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List Of Weapons I Would Like To Use In-Game (Wish List)


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Uh. Furax ARE real gauntlets. I'm not sure, but when you say huge gauntlets, by any chance are you thinking of Boxing Gloves instead? Like the kind that Boxers use?



Google will save your bacon more than once. Though to really clarify what kind of gauntlets, I meant those that reaches up to your elbow.



And again... shotguns already fire, by default, a "burst" of pellets. Full-auto for Boar Prime makes much more sense than having a "burst on top of existing burst".


Regarding the soma, the dual mechanics are exactly what you wanted, Just implemented better. You have single shot for tap, and can hold down fire button for full auto. However, you end up being able to fire in EITHER mode while ZOOMED IN.


Kogake ARE claws... just not as long as wolverine's "claws".


Regarding the scan pistol, interesting idea but your suggested implementation is .... problematic. Either have the idea implemented as an attached sight/display on an actual weapon you can kill your discovered targets with, or have it done through an equippable ability mod. Otherwise, the bearer is deprived of a secondary weapon, and the visual of the target is lost once you swap weapons*.


*Unless you mean that the scanner pistol somehow reveals enemies in a cone for a limited duration when you shoot it, instead of being some kind of handheld scanner display you have to look through. But that would just ruin the fun of looking through a display for hidden enemies. Seriously, such a display should be attached to a weapon.


But the number of shells fired by a shotgun, by default, is one. When people talk about burst-fire vs semi-auto (or full auto), they normally talk about how the rounds/shells are fired (or more precisely, the mechanism that causes them to be fired), not the pellets that comes out of the barrel. Not sure how you can get confused by that.


I am looking at the Kogake but they really don't look like claws to me. To me, they are like brass knuckles for hands and feet compared to claws.


Well... I was thinking of it to scan and tag enemies for a limited time. What you suggested is also a good idea but that would be better as a form of a mod. The removal of a secondary weapon is not really something anyone would take but for people like me who prefer to run primary only, it's a good weapon. Scan pistol is a niche weapon, similar but unlike how Bronco is.

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Google will save your bacon more than once. Though to really clarify what kind of gauntlets, I meant those that reaches up to your elbow.



But the number of shells fired by a shotgun, by default, is one. When people talk about burst-fire vs semi-auto (or full auto), they normally talk about how the rounds/shells are fired (or more precisely, the mechanism that causes them to be fired), not the pellets that comes out of the barrel. Not sure how you can get confused by that.


I am looking at the Kogake but they really don't look like claws to me. To me, they are like brass knuckles for hands and feet compared to claws.


Uhm, the images that come foremost do not negate my point about Furax being REAL gauntlets. Your clarification about the type being the kind that reaches up to your elbow helps a bit in visualising what you have in mind, but perhaps in future you could link to 1 picture which shows the GAUNTLET DESIGN that you want weaponised in warframe? Because when you just say gauntlets, people will point to the Furax and say, "there ya go!."


I am not confused by the definition of burst, just the practicality of it. The whole idea of burst is to get of several shots out to cover an area without wasting ammo from a full auto weapon (which often happens with troops who have poor trigger discipline). Since shotguns already fire a burst of pellets to blanket an area, burst fire seems redundant to me (unless DE introduces shotguns firing slugs and not buckshot). Full-auto however, is still useful as you can keep pumping out rounds into really large mobs (or really stubborn heavies), PLUS you can just stop whenever you want and conserve the ammo.

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My Warframe wishlist:

- a pair of tonfa

- a set of claws

- a Kusari-gama

- railgun-type weapon

- minigun-type weapon (feel and looks)

- Armor 2.0

- all warframes to be equally viable

- balanced Solo gameplay

- rewarding stealth gameplay

- less grind


...a man can dream....

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There's no point in ever having a burst-fire shotgun. If it's a really slow burst, you'll often end up wasting the extra shots or spending unneccesary effort timing your movements. If it's a really fast burst, well you might as well be be using a strong spike damage shotgun instead.

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- Flak Cannon

- Flak Cannon

- Flak Cannon

- ???

- Flak Cannon



When u talk about flak cannon, it could be something like from unreal tournament. Normal fire is like shotgun but pellets bounce once after hiting something, charged atack makes grenade shot that exploded and from it shoots pellets to all direction.



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Uhm, the images that come foremost do not negate my point about Furax being REAL gauntlets. Your clarification about the type being the kind that reaches up to your elbow helps a bit in visualising what you have in mind, but perhaps in future you could link to 1 picture which shows the GAUNTLET DESIGN that you want weaponised in warframe? Because when you just say gauntlets, people will point to the Furax and say, "there ya go!."

He means like the Batarian Enforcement Gauntlets from ME3MP (google them if you want a few pictures that sort-of show how they look - basically it's meant to be a big, beefy gauntlet (medieval knight-style) that adds a crapton of force behind your punch).


And for the record, Furax are more like MMA gloves than gauntlets, with Ankyros being the equivalent of brass knuckles.



As for weapons I would like to use... Warhammers. And cannons (like on pirate ships).

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We have warhammer: Look at Furax and its alt Skin


As for "Gauntlets" I thought we were thinking Huge things. Basically to make a "heavy" fist weapon compared to the fast ones we have now. Think Darksiders War Size fists. Not quite the right size but the linked picture was the direction I was thinking:




In comparison to these Furax are boxing gloves. However I doubt we will get anything larger or longer then Furax as it will clip to much with most weapons. However you can pull off some nice effects. Try Furax plus Dread and it looks like the Bow has an awesome central bulky grip.

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He means like the Batarian Enforcement Gauntlets from ME3MP (google them if you want a few pictures that sort-of show how they look - basically it's meant to be a big, beefy gauntlet (medieval knight-style) that adds a crapton of force behind your punch).


And for the record, Furax are more like MMA gloves than gauntlets, with Ankyros being the equivalent of brass knuckles.



As for weapons I would like to use... Warhammers. And cannons (like on pirate ships).






We have warhammer: Look at Furax and its alt Skin


As for "Gauntlets" I thought we were thinking Huge things. Basically to make a "heavy" fist weapon compared to the fast ones we have now. Think Darksiders War Size fists. Not quite the right size but the linked picture was the direction I was thinking:




In comparison to these Furax are boxing gloves. However I doubt we will get anything larger or longer then Furax as it will clip to much with most weapons. However you can pull off some nice effects. Try Furax plus Dread and it looks like the Bow has an awesome central bulky grip.




Uh.... no, Furax ARE gauntlets. Gauntlets being a general term for many different kinds of hand covering, armoured or otherwise, one definition of gauntlet simply being "a strong glove with a long loose wrist". Which is why it is NEVER a good idea to use a generic term when you have something very specific in mind in terms of design.


And just in case you want to raise the issue of "No.... I obviously mean MILITARY GAUNTLETS not stuff like falconry gauntlets or industrial use gauntlets....." here's a link of some dainty-looking military-use gauntlets: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gauntlets.jpg

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We have warhammer: Look at Furax and its alt Skin

The Fragor isn't a warhammer. Not in the traditional sense. It's a bulked-up sledgehammer. THIS is a warhammer:



Uh.... no, Furax ARE gauntlets. Gauntlets being a general term for many different kinds of hand covering, armoured or otherwise, one definition of gauntlet simply being "a strong glove with a long loose wrist". Which is why it is NEVER a good idea to use a generic term when you have something very specific in mind in terms of design.


From the same wikipedia page you got the image from:


Gauntlet /ˈɡɔːntlɪt/[1] is a name for several different styles of glove, particularly those with an extended cuff covering part of the forearm. Gauntlets exist in many forms, ranging from flexible fabric and leather gloves, to mail and fully articulated plate armour.


I don't see any forearm covering on the Furax. Hell, I don't even see any cuff going past the wrist. I guess they're not gauntlets.

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The Fragor isn't a warhammer. Not in the traditional sense. It's a bulked-up sledgehammer. THIS is a warhammer:




From the same wikipedia page you got the image from:



Gauntlet /ˈɡɔːntlɪt/[1] is a name for several different styles of glove, particularly those with an extended cuff covering part of the forearm. Gauntlets exist in many forms, ranging from flexible fabric and leather gloves, to mail and fully articulated plate armour.

I don't see any forearm covering on the Furax. Hell, I don't even see any cuff going past the wrist. I guess they're not gauntlets.


Again, many definitions of gauntlet exist. the image which I linked: not past the wrist am I right? The other images on the page: mostly not past the wrist either am I right?


To ease your confusion, multiple interpretations of the word "particularly" also exist. It can mean "specifically", or as is more likely in this case just "especially". And "especially" does not equate to "only". I know, it's easy to get mixed up if you don't have photographic visual aids staring at you in the very same page. Oh, wait... well I guess, it may still have been a somewhat misleading description. :D


So yeah, Furax, still OBVIOUSLY gauntlets. *Had to make an edit to add the obviously. Because by this time... yeah kind of obvious beyond doubt.

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Again, many definitions of gauntlet exist. the image which I linked: not past the wrist am I right? The other images on the page: mostly not past the wrist either am I right?


To ease your confusion, multiple interpretations of the word "particularly" also exist. It can mean "specifically", or as is more likely in this case just "especially". And "especially" does not equate to "only". I know, it's easy to get mixed up if you don't have photographic visual aids staring at you in the very same page. Oh, wait... well I guess, it may still have been a somewhat misleading description. :D


So yeah, Furax, still OBVIOUSLY gauntlets. *Had to make an edit to add the obviously. Because by this time... yeah kind of obvious beyond doubt.

Ah, but in the image you linked, those gauntlets DO go past the wrist, for a good two inches, as far as I can judge. In fact, they look like they're specifically designed to deflect stirkes that would normally glance off of or slide along the bearer's sword and then hit his arms.


The Furax, on the other hand, are just plates of metal with hi-tech screws welded to the top/sides. Not gauntlets.


adverb: particularly
  1. so as to give special emphasis to a point; specifically.
adverb: especially

used to single out one person or thing over all others.

Mayhaps you want to check your definitions there, bud.
Edited by Volthorne
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Okay guys please dont get bogged down in the definition of the word "Gauntlet". Also people have their own opinions of what the Furax are. 


However the Furax does not go along the fore arm to near the elbow and that is what several people in this thread are wanting. The furax are good fine fist weapons but people want something bigger. 


I want something we will never get (REALLY HUGE fist to elbow weapons!), however most people want a fist weapon that starts at the fist and ends somewhere near the elbow. Now lets move on... 



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Okay guys please dont get bogged down in the definition of the word "Gauntlet". Also people have their own opinions of what the Furax are. 


However the Furax does not go along the fore arm to near the elbow and that is what several people in this thread are wanting. The furax are good fine fist weapons but people want something bigger. 


I want something we will never get (REALLY HUGE fist to elbow weapons!), however most people want a fist weapon that starts at the fist and ends somewhere near the elbow. Now lets move on... 



Indeed. While I love clarifying stuffs, I don't like people sitting on a specific word. Also, TONFAS!

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Ah, but in the image you linked, those gauntlets DO go past the wrist, for a good two inches, as far as I can judge. In fact, they look like they're specifically designed to deflect stirkes that would normally glance off of or slide along the bearer's sword and then hit his arms.


The Furax, on the other hand, are just plates of metal with hi-tech screws welded to the top/sides. Not gauntlets.


adverb: particularly
  1. so as to give special emphasis to a point; specifically.
adverb: especially

used to single out one person or thing over all others.

Mayhaps you want to check your definitions there, bud.



They flare around the wrist area, but DO NOT go up to the forearms, as you insist is necessary based on your interpretation of the definition. Please look at the Furax again, it does project around the wrist area... but also not up to the forearm.


And in regards to "ESPECIALLY".


Here's an example to guide you:


Ver A: I find other people tiresome, ESPECIALLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it.

Ver B: I find other people tiresome, PARTICULARLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it. (1 word substituted, but same meaning)



The above sentences do not mean that ONLY people who want to continue losing arguments try my patience, but that i find them EXCEPTIONALLY capable in this respect. I also find other people tiresome, just not to such an EXCEPTIONAL degree.


Considering how flexible words are, I wonder why you persist in latching on to only those definitions which support your fallacious argument, when as I have said in an earlier post, the images on the wiki page you have also chosen to reference have destroyed your argument utterly?


In regards to sitting on a specific word, I just think it's better to be clear on what general terms are, to help with posting weapon ideas. If people mistakenly believe that gauntlets refer to a specific design when they clearly do not, we may end up with another confusing weapon request where someone asks for "gauntlets - because they are not in the game yet."


When the original poster first submitted his ideas, they were not presented with sufficient detail. His ideas were interesting, but because he used general terms for some of them, there was significant confusion about what some of his requested weapons actually were, or if they were necessary.


So to reiterate a point I have been trying to make, kindly be aware that there are some general terms that refer to many different things and designs. If you want a specific design out of that general category, you'd best illustrate it somehow.

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They flare around the wrist area, but DO NOT go up to the forearms, as you insist is necessary based on your interpretation of the definition. Please look at the Furax again, it does project around the wrist area... but also not up to the forearm.


If you look closely at the image you supplied, the back of the layered metal plating ends pretty much right at the wrist. The guards go a further two inches, clearing the wrist and providing forearm protection to an extent. The Furax are, again, just sheets of metal strapped to your fist with bolts welded on, the don't even go past the wrist.


And in regards to "ESPECIALLY".


Here's an example to guide you:


Ver A: I find other people tiresome, ESPECIALLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it.

Ver B: I find other people tiresome, PARTICULARLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it. (1 word substituted, but same meaning)



The above sentences do not mean that ONLY people who want to continue losing arguments try my patience, but that i find them EXCEPTIONALLY capable in this respect. I also find other people tiresome, just not to such an EXCEPTIONAL degree.


You are interpreting Ver A correctly. Ver B, on the other hand, would be interpreted as the people who tire you are specifically those who you consider "wrong". You do realise that not every word pertains to ALL of its definitions in ALL circumstances, yes?


Considering how flexible words are, I wonder why you persist in latching on to only those definitions which support your fallacious argument, when as I have said in an earlier post, the images on the wiki page you have also chosen to reference have destroyed your argument utterly?


Again, not all definitions of a word apply in any given circumstance.


In regards to sitting on a specific word, I just think it's better to be clear on what general terms are, to help with posting weapon ideas. If people mistakenly believe that gauntlets refer to a specific design when they clearly do not, we may end up with another confusing weapon request where someone asks for "gauntlets - because they are not in the game yet."


It would help if the Market was worth a damn for organization. Two part problem, and we're only addressing half. The other half of the solution relies on DE getting their S#&$ together.


When the original poster first submitted his ideas, they were not presented with sufficient detail. His ideas were interesting, but because he used general terms for some of them, there was significant confusion about what some of his requested weapons actually were, or if they were necessary.


I agree, better labeling of weaponry (and this applies to everything - how the hell does the Ogris classify as a "rifle" anyway?) would help immensely, but this goes hand-in-hand with the Market issue.


So to reiterate a point I have been trying to make, kindly be aware that there are some general terms that refer to many different things and designs. If you want a specific design out of that general category, you'd best illustrate it somehow.



Responses are in italics (because DE set up the reply system in a crap way - normally I'd take each section and put it in its own quote box).

Edited by Volthorne
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Okay guys please dont get bogged down in the definition of the word "Gauntlet". Also people have their own opinions of what the Furax are. 


However the Furax does not go along the fore arm to near the elbow and that is what several people in this thread are wanting. The furax are good fine fist weapons but people want something bigger. 


I want something we will never get (REALLY HUGE fist to elbow weapons!), however most people want a fist weapon that starts at the fist and ends somewhere near the elbow. Now lets move on... 





Indeed. While I love clarifying stuffs, I don't like people sitting on a specific word. Also, TONFAS!


My thoughts exactly.


Again, TONFA!!!

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Volthorne, on 06 Nov 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:

Responses are in italics (because DE set up the reply system in a crap way - normally I'd take each section and put it in its own quote box).

413X, on 06 Nov 2013 - 07:32 AM, said:snapback.png

They flare around the wrist area, but DO NOT go up to the forearms, as you insist is necessary based on your interpretation of the definition. Please look at the Furax again, it does project around the wrist area... but also not up to the forearm.


If you look closely at the image you supplied, the back of the layered metal plating ends pretty much right at the wrist. The guards go a further two inches, clearing the wrist and providing forearm protection to an extent. The Furax are, again, just sheets of metal strapped to your fist with bolts welded on, the don't even go past the wrist.


And in regards to "ESPECIALLY".


Here's an example to guide you:


Ver A: I find other people tiresome, ESPECIALLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it.

Ver B: I find other people tiresome, PARTICULARLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it. (1 word substituted, but same meaning)



The above sentences do not mean that ONLY people who want to continue losing arguments try my patience, but that i find them EXCEPTIONALLY capable in this respect. I also find other people tiresome, just not to such an EXCEPTIONAL degree.


You are interpreting Ver A correctly. Ver B, on the other hand, would be interpreted as the people who tire you are specifically those who you consider "wrong". You do realise that not every word pertains to ALL of its definitions in ALL circumstances, yes?


Considering how flexible words are, I wonder why you persist in latching on to only those definitions which support your fallacious argument, when as I have said in an earlier post, the images on the wiki page you have also chosen to reference have destroyed your argument utterly?


Again, not all definitions of a word apply in any given circumstance.


In regards to sitting on a specific word, I just think it's better to be clear on what general terms are, to help with posting weapon ideas. If people mistakenly believe that gauntlets refer to a specific design when they clearly do not, we may end up with another confusing weapon request where someone asks for "gauntlets - because they are not in the game yet."


It would help if the Market was worth a damn for organization. Two part problem, and we're only addressing half. The other half of the solution relies on DE getting their S#&$ together.


When the original poster first submitted his ideas, they were not presented with sufficient detail. His ideas were interesting, but because he used general terms for some of them, there was significant confusion about what some of his requested weapons actually were, or if they were necessary.


I agree, better labeling of weaponry (and this applies to everything - how the hell does the Ogris classify as a "rifle" anyway?) would help immensely, but this goes hand-in-hand with the Market issue.


So to reiterate a point I have been trying to make, kindly be aware that there are some general terms that refer to many different things and designs. If you want a specific design out of that general category, you'd best illustrate it somehow.




Responses from Volthorne are in italics, and I am quoting the above from his post.


I am not sure how you can be missing the angular plate on the Furax that projects up around the wrist area. Again, given that there are ample photographs demonstrating that gauntlets do not necessarily cover the forearms on that self-same wiki page, I can't help but feel you're trying to nitpick and deflect away from the issue of whether the Furax qualifies as gauntlets (and your failure to prove otherwise) because the pictures on the page show that your argument about gauntlets needing to cover the forearms is invalid. And by pictures, I don't mean one with a bunny wearing a pancake on its head. :D


Regarding your interpretation of my examples... you are simply giving an alternative interpretation of my words, which may be acceptable, but not very likely given the context. 


Let me deconstruct this for you:

 I find other people tiresome, PARTICULARLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it


I did not say "Those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud to admit it, are tiresome to me." That in essence would be a rewording of your interpretation.  the people who tire you are specifically those who you consider "wrong".


When the latter portion of the statement is prefaced by the words "I find other people tiresome," it suggests, contextually, that I find other kinds of people in addition to the specifically mentioned types tiresome as well. Otherwise, I would have said something more direct, such as "People who refuse to admit when they are mistaken vex me."

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Volthorne, on 06 Nov 2013 - 09:11 AM, said:

Responses are in italics (because DE set up the reply system in a crap way - normally I'd take each section and put it in its own quote box).

413X, on 06 Nov 2013 - 07:32 AM, said:snapback.png


Responses from Volthorne are in italics, and I am quoting the above from his post.


I am not sure how you can be missing the angular plate on the Furax that projects up around the wrist area. Again, given that there are ample photographs demonstrating that gauntlets do not necessarily cover the forearms on that self-same wiki page, I can't help but feel you're trying to nitpick and deflect away from the issue of whether the Furax qualifies as gauntlets (and your failure to prove otherwise) because the pictures on the page show that your argument about gauntlets needing to cover the forearms is invalid. And by pictures, I don't mean one with a bunny wearing a pancake on its head. :D


Regarding your interpretation of my examples... you are simply giving an alternative interpretation of my words, which may be acceptable, but not very likely given the context. 


Let me deconstruct this for you:

 I find other people tiresome, PARTICULARLY those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud too admit it


I did not say "Those that insist on arguing a point which they are clearly mistaken about, but are too proud to admit it, are tiresome to me." That in essence would be a rewording of your interpretation.  the people who tire you are specifically those who you consider "wrong".


When the latter portion of the statement is prefaced by the words "I find other people tiresome," it suggests, contextually, that I find other kinds of people in addition to the specifically mentioned types tiresome as well. Otherwise, I would have said something more direct, such as "People who refuse to admit when they are mistaken vex me."


At this point we're arguing semantics for the most part. We can agree to disagree, yeah?


One last thing, though: Those "protrusions" on the Furax are most likely the power-packs supplying any necessary energy (I'm assuming there is some sort of acceleration or momentum-multiplier field generated by the welded-on bolts, judging by the description stating they're "far more devastating" than most melee weapons), and the flap of metal behind that is probably designed as a brace more than a guard, so your wrist doesn't bend backwards when striking an opponent (our wrists can tolerate a decent amount of force when bent towards the palms, but bending towards the back of the hand with any substantial amount of pressure WILL result in injury - hence, the braces).


On topic: I forgot about the Sais and Katars! This game needs more Sais and Katars.

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