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Free Warframe T-Shirts [Pics/mockups]


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Hi, fellow Tenno,

Today I'm here to share some T-Shirts ideas/concepts I had in mind. I imagined some kind of "Warframe Store" as parallel way, for Digital Extremes, to make some extra profits.

There isn't much more to talk about: here they are!

(Click the small previews to check larger previews!)


s0mGpLi.png#1 - Grineer Heavy Units Propaganda

rjQC55I.png#2 - Heavy Grineer Vintage Advertising

IPg8kxv.png#3 - Warning: Heavy Grineer Approaching! Bombard Edition

I6v6vbp.png#4 - High Kwality* Detonite Manifesto

b4eRzVl.png#5 - Come and give you Huncle Hek a hug!

7kU6xhP.png#6 - Darvo's Supplies Supporters T-Shirt

iwHToDp.png#7 - The TwinS

Dyr2suU.png#8 - Lotus Blossom

hknRern.png#9 - Bonus T-Shirt: Orokin Farmer (Genuineness Guaranteed!)

* Yes, it's Kwality. Apparently, the Grineer don't use the Q... or at least I couldn't find it.

(Edit) As I stated a couple of posts under this, my attempt was to design 'fun' t-shirts with a taste of 'vintage sign' style.

So, they're just concepts. I don't own UBER LARGE images of them, so I hope they will serve as suggestions for future designs.

Hope you like them, though. Let me know your feedback.

Critics? New ideas? Potatoes?

Also, if you haven't checked them yet, I did some Corpus weapons designs here and I'm still hungry of your feedback.



Edited by Krotalon
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Those look really cute. #1 & #8 are something I would buy.

Though I'm not really sure about the font choice. It just doesn't feel...relevant?

I'm thinking more *Stencil*, *Army*, *Sci-fi*, *Techno*, themed fonts.

They're kind of 'fun' t-shirts and my attempt was to design some 'vintage advertising'-like signs.

At least most of them. As you can see, the one with the Lotus is more 'serious' than the others, for instance, and doesn't have particular fonts (Warframe logo excluded).

Thanks for appreciation and your feedback, though!

Edited by Krotalon
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  • 1 month later...

idk, I was looking for something a bit more rated pg 13.. R.. well you know something more cool than these.. with dev's likeness on the center of the front with war-frame with DE and on the other side their favorite warframe in an epic pose with a quote under the image of them saying something epic.. such as Rebeca would say their are heavy units incoming or something similarly funny


I'm not saying I would expect it to be a 9 dollar shirt or anything but if I am going to shell out $50-$100 for a shirt I expect it to look epic.. '-.-' and epic is not spelled p o r n o g r a p h i c...

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