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I dont necro old threads.

Sometimes i cant resist being a loki troll.

Most of the time when the stalker comes around, and its not on me, I just watch the people die.

I've played for a year, but 90% of that time was with a paris, loki, dethcube, glaive, and kunai. 

I often go rambo style on puplic survival missions, despite yelling at my teamates if they do it.

I always bring sniper rifles or bows on infested missions.

I like trolling the region chat.

I still dont have pluto unlocked, after a year of playing.

I have contributed a grand total of one forma to my clan.

I used to love galatine.

I only have one prime weapon.  paris prime.

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-Sometimes when i host i lag people on porpuse just to rage them (Youtube, Wikipedia, other games, etc).

-I Forma 80% of my weapons but i never level them, just a few of them.

-Sometimes in Conclave i stand behind players as Loki and then i kill them.

-I think Valkyr bust/chest is small.

-I spent more platinum in Cosmetics than in Slots.

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I like using the Dex Furis even though there are stronger weapons.

Hate the Stalker and G3 drops (Been looking for the Hate and Brakk like since forever!!).

I take new/weaker players to really hard missions to show them that they need better equipment and setups to last longer in a match.

I teabag people when they go down too much in a mission and don't revive them on purpose.

I like shooting things with my Boltor Prime because i like penning enemies to things.

I just like shooting things in general with overpowered weapons.

I like going to Mercury to farm for resources.

I leave survivals early when people hit the life support too early.

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1.) I got my first kubrow to level 4 and i put it in stasis > went back to wyrm Prime

2.) Sold many weapons around ranks 3-6 or 25+ because i didnt like them

3.) I sell my primes once i master them because i have better weapons (except for the dakra prime)

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-I have yet to forma frames.

its fun to figure out how to work with stock load outs and maximize things. that and I knew they where going to change stuff at some point.


-Im not fond of the soma.

I still own it, but meh


- I cant stand the tigress even thought i got it to 30. I sold my sobec before it got to level 5.


-I formaed the hell out of my Paris prime and it now fires mini nuke arrows. 



-my kurbo will forever be in stasis.

Edited by Fluff-E-Kitty
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I potatoe'd my starter frame Excalibur then sold him when I got Valkyr.  I did the grind to get poor Excalibur back though.


Once I found Wyrm Prime BP I hopped into trade chat and paid out the nose for the components and then rushed it in the Foundry.

     --I then fused my max ranked Vacuum into some other mod and sold the stupid peanut Sentinel.


I spend most of my purchased Platinum (with discount) on Incubator Power Cores and rushing Kubrows.


I have already purchased Valkyr Prime and am waiting for reality to catch up.


:edit:  Oh yeah, I was ranking up a Nikana but instantly turned it into a Dragon Nikana without it being max rank.  I had to make another one.  Damned Argon Crystals!

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- I ranked a nikana and dragon nikana only for mastery rank, at which point I sold it for credits.


- If I see a Rhino Prime with Douchenikana and boltor prime I will leave the group. (I'll use Bolt P myself, though. Like a       true A******)


- I hate the Brakk.


- I don't like Archwing, I find it tedious.


- I actually enjoy the braindead gameplay of warframe, shuts off my mind. It's like therapy, kinda like lifting weights.

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- I listen to Lady GaGa when I play normal missions and 8-bit music when I play Archwing.

- I potato'd and forma'd my Orthos Prime twice and I freaking hate it nowadays.

- I hate when I see people using Boltor Prime, even though I use it myself. In every mission.

- I forma'd Karak once. Sold it yesterday.

- I wish Thunderbolt would harm team mates, not only myself.

- I hate the sounds that Soma and Latron Wraith does.

- Leveling up my Frost to rank 30 was one of the hardest and longest job I had. I sold him when he reached max. I think I regret it.

- I don't think Nikana is a good weapon.

- I hate Wraith Twin Vipers. I only use it as a trophy, since it was my first event weapon.

- Excalibur is the sexiest Warframe there is.

- I hate seeing people that only use Nekros as a farm tool. And I hate it even more when people tell me to be one.

- I hate Speed Nova build.

- I prefer Penta over Ogris.

- I think Trinity would look better with a bigger chest.

- I only use Wyrm Prime for its swag appearance.

Edited by Rocketai
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-I have spent more time in Region Chat than I have in the game itself.

-I hate the Latron Wraith with every fiber of my being because of its skin, but it's my main rifle.

-I don't like the Dragon Nikana or the Dakra Prime. I would rather take the Dual Ichor in every circumstance.

-Even though I main Loki P, I hate playing stealthily and would rather disarm everything and headshot them while they fruitlessly try to taze me.

-I would rather headbutt a belt sander than subject myself to the torture of Conclave or Solar Rail Conflicts.

-I never play new content immediately after it's released because I believe (and in most cases I'm correct) that it has more bugs than a Motel Six.

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-If i use a Rhino Prime with a Boltor Prime i will spam Blade Storm until i break the keyboard, just to get all the kills.

-I hate when someone gets more kills than me.

-I main Dread.

-My Fav. Secondaries are AkStilleto and Despair.

-I main Loki Prime (For the Inv.), Ash for damage and Excalibur for the swag appearance.

-I don't like Dragon Nikana (Dakra P FTW), and i hate Boltor Prime (Dread FTW)

-I hate when people tells me what to do.

-I Solo 80% of my missions.

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-Ive never leveled a mod above rank 8 

-Ive bought an insane amount of platinum for slots and catalysts because its too hard to choose

-Melee weapons make me the happiest because they often do not require forma and im lazy


-I will not wait for abnormally slow players if they cant get to the elevator fast enough

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-I have only really used the Loki Prime access weapons and stuff after buying them and realizing they're sexy

-When I feel like my team is rushing too far ahead, or just want to confuse them, I switch teleport with them on purpose. Especially in elevator situations.

-I only really got Lex Prime to match the Loki Prime decoy.

-I bought the most recent Prime Accessories just to get the amazing Targis armor.

-I bought the FULL Loki Prime access pack.

-I think there should be sigils unique to each individual P. A. Pack in the full pack, such as a Rhino Prime sigil, Nyx Prime Sigil, or Loki Prime sigil with ones like Frost and Mag Prime who didn't really have a P.A. pack having a special exception

-I think that we should be able to get Noggles for scanning something OR getting our warframes to rank 30

-I still don't have a prime Syandana

-I changed my mind about Shade being the best and turned to Wyrm Prime.

-I go melee only, but bring a secondary so allies think I use it.

-I also bring a secondary only for bleeding out.

-I kill threads ;~;

Edited by ArcariusAero
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-Warframe is one of my favorite games and I wish I had found it sooner.


-Warframe is the first video game I have considered doing funny comics for (still haven't done it due to too much school stuff, but well see if I can't make some time for it in the future, I just need to use in game models as a reference)


-I sorta like Kubrows, but I will never use them again until DE makes them not die from mal-nutrition, cause **** Ordis for not having the decency to put my dog in stasis if it's about to die. If time passes while I'm away then the **** is Ordis doing watching my dog die slowly. What is our warframe doing while we are not playing the game? I'm certainly not doing missions, so I must be in Stasis, why can't Ordis put my dog in stasis too? Better yet, why does it cost "platinum" to rush incubation sickness cooldown when no other thing in the arsenal does? freakin breaks the fun of even having more then one Kubrow in the first place, I shouldn't feel like I'm being punished for wanting to use one of my 4 dogs at a time when thats all the game allows me to do..... just saying DE....come on guys.....fix it already....


- I hate Ordis, he's freakin useless. The ship is great though. I hope the Cephalon Suda AI is less useless....


- I'm a big fan of Arbiters of Hexas


- I main Excalibur, probably cause he's the poster boy of the game and I have his Proto skin, but I also really like his style and versatility


- Rhino is a close second, because I love melee and CC/damage immunity (also because of Rubedo skin)


- Vauban is my 3rd fav, cause of his CC and fun traps (also because of Phased skin....)


- Paris Prime is my favorite Primary, even though I rarely use primary weapons....


- AkBronco Prime is my favorite secondary, though I wish 100%+ status chance actually allowed dual proc chance....(DO IT DE, DO IT!!!)


- I mostly use melee, especially since the update. I also copter often when using light weight weapons.

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- Mostly got into warframe because I wanted something to do when I had a broken leg


- I spend a moderate chunk of time giving my Warframes and weapons complimentary colour schemes, despite being colour blind


- I'm kinda fascinated by all the possibilities concerning the over arching lore of 'why things are' and such.


- I favour melee combat where I can


- I really like the Dark Sword and Iron Phoenix. I'm hoping it gets more moves someday.


- I prefer using marksman-type weapons over automatics.


- I favour status chance, recoil reduction and punch through mods over raw damage.


- I use Retribution on my melee specced frames for the free Finisher chance


- I use Trinity, Valkyr and Saryn about equally. Oberon comes a close second


- I actually like playing support but not being recognised for contributions


- I've not used most of my event weapons since mastering them

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