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Speculations on Origin System Life: Corpus Edition


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Per the suggestions of those on the Discord (and good taste), I have decided to move my wild speculations on Origin System living away from more factual channels. Don't take anything I have written here as fact - this is just a fan making wild assumptions of the setting based on existing lore. That said, here are my most recent thoughts on Corpus living:

Corpus life, be it lowly crewmen or high-roller investors, is paved with money and a desire for wealth. While not cloned like Grineer, Corpus are purpose-bred and grown to fill specialised roles in their society, particularly those that cannot be filled by AI (affectionately referred to as the "meat crew" by higher ups). Provided they work, they are provided the bare essentials. If not, they starve or break off from the Corpus altogether.
Corpus settlements betray the humble implications of the term - they are vast, sprawling cities, housing countless employees under harsh blue lights and robotic, utilitarian architecture that serve their purpose for pennies on the dollar; a stark contrast from both the crude Grineer barracks and elegant Tenno safe havens. Stores and warehouses and office buildings are among the most plentiful establishments with businesses vying to put the one across the street into debt to ensure their own success. Competitive business is not just good practice - it is a culture, one that offers hope and opportunity to its citizens and ruin to others.
Before being assigned to their mundane duties, Corpus are educated under the Corpus Doctrine. They are taught the value of credit, how it can achieve the impossible and pave the way to a brighter future... provided one can accrue enough. Ruthless business practices are taught not just as advice, but as a warning to those who dissent and disobey their employers; they are not shy about penalising the idle crewman and will attempt to wring as much profit from it as possible through fines and debt.

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