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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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There's something like 4 million accounts. If we assume 1/8th of them are legit active accounts, warbros and brofame together don't add up to more than 15k of that 500k playerbase.

The corpus couldn't win because the large clans lining up on one side broke their morale. It's not a matter of numbers in the absolute sense.


Regardless of how you word it, the Grineer won because a good deal of the player base that took part, sided with the Grineer and tipped the scales in their favor, I know of a forum topic that shows the exact numbers of how badly the Corpus were getting stomped in points.

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I have intercepted a message from the Corpus board to Alad V. They have grown tired of bankrolling Alad V's war effort and have withdrawn their funding. This has left Alad with no other option than retreat. Sargas Ruk is already readying his victory speech. This battle is over.


You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


The time for partnerships with these warlords has ended. We are no longer forced to support them in their petty conflicts. We must return to our stated goal of bringing balance to the solar system.


The Lotus


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I'd like to do the same thing. I don't care about who won, I just want the gun. The Detron looks a lot cooler than the Brakk in my opinion. If we can't trade or something for it, at least let us be able to buy it or something. Guns are so shiny ;-;


The only thing that bothers me about this event is that it doesn't make sense that you would get a blueprint for the gun of the side you didn't support as an 'inside acquisition' or however the post stated it.  If anything, you should get a blueprint for BOTH, one from your side as like thanks for supporting them, and the other as looted schematics or what-have-you.

Obviously the winning side would get a supercharged version of that gun, because they won, and a BP for the other, again, as phat lewts.

Or at least that's what I think.  But then my opinion matters little in the scope of this event.

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The only thing that bothers me about this event is that it doesn't make sense that you would get a blueprint for the gun of the side you didn't support as an 'inside acquisition' or however the post stated it.  If anything, you should get a blueprint for BOTH, one from your side as like thanks for supporting them, and the other as looted schematics or what-have-you.

Obviously the winning side would get a supercharged version of that gun, because they won, and a BP for the other, again, as phat lewts.

Or at least that's what I think.  But then my opinion matters little in the scope of this event.


well, for it making sense losing side should get NOTHING, but DE is kind enough of at least give you a BP, and some people still complains....

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Just tried out the Machete Wraith on Jupiter against some low-level infested. Couldn't even get it to level 1. It wouldn't kill anything, and I didn't see it doing any damage either. Not much of a reward for all of the hard work. Anyway, at least we got a free weapon slot. Time to sell this thing.


You took an unranked weapon to a place where the lowest level is level 14, halfway to max, and were disappointed about the results?

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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well, for it making sense losing side should get NOTHING, but DE is kind enough of at least give you a BP, and some people still complains....


No, you don't get it.  What I'm saying is you should have been rewarded with the weapon/BP from the faction you sided with as thanks, not from the enemy faction.

You know as well as I do if people put their time into running missions for a side that lost and got absolutely nothing that the forums would likely revolt.  Not that they aren't already revolting enough, but still.

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Corpus had it coming, really, no one nabs my fellow Tenno!

What I would like to see is a rescue operation to free those captured Tennos, like in a void mission key.


We Fight, We Fight to the last Tenno, We Fight to free our fellow Tenno!!!

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Whole event was pretty much bullS#&$.


First you give Grineer better rewards for like 5-6 missions enough to make most people go with the flow instead of choosing what they wanted. After they have established a huge lead most people would simply jump the Grineer bandwagon for the weapon slot and potato'd weapon at which point giving few missions where Corpus had better rewards was meaningless.


The after event reward system is terrible and I can't stress enough. Why should people that supported Corpus get a Grineer Turd-weapon? Give us Detron blueprint. It would be the same case for Grineer supporters if Corpus had won ( lol like that was going to happen ).


You even named the sides of the conflict Loyalty and Sacrifice??? What's the deal with that since when Grineer means loyalty? Grineer are the worse side of the conflict and they even call tenno scum =/ It all seemed like a trick to manipulate the player base into choosing Grineer side... all way too convenient.


The end to the event itself was pretty damn pathetic it just all abruptly ended >_>


Overall the start was great and the idea behind the event was really nice but the execution was terrible... the flow of the missions was messed up there was no real conflict starting with mission one where the reward difference pretty much shaped the event till the end. That's all in the past and we can only hope next time will be better. However one thing I can say and I won't stop is GIVE US(Corpus supporters) DETRON.


Seriously give us Detron >_<


Oh and Grineer sucks =)

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I did not care for some petty mission loot there was a choice rescue fellow Tenno or protect some nameless corpus colonists..... Also that Corpus guy

is really annoying. i planned from the start to do 100 Grineer missions but i grabbed plenty of corpus battlepay too. Now that the Tenno are safe back

to the old type of missions:


Kill anything that moves except Tenno.

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Whole event was pretty much bullS#&$.


First you give Grineer better rewards for like 5-6 missions enough to make most people go with the flow instead of choosing what they wanted. After they have established a huge lead most people would simply jump the Grineer bandwagon for the weapon slot and potato'd weapon at which point giving few missions where Corpus had better rewards was meaningless.


The after event reward system is terrible and I can't stress enough. Why should people that supported Corpus get a Grineer Turd-weapon? Give us Detron blueprint. It would be the same case for Grineer supporters if Corpus had won ( lol like that was going to happen ).


You even named the sides of the conflict Loyalty and Sacrifice??? What's the deal with that since when Grineer means loyalty? Grineer are the worse side of the conflict and they even call tenno scum =/ It all seemed like a trick to manipulate the player base into choosing Grineer side... all way too convenient.


The end to the event itself was pretty damn pathetic it just all abruptly ended >_>


Overall the start was great and the idea behind the event was really nice but the execution was terrible... the flow of the missions was messed up there was no real conflict starting with mission one where the reward difference pretty much shaped the event till the end. That's all in the past and we can only hope next time will be better. However one thing I can say and I won't stop is GIVE US(Corpus supporters) DETRON.


Seriously give us Detron >_<


Oh and Grineer sucks =)


First, if you have any complaints about the game, put it in the Feedback forum.


Second, you guys lost. Deal with it. If you can't deal with losing within a game, real life will be tougher.


Third, "Loyalty" is about saving the Tenno cache held captive by Alad V. Loyalty here means siding with an enemy to save your friends. Read the Lore.


Fourth, DE promised nothing of the sort as to an ending or some epic battle at the end. If you wanted a climactic ending / fight after a war, play a single player campaign game like Dark Sector, not an MMORPG.


Fifth, the event rules have been stated clearly enough even before it started. It has been clarified numerous times, and even patched so that you cannot get both battle pay from each side. This is a dilemma, choose one, stick with it and hope for the best. No Corpus Victory, no Detron. Simple.


Oh and Corpus sucks Greedy Milk. =)

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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At the risk of incurring the all-too-freely-given wrath of butthurt ragers, this IS the first time that DE has done something like this. There were new UI elements, new AI presets, (granted these have been a long-standing feature with such abilities as Mind Control and, more recently, Shadows of the Dead, but I digress), an entirely new server-wide event mechanic that very much hinged upon the choices of thousands upon thousands of players from around the world, AND extremely complex balancing issues that needed to be addressed for future content. Sitting there and *@##$ing a fit like a self-entitled little kid will just get people annoyed with you. There are better ways to go about making your point.

For example remember that this is an MMO and, as such, will have new content updates, new mechanics added, and what have you. With this in mind, you could offer feedback as to WHY you don't agree with this reward or that mechanic. Make a list of bullet points, (I love making lists of bullet points =D ), and post it here on the forums. You're a Master, so you're in the Design Council. Chat with your Councilmates while taking a break from missions. What are everyone else's thoughts? Gather a general consensus from your fellow Tenno and offer it up to DE. Just sitting around and whining may get you want SOMETIMES, but it's not going to be winning you any worthwhile friends. Dissent begets dissent, I say.

Now, all that said, let me start that little bandwagon a'going...




- It was creative and added much-needed depth to both factions' "main characters".

- It allowed for competition and conflict among players without destroying the sense of community.
- It pulled the players into an actual battle of which WE decided the outcome. The in-game world might not change very much, but it's a step toward future player-driven lore.
- It offered non-paying players the chance to get rare items and/or a lot of cash, depending upon whom they supported.

- It gave a ton of data required to run future, similar events that will be much more refined and balanced.


- The rewards system caused instability and bias, which was rectified near the end of the event, but not soon enough to prevent the results from being skewed.

- The public win/loss percentages that were given per-node also skewed the event a bit. Why would you fight for the side you picked when they're losing a node that the other side is giving hundreds of thousands of credits/something you need/etc?

- The missions were repetitive and dull after the first run. This wouldn't be so bad if we weren't required to run each mission at least 5 times to get the battlepay. Even shortening it to 3 would have made it a lot better, and changing up the content in each, separate run would have helped a lot with the repetition. Adding mechanics that required more critical thinking would have helped immensely, (the force-field in some of them was a step in the right direction, I feel.)

- The Grineer had several severe and telling advantages over the Corpus. While the Corpus had massively damaging weapons, they were put in the hands of simple Crewmen with shields. If you were to get through they're shields, they died instantly. Armor penetrating weapons, (like Despair), made fighting them far too easy, and the Grineer spawned massive amounts of Heavy Gunners, Scorches, Napalms, and Scorpions that made any Corpus resistance completely inconsequential. I actually ran from one room to another, stood by the door, and just waited on some missions. They cleared out the Corpus with no contest. (Granted, it took about an hour for that one mission, but that's beside the point.)
- The mats dropped in these missions made me cry. Okay, sure, it takes place on Mars, so it makes sense that drops from the original Mars nodes were commonplace. But I got something like 20k Alloy Plates and so much Rubedo that I ran out of S#&$ to build with it. In large-scale events such at these, (especially those that require as much time and dedication as this one did), a larger variety of loot would be VERY much welcomed.
- After crossing over onto the other ship/asteroid, there were huge tiles found on normal missions that had one, MAYBE two enemies in them. I spent more time trying to figure out where those last few enemies were than I did getting to that point, in the first place. After boarding the other ship, there should have been an absolute LOAD of S#&$ to slog through, considering how large these things were. As it was, I kept ending up using up all of my energy using Worm Hole to cross huge, empty expanses of tiles to get to extraction after killing everything. It was annoying and time-consuming. (To be fair, this is a bit of an issue for normal Extermination missions, but those are completely randomly generated, and the event missions should have been planned out and optimized for this.)



- Allow players to select difficulty ratings. As a god-modded, maxed-out Nova with a god-modded, maxed-out Despair, these missions were easy for me to solo. (I had to be careful, since Corpus Flux Rifles can apparently melt glass cannons fairly easily...) I can't count how many runs I did with a god-modded Rhino who ran into a room, Stomped everything, then ran into the next room, stomped everything, rinse and repeat. It got to the point that I would just casually stroll through the carnage left in his wake, nab all the loot, and only use my energy, at all, to cross the aforementioned empty expanses within each ship. If there had been even just three or four difficulty levels to choose from, perhaps with better rewards for the harder levels, it would have made this event a LOT more redeeming and a lot more of a challenge for higher-ranked players. And, if people just wanted the event rewards by supporting one side or the other, then they could just pick an easier difficulty. Having that risk-reward trade-off is always nice, in my opinion.

- Every battlepay reward should be completely interchangeable. Forma vs. Forma is a lot easier to balance than Forma vs. Credits. Some people, (like me), need a TON of money to fund Foundry projects, Dojo builds, etc. But if given the choice between money and a Forma BP, I'm going to lean heavily toward that Forma BP. I can get money easily enough, but Forma BPs are like free candy -- I'd be hard pressed to let it pass me by. I refrained from chasing the Formas that the Corpus gave, however, because I just wanted to get my 100 Grineer victories and go play Final Fantasy XIV. I think that you guys over at DE have already taken this into account, seeing the rewards for the last few nodes of the event, but it still begs to be emphasized.

- Random secondary missions should be thrown in there somewhere, in my opinion. Perhaps once you cross over to the other ship, the Lotus notices that there are a LOT more enemies than she first thought. Or maybe there are secret, valuable datamasses on that ship that would benefit the cause. Or, my personal favorite, perhaps an flawed, Tenno-free prototype of Alad V's pet project is lurking around, having escaped captivity during the chaos of the invasion. Stuff like that would have made these missions not only a lot more interesting, but less monotonous. Throwing in that random element of "if we kill every enemy, is the mission really going to be over?" makes these types of missions more suspenseful and fun.
- This last one goes for the entire rest of the game, frankly, but it only came to my mind during this event's many, many Stalker attacks. We need more rare-spawn entities, like Stalker. What first comes to mind is a Dead Space-styled infection outburst. You're running through a mission when you start noticing that there are small signs of the Infestation in the little nooks and crannies throughout the ship. Suddenly, a Corpus Tech runs into the room, stops dead and an Infested mass bursts out of his back, or something. Suddenly the Corpus are freaking out, this Corpus Tech is spawning Shield Ospreys that only give HIM shields, and he starts infecting the Corpus around him. And there could be other events like that which test a player's ability to adapt and think quickly in the face of such random happenings. Maybe, like I mentioned with the flawed prototype of Alad V's infamous project, some rouge creation of either side gets loose and starts killing everything it sees. Again, this would add replay value to old nodes and offer a very sudden, sporadic change to what would have normally been a boring, simple mission.

That's all I got on this for now. Give me another few hours and I'll think of other, possibly more ridiculous ideas... XD


- 2br02b, 2013

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i´m disappointed the event didn´t run a full week and ended early. doing 100 repetitive runs felt like a chore, so i couldn´t do more than 10-15 after work without getting bored hard. i wanted to fill my missing 30 runs yesterday evening. imagine my disappointment seeing that the event ended.


will there be another chance to get the weapons? buy the bp?

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i´m disappointed the event didn´t run a full week and ended early. doing 100 repetitive runs felt like a chore, so i couldn´t do more than 10-15 after work without getting bored hard. i wanted to fill my missing 30 runs yesterday evening. imagine my disappointment seeing that the event ended.


will there be another chance to get the weapons? buy the bp?


Sorry,  usually event only items are exclusive. We never got any of the previous Vandal (Braton, Lato, Snipertron) series, so IMO they will not release these in the future too.

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Whole event was pretty much bullS#&$.


First you give Grineer better rewards for like 5-6 missions enough to make most people go with the flow instead of choosing what they wanted. After they have established a huge lead most people would simply jump the Grineer bandwagon for the weapon slot and potato'd weapon at which point giving few missions where Corpus had better rewards was meaningless.


The after event reward system is terrible and I can't stress enough. Why should people that supported Corpus get a Grineer Turd-weapon? Give us Detron blueprint. It would be the same case for Grineer supporters if Corpus had won ( lol like that was going to happen ).


You even named the sides of the conflict Loyalty and Sacrifice??? What's the deal with that since when Grineer means loyalty? Grineer are the worse side of the conflict and they even call tenno scum =/ It all seemed like a trick to manipulate the player base into choosing Grineer side... all way too convenient.


The end to the event itself was pretty damn pathetic it just all abruptly ended >_>


Overall the start was great and the idea behind the event was really nice but the execution was terrible... the flow of the missions was messed up there was no real conflict starting with mission one where the reward difference pretty much shaped the event till the end. That's all in the past and we can only hope next time will be better. However one thing I can say and I won't stop is GIVE US(Corpus supporters) DETRON.


Seriously give us Detron >_<


Oh and Grineer sucks =)


Hear Hear ! :)

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i´m disappointed the event didn´t run a full week and ended early. doing 100 repetitive runs felt like a chore, so i couldn´t do more than 10-15 after work without getting bored hard. i wanted to fill my missing 30 runs yesterday evening. imagine my disappointment seeing that the event ended.


will there be another chance to get the weapons? buy the bp?

same s-h-*-t

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