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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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This topic has been discussed heavily at https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/132972-about-prime-access/  we came to believe that people who have spent a certain amount of money buying plat and including Founders should be allow to access a different bundle one that contains ONLY the exclusives mean no platinum nor anything else only the object that will be unable to obtain once the Pack is over with. The idea is an exclusive bundle around $50 for the current and future Prime Access. This bundle, as I mentioned, can be obtained by all founders and people who meet a point of platinum spending.

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You misunderstood my post, I think. I'm saying that when I bought my founders pack, what came with it was what I payed for. I don't deserve any kind of special promotions, nor do I expect any. So I'm not bitter about not having some kind of discount on this new prime package. I don't have an opinion on the prime package other than that. I think the scarf is really tacky, actually.


Anyone, people are harping on the price, yet people seem to be buying it. Good for DE.



I suppose those exclusives are a token of gratitude for those who further support DE or did not get a chance to become a founder. And we founders should especially should not be complaining when we have gameplay exclusives while Prime Access is only time savers and cosmetics. Not to mention the shirt and headband we were rewarded with.


And I gotta agree, Misa Syandana isn't *that* appealing.

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It's a cosmetic item. Pay for it if you will, or not. You won't win or lose if you don't have it.


It is not about whether we need it or not, but a lot of people WANT it but it is locked behind a bunch of stuff that we do not want. We won't really mind but these stuff is making the package at a crazy price that people cannot afford.

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The OP raises a valid point. I'd have opened the ole' wallet if it meant just getting the exclusives and a chunk of platinum, but as it is I'd rather not pay for what I intend to earn through gameplay as well. What's done is done though, and changes would be unfair to people who already purchased their packages. Hopefully they'll get it right with the next Prime Access.

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Well what we would like to see is a bundle that contains exclusives only. It's just a suggestion I would love to see the DE acknowledge and consider weather or not they agree on it. Just a sign that they would take this concept into consideration because  this could potentially bring in more income not only from founders but all the player base in general as people have more of an incentive of buying platinum to gain the ability to buy a cosmetic only pack. Just two Bundles one is the original Prime Access,its cheaper platinum prices and nice cosmetics items as incentive, and the Prime Access Cosmetic Bundle at around $50 with no platinum nor the prime warframe and its prime weapons for that current pack. $50 is still alot for just digital cosmetic items but more people would be willing to give that money every 2-3 months because we get what we want, the price is lower, and we want to continue to support the development and growth of the game. 

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Seriously Da Fuq?


Founders is unique they said


your special they said


no one will get founders stuff ever again they said




havnt played in months tbh but having dumped over 100$ on multiple acounts hard cash


I bought a actual Glaive


c'mon xD

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Just to refresh the point. I am happy for these bundles. I am happy with the exclusives. DE needs money to function and that is fine.

But to compare the Founders to this bundle.



Exclusive Item

Exclusive Item

Exclusive Item

Exclusive Item


Everything could only be obtained by supporting them, and you got a some cool loot to show you have helped.


Current bundle:

Early Access

Early Access
Early Access
Early Access+bonus

Exclusive item that will only be available if you buy everything above


This is where my issue lies. Where I don't want early access. I want to earn everything like the game was designed for. If others want to pay to get it sooner, by all means. What I don't like it this exclusive item hidden behind all this stuff I can earn through actually playing the game I am spending money on.

I have bought every single cosmetic item BESIDES the helmets

Why? Because I can earn them. That is part of the challenge. Finding the alert and catching it.


With this bundle it is rewarding you for not playing the game. And you get a really cool exclusive item if you use money to quickly obtain the new primes. (Which is fine, some people don't have the time and just want to get it)

But don't penalise people you want to play the game you have created for them. People who love and enjoy it, who pay money to support the game, not race though it.

Edited by cam-o-flage20
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*please note, this is taken right from the prime access form itself*


What gear is exclusive/not exclusive?
The current Prime Access Pack offers exclusive access to a handful of items:

These exclusive items include:
- 90-Day Credit and Affinity Boosters (Regular 3 and 7-Day Boosters are available for purchase in-game).
- Titan Extractor Prime (Regular Titan Extractor available for crafting in game)
- Ember Prime Avatar Pack (Regular Ember Avatar pack available for purchase in game)
- Misa Syandana Prime

The items that are not exclusive include:
Ember Prime (can be found and crafted in the Void)
Sicarus Prime (can be found and crafted in the Void)
Glaive Prime (can be found and crafted in the Void)


How is this different than the Founders Program?
Nothing from the Founders Program will ever be available again for purchase.

This includes Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime, Design Council, Solar Landmarks, and the Founders Forum Badges.

This excludes the sales of Platinum.



(me again)

please pay attention to what is actually going on before being all stupid about it.

Edited by alchemistjkt
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Oh boy an other one of these lol well suppose ill input what most have agreed upon. As Founders we bought what they said they never said we would get any discounts or anything free for the rest of the game we got some nice items. What has been agreed upon by many of the founders is an Cosmetic Exclusive Bundle that only Founders and player who have bought a certain amount of platinum can obtain. The bundle would be $50 for the Exclusive Cosmetic items only meaning no platinum nor prime warframe/weapons for that current sale. $50 is still alot its enough that people wont complain and shows we still want to encourage growth and development of this fantastic game. We are not entitled to discounts or free stuff what we paid for as a founder is what we got. Now the Dev should consider this idea as I mentioned as it can potential bring in more income and allow those who wish to earn those in game items without spending an inflated rate to get those cosmetic items because of the additional plat/stuff. 

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Seriously Da Fuq?


Founders is unique they said


your special they said


no one will get founders stuff ever again they said




havnt played in months tbh but having dumped over 100$ on multiple acounts hard cash


I bought a actual Glaive


c'mon xD

Founders items include a bucketload of Platinum, Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime, the Founder's badges in-game and on your account, Warframe swag-stuff, the Design Council and a Solar Landmark. None of that stuff will ever be offered for purchase ever again.


It's not Founders 2.0. The main purpose of the pack is not to give D.E a lot of money to support them. It is specifically there for giving users early access to the latest Prime gear, whereas Founders Packs were specifically for the 'donations', with the items being a little goody.

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The reason it was suggested to be in a bundle at around $50 is to continue to show your support and faith in the game and Devs. They still wish to make money and if these exclusives were sold in the market for a set amount of time say half the time of the bundle they would be expensive on the platinum scale like 500+

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  The only things in that package you can't have normally are the Titan Prime, which is neat but ultimately rather bland, and a blingy scarf. You are missing nothing.


I don't mean to be rude, but I find it appalling to see this kind of toxic energy coming from a moderator.

You may see it as just a "blingy scarf", but other players may find it a bit more appealing than you do.

Some players derive great enjoyment from cosmetic items- the addition of syndanas and skins have made the game a lot more exciting for me, as I love having a lot of options for cosmetics in games. The Misa Syndana Prime happens to be a beautiful cosmetic item- and I totally understand why a lot of people are upset over it. I also totally get Prime Access, and I'm rather indifferent about the whole thing myself. I'd love the syndana, but I'm not up in arms over it.


What I'm really trying to get at, though, is that some players are missing out on these items- the collectors who would love to have that drone, or the fashionistas of Warframe that would love to rock that syndana. I feel that it's wrong to declare that these items are nothing to be missed, as clearly they are for some of the playerbase.

Edited by deadwingxx
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Which is why I suggested a different bundle that held the only cosmetic items for $50. We as founders may not care cause we have plenty of platinum but the normal player base would care then they would feel rushed to buy plat so they pray to the RNG gods for 50 or 75% discount to go buy it meanwhile causing an up roar. This bundle is all wishful thinking and still need to be refined then brought into the attention of Dev more so to get their opinion but im sure they saw this and can partially see where we are coming from. 

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