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I love using banshee even though people tell me she's not the 'best' frame for things.


I only have one power equipped on her its my '4' power. My get out of crap free card if you will. even though it doesn't always kill everything and at higher levels (above 25) only does about half damage to the tougher mobs on the maps. 


I've leveled 3 other frames (valkyr, oberon, loki,) and sold all of them the minute i got to 30.


I'd like my loki back. lol. 

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I craft and potato everygun that i can. Most of them don't make it to level 30.


I hate Volt and Valkyr


I used to hate Vauban and now i own him with phased stuff.


Formad AkLex 3x when i hated the single one.


F*** Grakata

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- I Hate Soma 

- I love Volt 

- I Hate Valkyr 

- I prefer Zephyr over Valkyr

- I don't like Bronco that much

- I go back to revive teammates even if i don't make it.

- I sold Toxic Barrage for 10 plat.

- I only Forma'd one weapon and i have an extreme amount of unused forma's .


Oh and i never maxed Lato, Braton, MK1-Braton, Skana, Crouns, and Sicarus. Those i obtained when i was around rank 2. I am rank 8 now.

Edited by -CM-Hunter
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- I teabag your corpse if I see it. Always. 

- If I am two feet away from you dying, and you do not raise me, I will not use a revive. Instead I will follow you around in spectator mode silently wishing for your death. 

- In many Corpus maps there are map-tiles where wallrunning is faster than utilizing the elevator. In these places I like to wall ran to the exit point of the elevator and stand there, waiting for you, as a demonstration of my ninja-dominance. You never acknowledge this, but we both know that you know. 

 - I shoot your Blade Storm targets. 

- I main Ash. 



These made me laugh, but i'd probably hate playing with you in some cases. +1

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- I support the Grineer yet I have killed 88,000 of them.

- I love the Aklex (forma'd it 5 times)

- I hate the soma

- I hate the Penta

- I main with a Loki and I never use switch teleport

- I pretend like I suck at conclave and often fake rage just to see people getting annoyed (I'm REALLY good at conclave)

- I hate Rhino

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- I use trinity with max streamline and fleeting expertise because screw invincibility. I'm there to heal the team, I'm going to heal them whenever they get hurt, but invincibility is dumb.
- I hate the soma/penta/ogris/etc

- I hate playing with people who show up in an online lobby if they are Nova/Rhino with a Penta/Soma/Ogris and Brakk/Detron and a Galatine because every time I play with them I feel it necessary to kill more stuff just to prove that I don't need OP stuff and it detracts from my fun
- I am growing to hate Loki players because I've had to deal with a lot of them being rude/arrogant
- I accidentally rush sometimes because I'm not paying attention to where people are and I tend to move very fast. I usually punish myself by waiting at a door for every single team member to pass me

- Whenever I'm with other players and we're moving though a level, I'll kill only around 1/2 to 2/3 of the enemies I see so that other people have a chance to kill stuff

- I built the Jat Kittag and I've completely forgotten about coptering

- A small part of my decision to join my current clan was because my friends can be annoying to play with and I didn't want it to sour my friendship with them by playing with them all the time.

- I'm a member of Warfurs and I'm very proud of this

- I'm writing this post instead of doing work I should be doing <.<

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-I've installed a potato on ALL my weapons and frames. Worth? Not sure.


-Haven't sold any weapons or Warframes (Rank 12 Mastery).


-Spent hundreds of dollars on platinum.


-Got the first Prime Access just for the Misa Prime Syndana.

Edited by kikujiro
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- I think zephyr is sexy


- Hate defense missions


- I sold a rhino prime chasis for 300plat


- I use female frames most of the time because if im going to grind for several hours i want to have a nice view


- I forma'd valkyr 3 times

Edited by Alberto1398
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-I use radiation proc to see a boss fight between Vor and Krill.

-Loki master-race 2stronk I'm waiting for trollki prime.

-I usually rush missions beacuse most of the time I'm playing solo.

-I used to spam soma, but then I started to use the grakata and weapons with high status chance (Radiation for the lulz).

-I found Rhino boring.

-Host migration in events rocks!

-I killed Vak Hey several times by throwing him out of the map with the kestrel.

-I used my starter plat for rushing my wyrm build.

-Penta is the weapon of a kamikaze.

-Farming is boring. DEATH TO XINI.

-I spam decoy beacuse i like to see the glowing corpses in the ground.

-I want the combat formation bravo back in the walls.

-I like to see how the hellions destroy a squad of unranked escaliburs in Earth. Then the heroic loki recuses them again only to see how they die again and again.

-Soma is a dps boredom.

-I don't use Nova beacuse I want to keep my "4" key functioning.

-The IA is very smart, they found a dead corpses and they keep walking like nothing happenned.

-I use the New grineer laser doors to kill the grineers with some decoys and disarms.

-Ragdolling weapons and abilities are the most fun on the game (in my opinion).

-This game reminds me of Gmod when I see a dead corpse spazzing the hell out of itself.

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- Contemplated making a short story (for that contest) about Vauban called "Balls to The Wall".


- Always throw a bounce grenade on people who stand still long enough.


- I used the pink color palette a few times on valentines day.


- When ever I see an Excalibur, I automatically assume they are a noob. 


- When ever I see a loki, I automatically assume they are an elitist jerk.


- I plan on getting Volt and trying to build the fastest warframe possible, and use it only for datamass missions.


- I hate people who have 100s of hours on this game and say they hate it.


- When ever a survival mission gets boring (enemies are not spawning fast enough), I try to make chat as awkward as possible.

Edited by msxp123
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