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Clarification on buff abilities: buff cancel and cooldown?


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Maybe DE has commented on this at some point in the past, but i couldnt find anything.

what exactly decides if a buff ability has a cooldown or can be reapplied imidiatly again?

what exactly decides if a buff ability has downtime during the cast animation or not?

to me these things are completly random. there doesnt seem to be a system behind it whatsoever.

let me give some examples.

Rhinos roar, valkyrs warcry and mesas shooting gallery. These abilitys are impossible to use while the buff lasts (except with an augment for roar), however, trinities blessing and styanax' rally point for example can be reused immidiatly. i do understand trinity blessing, as it has a secondary effect that fills up your shields+health, but styanax rally point has, to my knowledge, no imidiat -on cast- usage.

speaking of: blessing, aswell as roar, remove their respective buffs during the casting animation, while rally point and eclipse for example, stay active all the way trough, and just refresh at the end of their animation.

i'd just like to know what the design intention for those things are. why do some, seemingly at random chosen abilities cancel their buff before applying a new one, and why do some buff abilities have a cooldown, while others dont? It doesnt seem to be related to being full body animations, since most of those use both hands.

it'd be nice to get some clarification on how those things are decided.

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4 minutes ago, iHaku said:


to me these things are completly random.

Mystery Solved.... 

You Can Now have the Rest of the Day To yourself 😉....

5 minutes ago, iHaku said:


it'd be nice to get some clarification on how those things are decided.

DE isn't Going to Tell you... You Should just Accept That right now.... However I do Have a Theory on how they are Decided....

Simply Put.... These Buffs are not all Designed by The Same Team.... DE is always working on Multiple Warframe's at the Same time... But they are not worked on by the Same people.... And I'm assuming those teams aren't give any Guidelines or Standards to Govern their Ideas so what you wind up with is... You Guessed it... A Steaming Pile Of Inconsistency ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Seriously though.... Don't Waste time Thinking About this.... Life's Too short and Warframe's Too Grindy 👀....

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