting you down alongside those greed-ridden corpus thugs. you are no better than the stalker, it is YOU who has forgotten your purpose. not us. 

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Hey don't hate on the Corpus all that much! keep in mind it's their excellent greed that got them to find the Tenno pods in "Grineer" territory. :)


I beet the Grineer would have just killed them where they were sleeping if they got their hands on the pods first.

Edited by Ahcruna
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Hey don't hate on the Corpus all that much! keep in mind it's their excellent greed that got them to find the Tenno pods in "Grineer" territory. :)


I beet the Grineer would have just killed them where they were sleeping if they got their hands on the pods first.

Um.... they both would have ended up killing us XD But which one do you prefer? Disection or burned to death.

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This event was a good concept but wasn't handled as well as it could have been.


The game mode was just Exterminate and more Exterminate. If we're invading ships we could have some Sabotage and reroutes. They would still make sense. Just running Exterminate got old, really fast.


Lore-wise it was a fairly good idea. The problem is that there wasn't enough Lore before you started it. How strong are the Grineer? How much strength will they get if we side with them? Just how bad is Grineer Slavery? Are these colonies Corpus colonies, civilian colonies the Corpus control, or civilian colonies the Corpus just don't care about, since they don't have enough technology and/or money? None of this was explained beforehand, which left things unclear. If we're doing something like this it would help to know all the details.


The Community did not take well to this competition. There was quite a few people that were flaming, raging, and insulting people just because they didn't do the same as them. Even going to the point of whispering insults. This however is not your fault. Certain players just preferred to be disrespectful and vulgar towards each other. They, also, weren't willing to respect the decisions other players made. Sadly this was the major killer of my interest. I find this sort of behaviour very depressing and disruptive. Part of the reason I enjoyed Warframe was because of the Community.


In the future I recommend more variety for this sort of event. Just Exterminate lost interest pretty fast. I recommend adding more Lore that relates to this sort of event, before starting it. To calm the Community down a bit, I recommend handling rewards on a player by player basis. I also recommend handling the Lore choice individually. Do what you can to help players actually feel like they accomplished something and feel like their choices actually had some weight. As is people work hard for what they believe in and/or the rewards they really wanted. Then they can lose it, because they're at the mercy of the majority of the players and/or the hard-core players.


I hope you take this feedback in to consideration for future events. Hopefully it'll help better Warframe as a whole.

Edited by UltimaHiryuu
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Um.... they both would have ended up killing us XD But which one do you prefer? Disection or burned to death.


Oh, but the Grineer won and the Lotus got the pods back! so it all worked out. Do you see what I mean by what I posted now :)

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~Incomming Transmission~
Agent Name: Aerin Pierce

Clan: Dragon Lords
Status: Battle for Mars Concluded.

Final mission log: The Battle is won, the corpus have pulled funding from Alad V, meaning his campain is ended. It is a both a happy and sad occasion. Though the  plan that Alad V speaks of has been put on hold, I feel a shiver upon my spine, and I know it is from those we had to abandon to the Grineer. My only solace is knowing while the grineer taking over planets is detrimental to those of the Mars System, it is more detrimental to let our fellow Tenno fall into Alad V's greedy hands. From communications made during this event in the Sol System it appears he was collecting our brethren for this project... frankly it frightens me the thoughts that this brings to mind. The first is of the corpus using our Warframes, or at the very least reverse engineering them to their benefit making them more powerful. The second.. brainwashed Tenno fighting their own in the name of Alad V, a grim shadow we must consider due to that accursed outsider we call the Stalker. Grandmaster, I urge you to do all you can to retrieve more information from the Lotus on Alad V's pet project so we may swiftly snuff it out... before the man himself. 

May the Lotus guide us swiftly...

~End Transmission~

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Fixed that for you.


Look, really - I'm sure you're a nice guy, misogyny aside. But this ain't the place or time to be flexing your malehood in an attempt to get recognition. Everybody knows you're full of it, so drop it off and start acting like an adult. Maybe then you won't get people with actual intellect showing you to your chair and telling you to stay put like a good boy.


School's out, consider your lesson learned.




No but seriously, how long until we get our booty?

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~Incomming Transmission~


Agent Name: Aerin Pierce

Clan: Dragon Lords

Status: Battle for Mars Concluded.

Final mission log: The Battle is won, the corpus have pulled funding from Alad V, meaning his campain is ended. It is a both a happy and sad occasion. Though the  plan that Alad V speaks of has been put on hold, I feel a shiver upon my spine, and I know it is from those we had to abandon to the Grineer. My only solace is knowing while the grineer taking over planets is detrimental to those of the Mars System, it is more detrimental to let our fellow Tenno fall into Alad V's greedy hands. From communications made during this event in the Sol System it appears he was collecting our brethren for this project... frankly it frightens me the thoughts that this brings to mind. The first is of the corpus using our Warframes, or at the very least reverse engineering them to their benefit making them more powerful. The second.. brainwashed Tenno fighting their own in the name of Alad V, a grim shadow we must consider due to that accursed outsider we call the Stalker. Grandmaster, I urge you to do all you can to retrieve more information from the Lotus on Alad V's pet project so we may swiftly snuff it out... before the man himself. 

May the Lotus guide us swiftly...

~End Transmission~



Grineer and Corpus made up a fake fight sacrificing their own kind to collect our warframes and crap. The End

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it did for all other people


warframe.com really too much for you?


this is what you were saying. and what i was answering for. if the in game news link was bugged for you. well nothing anyone anyone can help you with. it was not the fault of the DE but it would be a client side bug.


I could flame the hell out of you now, call you names and what not, and seem like a complete #$&(%-bag. But I will take the high road and try to explain this nicely, politely, and in point form, so I can finaly make myself understood. My intent after all is not to argue for argument sake, but to express something I do NOT agree with. So here goes.


1) It did for all other people: A) This does not change the fact that it didn't on me, so it doesn't help me much to state it whilst B) I never said it didn't for anyone esle and C) assume it did for everyone is naive.


2) warframe.com,really too much for you?: Yes it is. I didn't log in to the game to be browsing sites. Your statement shows a lack of comprehension of what another person deems as right or wrong, or perhaps the fact that people have different priorities, tastes and ideas in general. Also a naive comment as you are assuming the state that everyone should do it or agree to it because you do (or others do) although most are be completely indifferent and don't care. Your comment also shows that you missed the point to all I wrote later on which you conveniently did not quote. I don't know if you are rushing to simply argue, or you missed it, or didn't bother to get it, but I clearly state that I do not agree with browsing web pages, especially for something like this. Let me give you an extreme step by step example of the practice that you agree with so you can perhaps see why I do not agree with it- 


Click on the Operation.

Operation opens were you select Grineer or Corpus.

Instead of a reward under them there is a link on each side.

Click on the link to see what reward you get.

Further more, instead of a 0/5 meter under each one, we are simply told in the link that we need to do the mission 5 times to get the reward, something anyone rushing or not in the mood to read might completely miss as well.


That is what this whole ordeal for me is. I do not agree with this layout, having to go OUT of the game to find out what the event is all about. Simple. This is my opinion as I already stated like it or not, but you cannot argue that it is not an opinion neither that there is no point to it. I agree to the basics being included WITHIN the game itself, and NOT on a site or forum, even if it is as easy as warframe.com. Again, I do not agree with this, how else am I supposed to explain it? And, if I am in a mood to play a game and not read things, I will completely in many occasions overlook the whole idea of having to look into forums, sites and wiki's to find extra details unless I really have to and I am looking for something that otherwise should NOT be included in the game (like drop rates for a specific item).


3) this is what you were saying. and what i was answering for. if the in game news link was bugged for you. well nothing anyone anyone can help you with. it was not the fault of the DE but it would be a client side bug: No, this is not what I was saying, the general perspective to it all is mostly in the later part of that post as also explained in my other posts. A bug is a bug and whatever, it happens, I am simply going the extra mile to explain that I do not like this practice of having to log into a browser every second day for warframe because some people are lazy (in my opinion of course, I could be wrong) to add a menu interface to make things simpler. For example, they could add a button to open operation, have a nice and simple little UI design, give us the intel and show us rewards, overall progress and related stats to the operations, and then have links in the form of buttons say to the right or left of the screen of the current operation and it's progress, on which we can click to THEN go to the page where we select the Grineer or the Corpus. It is all a matter of me not liking and not agreeing to the idea of having to go OUT of the game for every damn thing. It seems ultimately lazy.
I myself am a 3D animator and digital artist and have designed content for smartphone games, PC indie projects (that never saw the light thanks to a really inexperienced hierarchy and company layout) and websites, and believe me when I say that even I could make an interface for them within the week for the event so I strongly stand by my opinions of it being lazy, especially when so much effort is being put in to the game from the DE in changing and improving the menu UI time and time again. And if you don't believe me I can PM you with a site of my own I designed within 3 days!
Point being, as I already stated, that I do not agree with the practice of having to get into a browser at all, period, no matter what the game is, and that I am really tired of this since it is becoming a trend for other developers as well. I do not agree. The whole bug or not on in the game menu, and this whole argument following, is really just an opportunity to express my opinion on this practice. And that is why I was saying that you completely missed the point. I am arguing on the way this thing is handled period and you are arguing if I saw it or not. Not the point. And I go into explaining this in the entire post that like I said, you conveniently did not quote.
Hope I was able to painlessly explain my side to it and finally make myself clear on the matter without sounding much of a #$&(% either. And no, I am not whining, I simply do not agree with this layout at all. Such things should be within the game, not somewhere else, regardless of how easy it is or isn't.
Some extra food for thought, I usually don't care much for the links to the top left because I simply don't care, how else am I supposed to say it? I don't care! Reading notes, patch extras, livestreams and what not, is things I want to do when I am not playing the game and not when I have logged in to play. Hence, usually, I disregard them period. This time, I did not disregard them (due to the operations menu below) and was always checking them out. I could however not have cared this time either, which again would have resulted me in not knowing. And that is the overall point. These things, as a design direction, should be part of the in-game experience, not the warframe.com site, not the wiki, not the forum, or any other link outside of the game.
We good now? Did I make my side of the story clear? At this point I barely care about the rewards I missed out on, they matter only enough to last me 5 mins. The idea of having to alt+tab my &#! around browsers when I should be playing however is something that does not last me just 5 mins, it is something that has tired me out and I do not like it. This was an opportunity for me to express my opinion on the matter.
Again, cheers.
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