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Ancient Disruptors overlooked energy crisis


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With the recent changes in magnetic proccs (noting in agreement that DE recognized the old 250 energy drain is too much) I would like to direct your attention to the SUPER ENERGY LEECH known as the commonly found Ancient Disruptor.

  1. They drain energy based off damage (which infested had a damage rework that made them do way more damage if they manage to close distance; distance which these grapples don't care as much)
  2. They have a hook that for some reason in SP is already capable of taking you from 100% to 0% energy. There should be a maximum cap on the energy they take. Considering it's near unavoidable and without a cooldown compared to eximus energy leeches, it should be capped lower than an energy leeches' existing cap of 100 energy
  3. They make every enemy near them ALSO ENERGY LEECHES?
  4. They don't even need to be an eximus, meaning no possibility for extra affinity/rewards/energy+health orb drop

For these reasons, I think DE should respectfully give Ancient disruptors a balance change. For anyone running quick thinking, or the 90% of warframes that rely on abilities to stay alive, this is almost a death sentence if you aren't constantly carpet bomb clearing the map. This thing sees you in grapple distance for 1 second, you're 0 energy the next.

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