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So De Said They Didn't Want The Trading System To Be The Real Money Auction House.


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People are saying 3-4 trades a day is very lucrative. What these people fail to realize is how they'd be able to sustain such a supply. Let's say you ARE able to do that many rare trades a day. There are two issues that pop up.


1) You're implying that these rare mods drop commonly for you (an obvious lie)

2) Your huge supply will inevitably run out due to how 'rarely' rare mods drop (the inevitable truth)


I don't think people who are theoretically realizing how lucrative 3-4 rare trades a day, realize how hard it is to find such an abundance of rare drops in the first place. There is only a CHANCE for a mod to drop, which is further subdivided into common, uncommon, and rare. Consistent lucrative trades will become at best, a myth, or more realistically, a temporary high.

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Here are some ways I see this current system being gamed:



1) People use discounts and/or promos for plat/bonus plat. This part is legit.


2) They then advertise their Plat for Trade, but only if you go to xxxxx website and pay them real money for a price that is above what they paid, but below what is normally charged by DE, not the bonus/promo cost they paid. This part is not legit. Multiply this part by however many botted accounts they decide to run. Since the Plat was bought legitimately, they profit, especially if several of their botted accounts get the 50%-75% off price coupons and buy tons of Plat during a promo like the one currently for uCash. I can see someone willing to take the time and make the initial investments making out like a bandit going this route, because using this method, there is a 100% guaranteed profit on every single transaction.



1) Invest a rather minimal amount of upfront Plat into the Dragon & Fusion Mod Packs, sell all Rares for real money on xxxxxxx website while sometimes making a few trades in-game for Plat, which they then spend on more Mod Packs to keep the cycle easily going. This can be combined in part with what I mentioned in section A to abuse promos/plat discounts for even cheaper investments into Mod Packs, while selling players the Rare cards for far more than they end up spending on packs. I know more than a few players that are willing to spend upwards of 50+ plat just to get mods like Blaze and Hammershot, not upgraded.


I don't think I need to go into more details for part B, it speaks for itself.


My vote is nix the Platinum trading and change it to Credits instead, using a formula that scales the total cost of the trade tax based on an internal assigned value of the item + X fixed base amount, or just remove Plat period from Trading.

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Here are some ways I see this current system being gamed:



1) People use discounts and/or promos for plat/bonus plat. This part is legit.


2) They then advertise their Plat for Trade, but only if you go to xxxxx website and pay them real money for a price that is above what they paid, but below what is normally charged by DE, not the bonus/promo cost they paid. This part is not legit. Multiply this part by however many botted accounts they decide to run. Since the Plat was bought legitimately, they profit, especially if several of their botted accounts get the 50%-75% off price coupons and buy tons of Plat during a promo like the one currently for uCash. I can see someone willing to take the time and make the initial investments making out like a bandit going this route, because using this method, there is a 100% guaranteed profit on every single transaction.



1) Invest a rather minimal amount of upfront Plat into the Dragon & Fusion Mod Packs, sell all Rares for real money on xxxxxxx website while sometimes making a few trades in-game for Plat, which they then spend on more Mod Packs to keep the cycle easily going. This can be combined in part with what I mentioned in section A to abuse promos/plat discounts for even cheaper investments into Mod Packs, while selling players the Rare cards for far more than they end up spending on packs. I know more than a few players that are willing to spend upwards of 50+ plat just to get mods like Blaze and Hammershot, not upgraded.


I don't think I need to go into more details for part B, it speaks for itself.


My vote is nix the Platinum trading and change it to Credits instead, using a formula that scales the total cost of the trade tax based on an internal assigned value of the item + X fixed base amount, or just remove Plat period from Trading.


That's particularly awful because it might lead to DE removing the 50/75% coupons, which, frankly, are the only way it would make sense for me to buy more plat. Maybe they could make discounted plat non-trade-able?

Edited by Eurhetemec
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Here are some ways I see this current system being gamed:



1) People use discounts and/or promos for plat/bonus plat. This part is legit.


2) They then advertise their Plat for Trade, but only if you go to xxxxx website and pay them real money for a price that is above what they paid, but below what is normally charged by DE, not the bonus/promo cost they paid. This part is not legit. Multiply this part by however many botted accounts they decide to run. Since the Plat was bought legitimately, they profit, especially if several of their botted accounts get the 50%-75% off price coupons and buy tons of Plat during a promo like the one currently for uCash. I can see someone willing to take the time and make the initial investments making out like a bandit going this route, because using this method, there is a 100% guaranteed profit on every single transaction.



1) Invest a rather minimal amount of upfront Plat into the Dragon & Fusion Mod Packs, sell all Rares for real money on xxxxxxx website while sometimes making a few trades in-game for Plat, which they then spend on more Mod Packs to keep the cycle easily going. This can be combined in part with what I mentioned in section A to abuse promos/plat discounts for even cheaper investments into Mod Packs, while selling players the Rare cards for far more than they end up spending on packs. I know more than a few players that are willing to spend upwards of 50+ plat just to get mods like Blaze and Hammershot, not upgraded.


I don't think I need to go into more details for part B, it speaks for itself.


My vote is nix the Platinum trading and change it to Credits instead, using a formula that scales the total cost of the trade tax based on an internal assigned value of the item + X fixed base amount, or just remove Plat period from Trading.


Not bad when it comes to theorizing how they can get past the system.


When it comes to mod packs though, it's not unlikely to not get a mod worthwhile. So it's really a gamble with the 2nd method. The 1st method is a guaranteed of profit for sure, assuming you can successfully advertise and spam website links multiple times without getting muted/banned instantly, even if it is an alt account. Not sure how heavy the trading chat will be modded, but forget about spamming on the forums.


Doing stuff like this outside of forums is possible, but the point is getting people into your business. It's not as easy as you think.


Also keep in mind other people have the same chance of getting the coupons as any of these illegit people do. If a person was smart, they wouldn't use an external site.

Edited by Xelorx
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That's not exactly what's going on here.


Players are trading game currency for game items. Though said currency was bought with real money, it cannot transform back into money. Again, this is -not- D3's marketplace. Plat is bought and traded, but CANNOT be truly sold for real cash money.


It's not the farmers or the "exploit businesses" that concern me - you're right, this isn't D3 where you could "cash out".  But people who actually play the game and like to do so will still find ways to screw other playres or buck the system so they aren't getting "charged" somehow, or something.  It will come up - we'd be naive to think otherwise.  That is the primary source for my concern.


This community can be very bipolar already - gawd help this game if it becomes toxic over something like this.


I'm not saying "take it out now!", I'm saying "be really, really cafeful with this".

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Here are some ways I see this current system being gamed:



1) People use discounts and/or promos for plat/bonus plat. This part is legit.


2) They then advertise their Plat for Trade, but only if you go to xxxxx website and pay them real money for a price that is above what they paid, but below what is normally charged by DE, not the bonus/promo cost they paid. This part is not legit. Multiply this part by however many botted accounts they decide to run. Since the Plat was bought legitimately, they profit, especially if several of their botted accounts get the 50%-75% off price coupons and buy tons of Plat during a promo like the one currently for uCash. I can see someone willing to take the time and make the initial investments making out like a bandit going this route, because using this method, there is a 100% guaranteed profit on every single transaction.



1) Invest a rather minimal amount of upfront Plat into the Dragon & Fusion Mod Packs, sell all Rares for real money on xxxxxxx website while sometimes making a few trades in-game for Plat, which they then spend on more Mod Packs to keep the cycle easily going. This can be combined in part with what I mentioned in section A to abuse promos/plat discounts for even cheaper investments into Mod Packs, while selling players the Rare cards for far more than they end up spending on packs. I know more than a few players that are willing to spend upwards of 50+ plat just to get mods like Blaze and Hammershot, not upgraded.


I don't think I need to go into more details for part B, it speaks for itself.


My vote is nix the Platinum trading and change it to Credits instead, using a formula that scales the total cost of the trade tax based on an internal assigned value of the item + X fixed base amount, or just remove Plat period from Trading.


You dont even need to buy mod packs.

Gold Farming is a job, they can actually farm for stuff for days.

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All I see are people theory crafting on what type of boogie man can come out of this. 




First of all PLAT is not cheap even with discount it does not devalue plat because guess what S*(& is still expensive in game. 1k plat seems like its a lot but it will disappear one day from non-trade activities unless you are someone who truly doesn't need to spend plat then you wasted money because you bought plat just to let it sit there.


There is no way to convert traded plat or any plat into cash not even if you were to sell it online to someone. There is a CREDIT TAX through trade and it can get EXPENSIVE really fast. A simple trade has ridiculous tax on it. (Gold Farmers would have to work out another way of making money like selling ACCOUNTS) And even if Gold Farmers were successful, who gets hurt? No one. Not unless you're doing business with gold farmers and getting scammed by them when trying to purchse their accounts, that's your fault.



Here's the run down:


- Mastery Rank determines the amount of times someone can trade.

- Platinum is not cheap and it is quite valuable even at single digits. Yes, people do trade single digit plat up to 100 plat depending on the desired item(s).

- Any plat traded CANNOT BE TRADED AGAIN.



I have sold MODs for plat and let me tell you it will TAKE A WHILE to see crazy profit unless you are up to the neck with lots of rare mods MAXED OUT. That takes too much time and to convert that into "real cash" is not something I see as profitable for gold farmers. You will have to farm for EVERYTHING all together and it just does not add up to a reasonable profit based on time it takes to get rares and to sell them for just 100 plat.


The same 100 plat you can't TRADE BECAUSE IT WAS GIVEN TO YOU BY A PLAYER. That means your plat is only up for NPC or UI interaction with the game's market or other features unrelated to player trade.



How does anyone not get this? This is not Diablo 3, this is not EvE online or the US economy so stop pretending to theory craft a non-existent social and economical collapse for warframe because you all who don't like the idea aren't EDUCATED enough to understand its simplicity.


There is no need to go through this much trouble to explain how trading works for this game. What you should have done for yourselves is try it out, decide if you would do it again in the future or not. Whatever your answer is, I suggest if you don't want a head ache just play the game. Because if you continue down this path of whining and entitlement , then you are the toxic part of the community.


Stop making things harder for yourself and for the rest of us who aren't bothered by the trading system. We're bothered WITH YOU.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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All I see are people theory crafting on what type of boogie man can come out of this. 




First of all PLAT is not cheap even with discount it does not devalue plat because guess what S*(& is still expensive in game. 1k plat seems like its a lot but it will disappear one day from non-trade activities unless you are someone who truly doesn't need to spend plat then you wasted money because you bought plat just to let it sit there.


There is no way to convert traded plat or any plat into cash not even if you were to sell it online to someone. There is a CREDIT TAX through trade and it can get EXPENSIVE really fast. A simple trade has ridiculous tax on it. (Gold Farmers would have to work out another way of making money like selling ACCOUNTS) And even if Gold Farmers were successful, who gets hurt? No one. Not unless you're doing business with gold farmers and getting scammed by them when trying to purchse their accounts, that's your fault.



Here's the run down:


- Mastery Rank determines the amount of times someone can trade.

- Platinum is not cheap and it is quite valuable even at single digits. Yes, people do trade single digit plat up to 100 plat depending on the desired item(s).

- Any plat traded CANNOT BE TRADED AGAIN.



I have sold MODs for plat and let me tell you it will TAKE A WHILE to see crazy profit unless you are up to the neck with lots of rare mods MAXED OUT. That takes too much time and to convert that into "real cash" is not something I see as profitable for gold farmers. You will have to farm for EVERYTHING all together and it just does not add up to a reasonable profit based on time it takes to get rares and to sell them for just 100 plat.


The same 100 plat you can't TRADE BECAUSE IT WAS GIVEN TO YOU BY A PLAYER. That means your plat is only up for NPC or UI interaction with the game's market or other features unrelated to player trade.



How does anyone not get this? This is not Diablo 3, this is not EvE online or the US economy so stop pretending to theory craft a non-existent social and economical collapse for warframe because you all who don't like the idea aren't EDUCATED enough to understand its simplicity.


There is no need to go through this much trouble to explain how trading works for this game. What you should have done for yourselves is try it out, decide if you would do it again in the future or not. Whatever your answer is, I suggest if you don't want a head ache just play the game. Because if you continue down this path of whining and entitlement , then you are the toxic part of the community.


Stop making things harder for yourself and for the rest of us who aren't bothered by the trading system. We're bothered WITH YOU.


Edited by Legion-Shields
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So what's the problem? I don't see the relation because you don't have a direct correlation. Tell us in detail how this is even similar. Because I can tell you now there are no auction houses in this game just a simple trading system that is in beta.



Details, details, details! 


Show me where DE is screwing up with this trading system and USE DETAILS.

THIS. Give us an example of where DE is screwing players with the new trading system. THERE ARE NONE. This is literally a win win win for everybody. People get elusive mods, f2p players get platinum, DE gets bucketloads of money, and everybody gets new, refined, polished content because DE can now afford better gear and more people.

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I don't approve platinum trading.


Cosmetics, blueprints, parts, credits, resources, mods et cetera are fine however... or would be fine if you added the option to trade resources and such instead of reducing everything to mere exchanges between plat and mods.


*shakes head*

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