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Gif Thread


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By the way I was thinking. Sence we, Tenno, are space ninja kids...why cant we do this?raiden_animation_by_eruruutail-d5idcmn.gTeshin please teach us :(

oh and also PS: BRING BACK THE PARKOUR 1.0 WALL RUN!!! Please DE the rest of Parkour 2.0 is nice and all, but let us truly wall run again :(

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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1 hour ago, TheImmortalRedshirt said:

Can I be that tight arse that wont let the fact you dont have a gif go?


I've used multiple on some. Can't you let me go like go just once? Also tumblr_o4wc1i6T481raozv4o1_400.gif!!! There are you happy now?

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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