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Problem With Game Performance After Windows 8.1 Update



After updating my Windows to 8.1 it altered my resolution and graphics set up (making the pictures and fonts smaller as per high resolution screens, also the Warframe updrater is smaller in size then before and switching from Fullscreen to Windowed mode of the game takes more time - around 2 seconds while before the switch was almost instant) 


Now the gameplay has graphics lag which makes the game experience highly annoying. Since the aiming became too sharp and running/turning would skip frames once in a while. 


I tried to change the resolution of the display ingame and in windows settings but that didn't change anything.


The system restore also is no good since it would NOT let me return to Windows 8.0


In other words I need help if you have any ideas how to return the Graphics/Monitor settings to what it was at Windows 8.0


Please, if you have reliable suggestions, HELP!


Thanks you all in advance.

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it seems it solely the problem with win 8.1 update.


Now my Nvidia card is not detected at all. All it say's in device manager that i have Basic Microsoft videocard for some reason while I have NVIDIA GeForce 670m with 2mgb of mem.


This win 8.1 is totally crap.


I guess i'll have to clean install win 8.. but i don't have it on disk..


May be buy a new notebook... bummer

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Update DirectX.


Update video drivers.


Try unticking certain launcher options; fullscreen, 64-bit, DX11, Multithreaded rendering, etc.


no it's the Win 8.1 update what's at fault here.


Now my system doesn't detect my NVIDIA Geforce.. all it says i have is Microsoft Basic Display Adapter..

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no it's the Win 8.1 update what's at fault here.


Now my system doesn't detect my NVIDIA Geforce.. all it says i have is Microsoft Basic Display Adapter..


Notebooks with dedicated cards can often get finicky when it comes to installing drivers... Here's what you need to do:


1. Go to device manager and Uninstall the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter

2. Download the latest Nvidia R331 Drivers http://www.geforce.com/drivers'>here

3. Install the Nvidia Driver(s)


Never, EVER use Windows Update to install Nvidia drivers. Don't rely on your system to detect and automatically update drivers, because they won't get you the latest drivers you need.

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Notebooks with dedicated cards can often get finicky when it comes to installing drivers... Here's what you need to do:

1. Go to device manager and Uninstall the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter

2. Download the latest Nvidia R331 Drivers here

3. Install the Nvidia Driver(s)

Never, EVER use Windows Update to install Nvidia drivers. Don't rely on your system to detect and automatically update drivers, because they won't get you the latest drivers you need.

Uninstalled the Basic driver but NVIDIA updater still won't detect the hardware.

It says under the requirements - Win 8.

So as I understand Win 8.1 would not detect my NVIDIA card (I used the updater from the NVIDIA site not the Windows undater.. it doesn't detect any NVIDIA hardware...)

I wanted to attach a screen shot but... why is there no option here to post pictures??

Edited by HateFueled
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I wanted to attach a screen shot but... why is there no option here to post pictures??

You have to upload the picture to a site like imgur and then post it with BBCode tags.

Also I had a similar issue in the past with my netbook that had an Nvidia ION GPU when I was upgrading to Windows 8. I somehow managed to get it working after uninstalling the microsoft basic display drivers, restarting, and doing a bunch of stuff, though I can't remember the exact process.

It SHOULD work though, but chances are you may have to do some tinkering to get it to detect the Nvidia GPU.

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You have to upload the picture to a site like imgur and then post it with BBCode tags.

Also I had a similar issue in the past with my netbook that had an Nvidia ION GPU when I was upgrading to Windows 8. I somehow managed to get it working after uninstalling the microsoft basic display drivers, restarting, and doing a bunch of stuff, though I can't remember the exact process.

It SHOULD work though, but chances are you may have to do some tinkering to get it to detect the Nvidia GPU.


Thanks for all your Help but i couldn't manage to fix this problem at all. I already googled this question. It seems most people have this problem with Win 8.1.


It seems that 8.1(so won't the Nvidia updater) will not recognise Nvidia as hardware.


The only option that is available to fix this is to reinstall Win 8 or to manually edit the registry(which is next to impossible)


The problem is that it's not possible to download Win 8 since it's unavailable at Microsoft downloads.


WTF are the dumb asses at microsoft are thinking of...???


It seems that everyone is having this problem with 8.1. The google search shows A LOT of complaints on this problem. It's massive. 


I just want to warn people NOT TO UPDATE to 8.1


May be you should make a sticky post warning people not to update Windows to 8.1

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Safe mode

Uninstall all display drivers


Install nvidia driver directly without using updater

Reboot into safe mode again

Ensure default windows display driver isn't installed

Reboot finally and hope it works

Otherwise, roll back to the default win driver and ignore nvidia completely. Microsoft are stupid.

8.1 also caused serious issues with the amd drivers which screwed up the underscan and overscan.

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Uninstall the nVidia drivers.

Install Intel graphics drivers here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Default.aspx?lang=eng

Install the nVidia graphics drivers for 8.1 here: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/68803


Should work. My laptop with 8.1 and 540M works just fine once I updated both drivers to get the Optimus working. The only snag may be if your laptop vendor made it so that their version of Optimus works differently than stock (ASUS is bad at this). You may need additional notebook drivers to get things working.

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OK people, if you have updated your Windows to 8.1 and have problems with Video Drivers\Hardware detection, here is what you have to do:


Here is what I did:


1.Go to Control Panel and type "recovery" in Search and Choose "Recovery" option (not the restore system)


2. At the bottom there would be a clickable note "If you are experiencing problems with your PC, you can refresh it in PC settings" <-- click       on it

    Under category "General" Choose to "Refresh your PC without losing your data" (even though you will still lose some of your data, such as          

    downloaded files and some soft)


    You will not lose Warframe or other games at least I haven't


3.After you Refresh your PC, the system will return to Update 8.0 and the drivers plus all the settings will have the original set up.


4. Before refreshing your PC make sure you make a back up copy of files that are important to you in case if they are deleted.


5. Do some ranting:


It is all fkn annoying and Microsoft is clearly over their head making us experience such problems due to their policies.


Not mentioning now they demand that you log onto your own PC using Microsoft account\password etc etc.


All of it looks more and more like a check point at some concentration camp if you know what I mean.


I remember when it was all plain and simple with DOS\DOSSHELL and now it's like getting into the bank. They control you all the way. Its all too sad.

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For the aiming problem, maybe you should try this:


For the graphic, as all above poster said, update your driver.


There is also some hotfix from M$ that pointing the issues that happened to some games (forgot which KB it is), IDK if it also applies to Warframe.

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