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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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This event was... should not have been a rush event...


After getting in about 20 for the Grineer... I was mentally exausted... After doing 100 for the Grineer; I took a day off the game... When I got back I actually enjoyed doing 5 - 10 of these battles solo or with a single friend... cause you were actually battling and taking it in... 


Not blasting through the map mindlessly just to achieve a counter for the reward.


The event's content itself was astounding! The maps colliding, the enemys and their AI (even though fighting against Grineer felt more challenging), the fine details were more then welcomed (along with the individual battle rewards)... 


Just 100 battles was... a bit too much, it burns you out on the game

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I don't know if people realize this but it might be highly offensive to the designers at DE to call the Grineer gun the "turd cannon". Can you imagine if you were the person who designed and crafted the weapon and have players call it that so casually? 

Maybe I'm being too much of a nagging Nancy here but please lay off the pointless insults. 

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Finally. Its been a crazy and tiresome few days. Totally burned out from the event. IMHO, I didnt like the idea of pitting community against community at all when the event could have been about secretly working together to get the blueprints of the latest secret weapon from both sides.


*My apologies to the design team, but the Grineer gun just looks plain horrible. Its like the Grineer are purposely going out of their way to make their weapons look like that as it looks very inefficient to manufacture for hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Edited by SirVash
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Ruk was surprisingly civil for a genetically defective walking toaster oven. I expect to find my fancy hull-cutter blade and handcannon in my inventory shortly, or I'm paying a visit to Tethys before I go to crush Alad with HIS metal corpse.

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Tier rewards? 100 missions and all that? excuse me but where the f... was that all posted? Did I miss something or was it in the secret thread or the "read every detail update" within a million other crap?


Shouldn't something like that be put somewhere obvious so we can know about it? I am surprised others knew of it and I didn't. And yes, I looked into every post for the event, didn't see anything of the obvious in the likes of :


rewards for supporting a side = tier 1, and the rest of it...


Unless it was some edit on an already posted thread. Either way, I read every important bit more or less (more) and have a life to not need to look in every single thread a million times, read every single reply in it, or look up every patch note. I even popped into the Warframe wiki and read everything on this conflict over there as well, and unless it was edited in later on at the wiki too no such information was present when I looked it up about rewards for completing 100 missions etc.


Seriously people, between everything else we do Warframe (or any other game) is the last thing we want to be searching details for more than we already are for every single grindable weapon and warframe part that we try to collect and so on so forth.


Make such news (which was from what I gather one of the most important parts of the conflict) accessible in an OBVIOUS place, not under a rock in your sisters' backyard. ffs, now I am the one that feels robbed here. Didn't pack up any more missions although I could because I thought there was absolutely no point to counting up to more than 5 on each front.... Crap!


37 for Grineer and 17 for Corpus (needed some stuff they gave away from those Milk-brained fiends as well). All in all, that is more or less all conflicts x5 however much they were, so I was not absent on any one of them. And now I'm apparently missing out on something I would have liked to have. Thanks for nothing I guess.


You looked absolutely everywhere, and even in the most important places, and you claim not to have been able to find information about the event rewards, when thousands of other players have been?




The post listing the event and the rewards is still listed on the main page. How you claim not to have been able to see this is beyond my understanding.

Edited by Ruzu
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In the end, both sides had a role. 


Those whom supported Grineer accomplished to locate and retrieve our brethren.


Those who supported Corpus pushed back against Grineer proliferation.


It wasn't really a Win-Loss, but a Win-Win.


I am content with this. Although, I can't say the same for the rewards...

Edited by AbsolutionZero
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Food for thought: I loved the idea of choosing a side and fighting. I also loved the map set up. However, 100 missions was a little much, and I really am burned out on the game. Also, the rewards make no sense. I fought for the Corpus, they still owe me. Why do I not get a laser hand cannon? The Corpus are just excused from their war debts now? I played on their side because I liked their weapons. Also, in the future, community vs. community events need to be much more balanced. The Grinner clean sweeped the Corpus. It was apparent that the Corpus would have no chance from the very first day. Because of the very large ratio of Grineer supporters to Corpus supporters, I now get a blueprint for a weapon I didn't even want in the first place. The weapon will not come with a weapon slot, nor will it be super charged. C'mon DE, make the rewards fair. Don't make me put in the time to then get a reward that is determined by the actions of others.

Edited by Starshade
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Hopping on the 'when's our stuff getting here?' train, but I just want to know if it's next day or next week? Either way is fine by me, just so long as I have an eta.

Also, WHOO EAT IT CORPUS. This is payback for all of those Stomping Moas you send at me!

Edited by Iceholder
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No, you see I don't feel like I was robbed by the Corpus, I feel like I was robbed by DE. After all that grind and I dont get a single reward that I wanted other than the damn badge. I don't want a wraith version of a melee that was so bad it was removed from the game, nor do I want a turd cannon. I stopped at 86 corpus runs, 0 grineer earlier this morning after I realized that there was no way I would get anything I was grinding for even if I pumped another 2 hours into this 10-12 hr grind fest. 


The saddest part is that DE will probably bend to the masses, and give out detrons and such to the ppl who ran their 100 corpus missions because of how blantantly rigged the event was from the start. And since I stopped at 86, I won't get one regardless. Hoi.


I'm sorry to rant, but I really had high hopes for this event, and it flopped SO hard, I'm just upset...


You had more than enough time to get the 100 points in those last 2 hours: 5mins per run on average (including botched runs, other-side-of-the-map spawns and other various hiccups) per hour = 12 runs/hour; 2 hours = 24 runs. The event took place over the course of an entire week so even in the event that you did only 15 runs per day, that should have been enough to get you to the 100 point rewards.


As for me I would have stopped at 100 runs, were it not for our glorious champion AceViper who inspired and motivated myself and others to continue on. And don't even start with the whole "I have a life" rebuttal; I work 9-5 on weekdays and even helped my mates with renovating their bathroom over the weekend, yet I still managed the quota and then some.

Tl;dr: laziness in conjunction with poor management of time and resources nets you with a substandard reward, if any. While it was grind-heavy on DE's part, there was enough time allocated to accomplish all the goals assigned.


And don't forget: WARBROS #1

Edited by XxSonicTheEdgeLordxX
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You had more than enough time to get the 100 points in those last 2 hours: 5mins per run on average (including botched runs, other-side-of-the-map spawns and other various hiccups) per hour = 12 runs/hour; 2 hours = 24 runs. The event took place over the course of an entire week so even in the event that you did only 15 runs per day, that should have been enough to get you to the 100 point rewards.


As for me I would have stopped at 100 runs, were it not for our glorious champion AceViper who inspired and motivated myself and others to continue on. And don't even start with the whole "I have a life" rebuttal; I work 9-5 on weekdays and even helped my mates with renovating their bathroom over the weekend, yet I still managed the quota and then some.

Tl;dr: laziness in conjunction with poor management of time and resources nets you with a substandard reward, if any. While it was grind-heavy on DE's part, there was enough time allocated to accomplish all the goals assigned.


Pretty much my thoughts. It would be asinine of me to blame DE for not allowing me to get my 100 points when it was solely my responsibility for putting the effort in to get what I wanted.

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Enjoyed the event, DE! Keep these events going. They're what's bringing me back to the game and keeping things fresh.


I'd like to see the invasion map type stick around, but with more map variety. 100 runs on the same map got pretty old. Also, that forcefield mid-map was a great addition. We really need to see more gameflow-altering pieces like that in all the map types. How about letting the baddies turn them on/off like they do the alarm systems? Retractable bridges?

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Yup, another useless event. Boring, repetitive and wasted event...And I dared thinking there would be something special at the end...I was a fool. They ruining this game i'm telling you, adding countless of useless content...

Party Pooper. Party pooper, super duper. Every party has a pooper. That's why we invited you! 

Edited by DanteClayborne
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Grineer won, YAY!! now I can go back to killing them, all though it will feel weird after fighting with them for so long.


That was fun, but I want my rewards now, I know it is probably taking a long time but still.

Edited by Erysium
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Oh, and echoing the sentiment of some others, the Invasion concept WAS a pretty cool idea. Wouldn't mind you keeping the battle pay thing as a "rare alert" sort of thing. Those mutagen masses and fieldron were a colossal help, and I'll never want for control modules again!

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Yup, another useless event. Boring, repetitive and wasted event...And I dared thinking there would be something special at the end...I was a fool. They ruining this game i'm telling you, adding countless of useless content...

Well if you didn't like it the stop playing. More for us

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