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Idea to improve converted liches/sisters!


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It's quite simple :D

The idea of having a lich as an ally is quite good, but I feel like having it appear at random times it's not so great. So here´s my idea:

Introduce a new tool: The Lich Beacon
As the name suggests, it is a beacon that can summon a specific lich/sister, my idea is getting a new beacon each time you convert a lich.

But wait, there's more liches
In order to give players a reason to have multiple converted liches, what if you could have multiple Lich Beacons? being able to summon multiple liches at the same time for a difficult moment in one of those hard missions sounds fun to me. "Liches! Assamble"


About the balancing:
Yes, if every player was to summon all their liches at the same time that would probably burn your PC. Also, being able to summon your liches all the time would make the missions too easy.

-Every player should only be able to equip up to three or four Lich Beacons. This is to prevent an army of liches from destroying the mission and your computer.
-Lich Beacons should have a really long cooldown, the player should only be able to use them like once per day. This isn't just to prevent overuse of the Lich Beacon, but also to make the player choose wisely when to use it.
-The liches shouldn't last forever, give them the same duration they currently have.

That's it, I think being able to call your lich/sister friend sounds cool :D

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