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Fan Concept Frame - Panssari - The Iron Maiden


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Cephalon Corva: Sentient vessel is gaining. Cephalon Corva suggests avoiding more damage to the Avalos to increase odds of survival.


Captain Rohl: Oh, what a great idea. Why didn’t I think of that!


Cephalon Corva: Happy to assist captain


Another explosion rocks the railjack, throwing Rohl to the ground.


Cephalon Corva: Attention crew, another fire has occurred on the lower deck. You handled the last one so well, though, so I'm sure there is no cause for alarm. You guys rock.


The optimism of the Avalos's cephalon was not rubbing off on the crew. The sentients had badly damaged the railjack in a surprise attack, rendering the reliquary drive offline. Until it was fixed, they wouldn’t outrun it. Engineers had already been dispatched to get it fixed, but with sentients punching holes in the hull to board, it was becoming an increasingly dangerous task.


Captain Rohl: Heila, status!


Engineer Heila: We’re doing the best we can, this woulda be difficult without the fighting captain!


Cephalon Corva: Don’t sell yourself short, engineer Heila, you are a credit to the remaining crew.


Captain Rohl: I know it’s difficult, but so is outmaneuvering a Murex with half a functioning ship. Get. A. Move on!


The ship was hit hard again, throwing Heila to the other side of the room. When the room stopped spinning, she looked up and found herself face to face with a boarding battalyst. The seconds felt like hours as she saw it raise its arm, preparing to strike. The shot was fired. She closed her eyes.


The impact hit her hard, like a punch in the gut, but nothing more. She was alive. As she opened her eyes, saw her protector, shrouding her with her body. A body of sword-steel shards. It was unnerving watching Panssari engulf one of your crew. They’d all seen what became of foes who she decided to embrace, the shredded remains that fell out once she released them, but relief overpowered the unease as she felt the shards hug her body closely, promising protection from the sentient threat. The sentient, undeterred by the warframe’s interference, the battalyst readied another shot. Before the energy could be launched, a ball of volatile shards erupted from above Heila’s back, hitting its mark, centre mass, and bringing the hitting center mass, and bringing the foe down.


With the immediate threat dealt with, Panssari flowed off the prone engineer, reverting to her humanoid figure.


Cephalon Corva: Good save, warframe Panssari. The last boarder has been dealt with, with only minor additional damage sustained to the ship's reliquary drive.


Heila looked towards the reliquary drive she had been desperately trying to repair. As usual, Corva’s definition of ‘minor damage’ was a little sugar-coated. The drive wasn’t fixable anymore, if it even was to begin with. The energy contained within was beginning to surge, arcing void energy around the chamber. What little hope Heila had left faded. There was no way out of this. Their only hope of escape had been void jumping to safety but now…


Engineer Heila: Captain…


Captain Rohl: Is the reliquary drive fixed?


Her voice was full of desperation, paired with just a little hope. Hope that Heila had to quash.


Engineer Heila: The drive was hit. A battalyst got to me while I was repairing it. Panssari saved me but…


Neither of them said anything. They didn’t need to. Rohl’s voice came back over the comms, her confidence shaking.


Captain Rohl: Well, void jumping is out of the question, but if we can keep the main engines going long enough, we might get back to friendly space. Call in some backup to wipe these sentients outa the sky.


Heila was about to respond before the sound of machinery being torn apart grabbed her attention. Panssari was ripping the unstable reliquary drive out of its casing. As the wiring was torn, the railjack’s systems went into shock.


Captain Rohl: Energy systems just went haywire. Another wave of boarders?


Engineer Heila: No, err, I don’t think so, but Panssari is taking the reliquary drive. 


Captain Rohl: What?!


Heila watched in disbelief as panssari embraced the drive, taking the volatile mass into herself. The energy couldn’t be fully contained and the surges of void energy tired forcing their way out through the gaps between her shards. When she appeared to hold it down as best she could, she turned and ran back down the ship before vaulting to the upper deck.


Captain Rohl: Panssari, what are you doing?!


Cephalon Corva: Warframe Panssari has loaded the slingshot and requested I divert the ship’s flight path to include a full spin to allow her to target the pursuing murex. How fun.


Captain Rohl: Corva, no! Panssari, what are you thinking? You can’t take on an entire murex alone.


Cephalon Corva: Not with that attitude.


The sound of the slingshot launching the rogue warframe could be heard as the railjack continued its spin. Heila ran down the corridor to watch her soaring towards their pursuers, the glow from the uncontrollable energy within her getting brighter with each passing second.


Cephalon Corva: With determination and a can-do attitude, warframe Panssari has made a remarkable impromptu warhead. I rate the imitation, 9/10. Good job.


The dot that was Panssari flew towards the giant red mass of the sentient murex. The Sentients realised the danger she presented, a missile primed with void energy heading for the heart of their ship. All sentient fire was drawn away from the Avalos, instead focusing on preventing the suicide run she was going for. The crew may not have fixed the drive in time to flee, but sometimes something that is broken can still be frighteningly effective. Dodging and weaving past the energy fire directed towards her, she approached the core of the murex. Without hesitation, she commanded her shards to press inwards, crushing the casing of the reliquary drive and releasing the energy inside. The explosion tore her apart. The energy of the reliquary drive erupted through the murex’s core, annihilating every sentient in the blast radius. Those that weren’t obliterated by the blast were poisoned by the toxic energy of the void and eventually succumbed as well. After all the fighting and panic, there was silence.


It may be harder for her to pull herself back together this time, but at least Panssari did her job. She protected her crewmates.



Panssari - The Iron maiden


Stats at level 30:

Health - 450

Shield - 150

Armour - 350 (0% shard meter)/700 (100% shard meter)

Energy - 225

Sprint speed - 1.0


Progenitor element: Magnetic


Passive: Shattered body. 


Panssari's body is formed of many interlocking shards that can be expended by her abilities. Her shards also provide other benefits.

Shard meter - The amount of shards still in Panssari's body will affect her defensive capabilities. Having a high percentage will bolster her armour, while shedding the shards and lowering her weight will increase the speed and effectiveness of her maneuvers and reduce the time status effects affect her. Going below certain threshold percentages will cleanse her of all current negative effects.

Dropped shards - Shards that are used by Panssari's abilities will be dropped onto the ground. Enemies who come into contact with them receive damage and a chance of a slash proc while they remain on the floor. Panssari can collect these shards by walking over them, by letting a certain amount of time pass, by moving too far away from their position or by using her 3rd ability.

Pickup - Restore shards and a small amount of health regen.

Timeout - Shards rush towards Panssari, dealing damage along the way and bypassing terrain.

Distance - Moving too far away from the shard’s location will cause it to despawn and refill the shard meter after 2 seconds.



Rising above the threshold will not trigger a status cleanse, only going below will. However, you don't need to fully replenish the shard count to benefit from new cleanses. If you can maintain a steady level of ability casts and recollection, you can give yourself pseudo status immunity.

Picking up another shard resets the regen duration.

Changes in armour, status duration decrease and maneuver increase are linear.

100% shards = 100% armour buff, -0% status duration reduction and 0% maneuver benefit buff

50% shards = 50% armour buff, -50% status duration reduction and 50% maneuver benefit buff.

Leaving the area, e.g. moving to a new zone in sanctuary onslaught, will recover all shards, resetting the shard meter.]



Ability 1: Fragmented Strikes. 


Panssari augments her weaponry with the shards from her body. Pressing the ability key will cause shards to converge onto Panssari's weapons to be discharged upon firing (ranged) or striking (melee). While active, each relevant attack will expend a shard to increase your attacks with additional slash damage and a chance at a slash proc. Gunfire will drop a shard where it impacts, whether it's an enemy or terrain, while melee attacks drop one at the target's feet. 




Melee strikes will only consume and drop shards on a successful hit. All shots from firearms will drop shards regardless of accuracy.

Damage and status chance both scale with power strength.

The status of the shard is separate from the weapon used to expend it. The enemy could receive a slash proc from the shard at the same time as a status from the weapon, including a slash proc from the weapon itself.

Multishot will cause additional shards to be expended, when enough are available.

Running out of shards will not end the ability prematurely, it will simply stop functioning until shards are recovered, then it will work as normal. The ability’s duration will continue to count down however.

Shards fired out of bounds will be placed on the closest available area with standard pick up time.

This is a one-handed action and won't interrupt actions like reloading.]



Strength - Determines the additional damage and slash proc chance

Range - No effect

Efficiency - Determines energy cost

Duration - Determines duration the ability remains active




Ability 2: Shard Swarm. {Subsumed ability}


Panssari creates a spinning disc of charged shards and hurls it forward, stopping on contact with terrain, an enemy or if it reaches its maximum range. If it connects with an enemy it will latch on and create an aura of spinning blades that cause damage to any enemy caught inside, including the original target. Each tick has a chance to cause a slash proc. If the affected enemy dies before the duration ends, all enemies currently inside it's area will be affected by their own version of the ability for the remaining duration.



Instances of shard swarm created by the original target dying can also spread to new targets with the same conditions.

A shard is dropped on impact with the first enemy. More shards are dropped with each new enemy affected up to the shard cost of the ability. New instances can still be created if there is still duration left however these new swarms will not drop a shard on formation.

If the projectile misses or there are remaining shards to be dropped when the ability ends, the shards will be launched outward in a small area at random.

This is a two-handed action that will interrupt actions such as reloading.]



Strength - Determines the damage of the aura and slash proc chance

Range - Determines the aura radius and the maximum range of the initial projectile

Efficiency - Determines the energy cost

Duration - Determines the ability’s duration




Ability 3: Slicing Gale 


Launch and recall the shards of Panssari's body, shredding anything they pass through.

-Press: Recall all dropped shards in a cone. Recalled shards are added back to the shard meter to be used again in other abilities. The affected shards will be pulled towards Panssari, damaging any enemy they pass through

-Hold: Charge a barrage of shards to fire at enemies, holding for longer increases the energy cost, damage and amount of shards fired. The status chance of the shards will also increase based on charge time up to a cap.



Recalling shards does not require line of sight and the shards will pass through terrain to seek Panssari.

Recalling shards in a one-handed action while firing them is two-handed.

Recalling will not cost energy if no shards would be affected.

Max charge is limited by both available energy and shard count.]



Strength - Determines recall damage, barrage damage, barrage charge damage increase per second and barrage status chance

Range - Determines maximum range and cone angle of recall and barrage

Efficiency - Determines energy cost of recall and barrage and energy cost per second of barrage charge up

Duration - No effect




Ability 4: Iron Embrace 


Panssari leaps at her target, surrounding them with her fragmented body, protecting targeted allies and shredding trapped enemies. While attached to an ally she gains access to new abilities in exchange for no movement control, instead relying on her ally to move around. While attached to an enemy, Panssari retains some movement capabilities but is limited to basic movement only.


Ally: Targeting an ally will coat them in a protective armour of shards redirecting X% of damage they receive to Panssari. While attached, Panssari will also benefit from her ally's armour value. Any status effect that would affect her ally is transferred to her instead. Panssari has no mobility while attached, she instead remains bound to her partner and follows their movements.


Enemy: Panssari engulfs a target within her shattered form, constantly shredding them apart from within at a cost of reduced mobility. While attached the enemy is completely subdued and invulnerable to all damage apart from Iron Embrace, storing all damage they would have received and unleashing it in one strike when they are released as slash damage. If the target dies due to the effects of Iron Embrace or the release damage, Panssari temporarily gains a portion of their armour for herself.


While embracing an ally, Panssari gains access to the full use of her shattered body, increasing the shard meter's maximum value and scaling it with maximum energy. While attached none of her new abilities have an energy cost and instead pull from the increased shard pool to cast. 


Augment: Loyal Steed.


Iron Embrace can be cast on your own beast or robotic companion.

Does not work on sentinels

Allows basic movement control of the pet while attached with the same mobility restrictions as embracing an enemy unit.

Exilus mod.



The ability will cancel upon: deactivation, falling out of bounds, the attached target dying, entering a nullifier bubble or Panssari running out of health or energy.

If an attached ally enters operator mode, Panssari will remain attached to the stationary warframe and continue to function as normal. The stationary warframe can be targeted by enemies as long as she remains attached and Panssari will receive the full damage however she will still gain the benefit of the attached warframe's armour.

While attached to an enemy, Panssari's mobility is limited to: running and double jumping. She can no longer slide, bullet jump, roll or wall latch.

Iron Embrace cannot target capture targets, synthesis targets, bosses and large enemies.

Panssari's body changes based on what she embraces. While attached to an ally her body dissolves into a armoured cover for the ally with a mass of writhing shards on their back acting as a center for her abilities. Capturing an enemy will cause Panssari to retain a humanoid form with a bulkier physique. Her body will slowly pulse and consort as it grinds the victim inside and emits periodic spurts of blood.

While attached, Panssari can no longer refresh the regen bonus of collecting dropped shards. She may still pick them up by walking over them if she has engulfed an enemy or if her partner walks over them for her.

While attached to an ally her shard collection vacuum will be increased and the shard will gain the same HUD glow that Panssari sees to allow her partner to collect shards when needed..

Embracing a new enemy while under the effects of increased armour from an Iron Embrace kill will refresh the buff's duration if the new target is killed but has a lower armour bonus to you. If the target's armour bonus is higher than the new buff it will override it instead.

Dying while embracing will cause Panssari to shatter and fall to the ground before reforming in the downed state. This is purely visual.]



Strength - Determines ally damage redirection %, slain enemy armour bonus and enemy damage per second

Range - Determines cast range

Efficiency - Determines energy cost and energy cost per second

Duration - Determines energy cost per second and slain enemy armour bonus duration




Ability 1(a): Reconfigure: Mortar


Mold Panssari's body into a high impact mortar cannon before firing off an armour shredding round towards the cursor. Enemies hit have their armour reduced by X% for X seconds. Holding fire will charge up a mortar shot, holding longer will consume more shards and increase both the damage and radius of the shot up to a cap.



Fore rate boost from Reconfigure: Autocannons produce a faster charge speed.]



Strength - Determines mortar damage and armour strip

Range - Determines radius of mortar blast

Efficiency - No effect

Duration - Determines the charge rate of shots (inverse relationship) and armour strip duration



Ability 2(a):  Reconfigure: Autocannon


Mold Panssari's body into a pair of rapid fire autocannons. For X seconds Panssari's Reconfiguration weaponry has increased attack speed. Holding fire will launch shards from the shard pool as projectiles.




While each shot only expends 1 shard, the autocannons do have a small amount of spread]



Strength - Determines damage of projectiles and fire rate buff

Range - Determines spread of weapon (inverse effect up to a cap)

Efficiency - No effect

Duration - Determines fire rate boost duration and base fire rate




Ability 3(a): Reconfigure: Flail 


Mold Panssari's body into a heavy flail before swinging it around her ally twice, knocking down any enemy hit. Firing will sweep the flail in an X° arc in front of you, dealing damage and staggering enemies hit. Alt firing brings the flair down where the cursor is aimed, causing a large explosion of shards to be launched outwards.




Uses the combo meter. Using the alt fire attack acts like a normal heavy attack 

The alt fire is the only part if this weapon to expend shards from the shard meter]



Strength - Determines damage of swing and heavy attack

Range - Determines swing arc and heavy attack radius

Efficiency - No effect

Duration - Determines combo duration and attack speed (heavy attack unaffected)




Ability 4(a): Release. Detach from your target and return to humanoid form. If your embraced target was an enemy, release all damage they would have received from outside sources as a single slash strike.



The shard meter will keep its current percentage on exit. The closest shards to Panssari's current position will remain while ones further away will disappear until an appropriate amount of shards remain to refill the meter.

While benefiting from the increased armour of an Iron Embrace kill, Panssari's body will pulse the chosen energy colour.

When Iron Embrace ends, Panssari will always leap backwards off of her target relative to the direction the camera is facing, a backflip off an ally and a backwards lunge while ejecting an enemy.]



Strength - No effect

Range - No effect

Efficiency - No effect

Duration - No effect




Signature weapon: Sirpale


Scythe weapon that deals increased damage to enemies affected by a slash proc

In Panssari's hands the damage against enemies with a slash proc is slightly increased

Primarily slash focused, medium puncture and low impact damage distribution



This was mainly a random idea I made to pass the time at a train station but my friend told me that it might be worth posting since I kept adding to it whenever I had nothing to do. I get my writing skill is not the best but I was hoping the idea was at least interesting.

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On 2021-12-07 at 9:04 PM, DiGiTwig said:

Shard meter - The amount of shards still in Panssari's body will affect her defensive capabilities. Having a high percentage will bolster her armour, while shedding the shards and lowering her weight will increase the speed and effectiveness of her maneuvers and reduce the time status effects affect her. Going below certain threshold percentages will cleanse her of all current negative effects.

you could make this like xaku where you gain more evasion the more your shard meter goes down. for example: 100% shards = 0 evasion, 75% shards = 15% evasion, etc. like their evasion could increase by 15% for each 25% of shards that get lost, dropped, or depleted. This way pansarri still has some pretty good survivability if it reaches 0% shards.

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4 minutes ago, Amazingcoollooc said:

you could make this like xaku where you gain more evasion the more your shard meter goes down. for example: 100% shards = 0 evasion, 75% shards = 15% evasion, etc. like their evasion could increase by 15% for each 25% of shards that get lost, dropped, or depleted. This way pansarri still has some pretty good survivability if it reaches 0% shards.

Possibly, but I thought that might be encroaching on their skills a bit. I thought having a swap from raw defence from armour to survivability via a movement boost was a different enough idea. Like a knight dropping bits of his armour and being able to dodge roll out of danger faster, like in dark souls... I think, I've not played darks souls.

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