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Confession Thread


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- I consider every weapon as decent as a Happy Meal toy unless they've got great base stats, but I'll still rank them for XP


- If you are a rhino and join me on a MD mission where I am the host and you run off to kill things instead of help defend the console, you can bet your selfish &#! I'm going to disconnect and reconnect my Ethernet cable real quick so you'll disconnect and get booted from the session whilst I happily continue on with the mission


- I used to think Loki was useless until I saw someone half-decent play him


- I now think Ash is the most useless


- If I don't do the most damage in the team, I think I'm useless, unless I'm playing Vauban


- If I'm playing Vauban and dealing over 50% of the total damage in a mission, my ego grows just that little bit more


- I used to think that the Braton was the best weapon in the game


- When using the Brakk, I feel like a God


- If you don't complain about the lag you get when I'm hosting, I'm adding you as a friend


- If your comment on the forums doesn't have at least one upvote, I'm not reading it

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- I like to spam Molecular Prime and Pull. All those beautiful numbers, and getting 80% damage done in a match makes me ridiculously happy.


- I like to go to low level areas and Pull everything to death without a single shot fired.


- I'll be sad when Pull is nerfed. 


- I spend a maybe a quarter of my gameplay time putting pretty colors on my warframes/weapons instead of playing. 

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-I apparently spend a massive amount of time in chat, because Steam says I have over 1000 hours logged on Warframe, and yet I only have 350 gameplay hours. 

I share your pain. lol


- I keep running back for other people to revive them.

- I enjoy using the Lato Vandal, but wish there was an Aklato Vandal, if only for gun porn.

- Sometimes, for no reason, I smash the bodies of enemies until they spew more blood. Just to make a lot of blood splatters.

Edited by Sidathe
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-Main shotguns.


-Love the Paris Prime.


-Have all the frames, yet refuse to level my Volt until he can actually do something (he's sitting on 12).


-As I wait for the new update to drop, I switch and change mods around for my frames to get the best build. I currently made Nekros invaluable as a flesh-shielding support character for my clan.


-I run Appolo atleast once per day.


-I level and sold my Braton Prime in one day, because I didn't like it over the Soma.


-I outright built and /sold/ my Orthos Prime (without leveling it) just to piss one of my friends off. 


That last one is my greatest achievement, and I'm not even pissed.

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- I find myself in an empty room other than intellectuals, rubbing my face with their "intellectual" prowess every time I feel self-denied.

- I find myself hard to talk to other people when they pressuring me with serious and unwell-fully discerning logical questions.

- I find myself a fool when a give the right answer to the wrong question. Freakin' oftenly!

- I find myself a monster, whenever I simply step on a lego, even though the lego was actually was someone else's fault.

- I find myself sleeping on a corner of my room being watched by a Stalker who wouldn't leave me alone.

- I find myself dishonest whenever my carrier is picking up personal Life Support capsules without my permission from the team.

- I find myself distracted whenever I zoom in on just about anyone.

- I find myself a Stalker as I point my gun on Captain Vor.

- I find myself a failure, whenever I didn't reach a downed teammate in time.

- I find myself a sucker whenever the troll is being trolled... by me.

- I find myself a sandwich...












... I ate it.

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- I never liked saryn or nyx


- I absolutely hate supra's guts


- I never liked any of bronco's variants


- I always expect life support machine to be activated above 90% when i see excaliburs.


- i always lie i never tell the truth.

You win ;)

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People just started posting about the good things they do, like "I never leave someone behind" "I shoot cameras" and stuff like that... wow what a confession, you are risking everything saying that uh?

Anyway, here is mine

- I maxed Nova without equipping her first 3 abilities, never used her again after 30.

- I never revive people outside the snowglobe, you know, the ones that want all the kills to prove they are good (if they are novas even better).

- In survival, I never cross the entire map to revive someone that dies alone far from the group (even if I know I could get there), if he is low rank I'd tell him to stick with the group, but you must learn the hard way so use a revive... if he is high rank.. well f*** you I'm not risking the run for you, you know what will happen if you are on your own after the 30 min mark.

- I'm a douchebag but only to douchebags. I punish them by not helping them, but I'm a good team player to team players, even babysit low ranks (using trinity a lot) if they show to be team players.

- I never used the dueling room nor went to any conclave. I dont know why cause PvP is one the things that I like the most in games.

Edited by EdBazokatone
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I HATE Saryn


I hate all burst fire weapons


I have both frames from void but no weapons


I have played almost 450h and never got into level 30 in defence


I have crafted bunch of melee weapons, used them little, and left them to dust


I use Rhino and Soma a lot

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- I worry about people seeing me ask for Def/Cap keys on recruitment over and over and thinking I'm just some beggar, but I really have rotten luck in DEF missions.

- I go on group chat with my friends and I'm the only one left out of the loop because I thoroughly enjoy playing this game.

- I become VERY territorial when I'm on my remote sniping spot (even if I'm using my sobek)

- I quietly regret not logging in when braton vandal was being distributed and I keep my lato vandal as a trophy of shame.

- Mag has a similar figure to my ex and I listen to Drake whenever I use Mag.

- I'm attempting to choreograph specific dances to increase my chances of getting certain drops.

- My clan badge matches my gravidus event badge, but neither match with my favorite warframe color schemes. It irks my OCD.

- I farmed very hard for a whole day in order to increase power duration for my Frost's snow globe for the sole purpose of being able to take a bathroom/snack break for a whole Defense wave.

- I play every frame like a Rhino out of sheer habit. Either that or I have an invisible mag following me everywhere I go and casting bullet attractor on me.

- *scratches arm* please... just give me cap and defense void keys *twitch* this is the last run I'll take.. I promise! last one.. last one.. *cringes from withdrawals* 

- I value Mercutio's and Mogamu's opinions on weapons and warframes more than I should.

Edited by Gridshaw
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- I mainly use ogris, and if it isn't powerful enough for high level ennemies, I switch to my acrid.

- If I find myself low on health, I have no shame to suicide myself with ogris, even on a start of a new def wave

- I formated Nova, went on mercury for the first levels, made a survival, and sucked so much I had to use 2 revives

- If you're a loki, I assume it was your starter, and you jumped on it when you saw that it was for experienced players

- I solo TII exterminate in order to get forma's. And I end up with frost prime parts that I already have.

- When I get a new weapon, I only go to Kappa then Xini, and when I reach lvl 30, I seek out for a new weapon.

- I only do alerts when there are something else than credits, and if I can handle a solo on it

- If I suffer from heavy lag as a host, I blame it on someone else.

- I like to spam Antimatter drop, and I still want to get the kill that explodes eveything.

- I turned my energy color to green so poeple trust there are toxic clouds and avoid it

- When I get to extraction before others, I use wormhole to make a shotcut, then I create another wormhole the other way so poeple get back after they used my first wormhole just to annoy them

- Every guy who made less kill than me is a noob, every guy who made more kills than me is a no-life.

- If I see you with a rhino, I assume you're useless after 25 minutes of survival

- I never found any secret room on void by myself

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-When I first started, I thought Slash Dash and Radial blind were the coolest abilities ever.

-My most heavily Forma'd Frame is Ash, followed by Rhino.

-I enjoy messing about as Loki.

-I never actually managed to get regular Frost or Mag, but I ended up making their Prime Counterparts by accident.

-I still have not ranked up my Volt, Vauban, Frost Prime, or Mag Prime, despite having them for some time now.

-I still believe Lex is the best pistol. Dual Vastos are the best Dual Wielded pistols.

-I make every color scheme the exact same. All black, with white energy.

-I still prefer to cut things with a Galatine rather than Charge Attack them.

-I switch teleport people who insult said use of Galatine into mobs of Toxic Ancients.


-I came up with several of Council Chat's awkward unmentionables, be it Planet Maianus, Rhino's Roargasm, or Vampnanas, the new health leeching dual wielded banana daggers. I embrace these facts with pride.



-I love my Council Chat and Forum buddies. duffelfish, CenSilver, [DE]Skree, Hellscare, TenaciousTenno, Sixty5, Yuikami, and YandereSamantha, to name a few. More will be edited in later~

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I end up hating 90% of people I play with.


If someone insults me for using Volt I let them die, use Speed, and run around them in circles until they bleed out.


I hate using weapons that seem mainstream. Stopped using Flux after almost everyone started using it. Stopped using Soma since last week. I usually run Vectis (so close to hanging it up for Lanka until something else pops up), T,Gremlins/Despair, Dual Ichor.


When  a teammate dies behind a bevy of Napalms I type "Yeah, sorry, but F*** that noise"


I'm rank 8 but only ever played 7 frames.

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