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Not Being Able To Interact With The Level


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so this has been happening for a while and its getting really annoying 


at some point of the mission a lagg spike appears , it goes away in seconds but THEN


- you cant switch from secondary/primary weapons and vice versa 


-cant pick  up ammo packs or Blue/Reds orbs, the pick up sounds still plays but no ammo or energy is added


-in missions like Defense you cant pick a side in the Leave/Keep Fighting screen

    - this also applies  to Doors and containers that just ignore you 


-upon dying and choosing to revive you are still left on the ground as if you picked forfeit (not sure if the revive is wasted or not ) 

    - then you get to expectate another player as usual and hope the rest of the team can finish the mission 



this has happened about 3-4 times this week and for some razon allays picks hight level survival/defense making it even more frustating 



is it only me or what 

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funny part that you still can damage enemy using your weapon


and on one case i got like some kind of invulnurable, entire platoon grineer shoot me for 0 damage , till grinner roller and grineer bombard finally managed hurt and kill me


on other case happen today too , all of the enemy ignore me, like im not there


-edit note : proved roller are evil-

Edited by Courina
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3 times in a row today, last one being minutes ago. Also saw another guy stuck in place (but his dethcube kepft engaging targets) and I can only assume he got into the same "lockdown".


Hasn't happened before, really frustrating because you can't damage anything, can't pick up anything, and if it's defense, you're stuck there until the mission fails because you can't choose sides and it automatically leaves you in the mission if you don't.


Also every time this happened (to me or to the other player), the mission ended in a black screen. Really annoying.

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I get this as well its as if the game is de-syncing from the client to host but not host to client, as i can see the host move around, kill things and loot dropping.  However as a client I cant pick up loot, damage enemies nor get loot from containers (though I can break them).  The host also doenst see me move around.

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I just experienced this neat little bug for the first time today.


Vault Run, 3 people, OD Exterminate.

I had the Bleeding Key equipped on my Volt.


And just as stated in the OP, After a massive lagg spike, suddenly the level did not "recognize" me.


Doors would not open.

I could not damage enemies.

I could not switch from secondary to primary.

I could not pick up anything dropped on the ground, ammo/orbs etc.

Energy Regen (I assume all auras) stopped being applied on me.


And lastly, I did receive the "black screen of nothingness" upon mission completion and extraction.


Let's see if it happens again. (I'm hoping It won't :P)

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This has become a consistent bug for me or someone in my game regardless of who hosts. It only started occurring for me after the latest Hot Unfix.


I dub thee "Spectator bug"


...and yeah, the black-screen-of-death is almost guaranteed and the end of theses bugged games suggesting the issues have the same origins.

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I've had this problem multiple times this past week, but now I know that when this happens your character is stuck running in place on everyone else's screens, even though, you are still running around normally on your own.

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Happened to me also, multiple times. Sometimes just like the OP described, but even more often I couldn't get through open doors but I was still able to interact with the environment. These might be two completely different problems, but what do I know... This thing is starting to make the game unplayable for me, since it is occuring in about a third of all the missions I start. I think all these problems started about a week ago, when we had an event.

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Got this at all game I've tried.


A strange fact : You can deal damage, but only melee damage, and you only can hurt common ennemis. You still can do something, waiting this boring game end. \o/



I suffered from this bug too. Also, you don't get the rewards even if someone unstuck completes the mission. This happened to me since the last patch only.

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I have been stuch at 300XP to level up for 3 days.  every mission I play black screens.  I'm assuming that I do not get any rewards for finishing, as it's not completingthe sequence. 


I have played MMO's for 2 decades.  I have been unable to find a game that has peaked my interest.  FINALLY, I come upon Warframe and feel that I have found a home again.  This is SO frustrating!!!


All I have is Excaliber, but wonder if I should continue to play if the Dev's are not going to work to fix this issue?  It is a documented issue, and has been for some time.



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