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Sylph|Flying Wind Warframe


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Sylph has a "V" and a "-" polarity and a "-" polarity in its aura.





1: Gust

Sylph Creates a Violent Gust of Wind Blowing close by enemies back and staggering further enemies.

Enemies that are launched by gust will act as a projectile dealing damage to any enemies they collide with and will take damage when colliding with enemies and objects.






2: Hungering Twister

Sylph Conjures a small twister that deals damage over time,and pulls enemies into it. the tiwster gets larger evertime id grabs an enemy up to 5 times. the hungering twister lasts 10 seconds but can have a second added to the time every time it deals damage to an enemy (every second). Only one twister can be conjured at once.






3: Sylvan Wings

Sylph Grows her wings and gains the ability to fly.

Sylphs first jump with her wings on will jump twice as high for an initial take off, she make jump in the air to go higher using her stamina, this jump is slightly less than a normal jump. Sylph is more agile in the air and fast. Flying is like having a powerful low gravity, she will slowly sink requiring you to frequently jump to stay a float. Sylvan Wings lasts 17/18/19/20 seconds.

While Sylvan Wings is active the Sylph's spells have no cast time and her bullets explode into bursts of wind adding splash damage to her shots that deal 60% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies.






4: Tempest

Sylph Creates a high speed whirling ball of razor winds around her that deals a high amount of collision damage as force, then will suck in an enemy to do serration damage over time, if sylph moves too quickly enemies will fall out of the tempest, enemies shots that collide with tempest have a 50% chance to be deflected. while using tempest you may fly faster. Tempest lasts 10 seconds and moves with her. It's about the same size as the frosts snow globe.






5: Hurricane

Sylph channels high speed winds around her for a duration, in which enemies get tossed around and deal damage upon colliding with anything and whenever a bullet or projectile enters the hurricane the projectiles whirl around in to whirlwinds. if that projectile is a bullet it deals damage to every enemy in the hurricane, if it was something like a kunai, missile or miter blade, they whirl around til they collide with something. lasers and flame throwers go through the winds, however sylph is invincible while channeling hurricane.





6: Siphon Breath

Sylph siphons the air from nearby enemies lungs, bringing them to the ground and healing sylph per enemy siphoned.





7: Wind Sprites

sylph summons tiny wind sprites to fire wind blasts in front of her that explode into small cyclones. (much like the grineer hellions missiles) for 3 seconds.





8: Wind Tunnel

Sylph creates a tunnel of wind the slows enemies going into it and speeds them up going out of it. wind tunnel will also redirect and speed up any projectiles in it in the direction it is pointing from any direction (except projectiles from the opposite direction, those projectiles are just slowed) all damage for sped up projectiles is increased. allies are also sped up when going through the wind tunnel.

(aimed like nova wormhole)





Edited twice


Questions? Feedback?


thanks for reading.

Edited by MrPigman
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Looks Amazing. Want to start with that.

Love the female frames. They look beautiful and most of these concepts blow me away. (no pun intended) 


1st power resembles Banshee's 1st power, but screw Banshee.


I like the idea of wings, but I have a bad feeling it could get annoying if they are in the way since it is 3rd person, or for someone behind you for that matter. Maybe if they are just small, maybe even opaque, and when you use a power they enlarge or become more prominent. 


For the 3rd power, I like the idea of flying, but I think that it would be better if it was timed rather than going on stamina. Maybe while the power is active you consume stamina at a reduced rate. I like the idea of it acting like a low gravity scenario, not as much as a nightmare mode gravity. I also think it'd be cool if you could double jump with a flap of her wings. 


On her 4th power, theres always a debate on the damage nerf. A suggestion would be something in resemblance to Ember's world on fire, but smaller and more personal. Maybe slow enemies in the vortex with a small chance to stun. Also, maybe it could have a chance to deflect projectiles (instead of reducing damage). 


Personally, I think powers 3 and 4 should drop a slot and the 2nd power should be buffed a good bit and make that her 4th since most 4th powers are the high damage output powers. 


Awesome job. I'd totally play as Sylph.

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Cool concept, would actually make stamina mods useful. However at this point in the game flying wouldn't really be all that, useful. More of a fancy way of doing things that could be done by jumping/wallrunning. Still, would be cool to see something like this after the game's a bit more, complete and maybe has scenarios where flying would be useful.

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They could make it work like the Syndanas. Nekros has his own person one, why wouldn't think frame have a personal set of alternate wings.

well the issue with that is the sylphs wings arent always out. theyre only there when using her 3. so it would work with different helmets id think, though syndannas would work too.
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This is a concept comparable in thought and style to the Zephyr wind frame.


Honestly, I'm a bit more biased towards this idea. The only thing I ask of you is to add maybe one or two alternate abilities per skill slot (1st, 2nd 3rd..)

Just so you can let your ideas out there (even if they're not that great!), so that we as POLITE REVIEWERS may offer critique on how you may better or flesh out some concepts.


There are several abilities from Sylph and Zephyr that I would LOVE to see made in one Wind frame.

Imho, I'm now divided between which one I should root for.

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i have read and acknowledged all of your comments.



 The only thing I ask of you is to add maybe one or two alternate abilities per skill slot (1st, 2nd 3rd..)

Just so you can let your ideas out there (even if they're not that great!), so that we as POLITE REVIEWERS may offer critique on how you may better or flesh out some concepts.



i did have a few other ideas for abilities, ill surely add those and see what you guys think. try to get some diversity in the frame. i actually went to go make a wind frame and as soon as i posted this i saw the other one and chuckled at the irony of the timing. 

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Good design skills and I can see you put alot of thought into the powers and style. The name fits well too.


I would howerver like to either A) Have the design be less female-snugging. Its´very much a cross between Nova and Banshee, and while I do find the female form a thing of beauty, I think the game needs more armored / designed warframes.


or B) A male windbased Warframe. Hell, why not have one of each now that DE is talking of both genders again?


All in all, love the ideas here and the overall designs. The wings would work well as holographic, with custom colors, or as atachements.

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Hell, why not have one of each now that DE is talking of both genders again?



Interestingly enough, what if Zephyr and Sylph are the Male/Female versions of the wind frame? Respectively?

Nice variability between the skills and design as well as one similar function (flying)

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  • 8 months later...

I want to necro this for the mere fact that it is well thought with numerous options, and is awesome.

I would rock the heck of of this frame.

Sorry to you necro haters, found this while looking for inspiration for my own design.

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