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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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No Grandarex your opinion doesn't help. Whether you agree or not, cosmetics plays a significant part in gameplay because half the time people are changing helms, scarfs, sentinel pieces and colors for all frames and pets....  Its desirable and people want something cool, even if its just a shiny look. I mean half the time I do the same.  Thats what keeps me playing warframe...because running around as rhino with the same ole scarf the whole time gets BORING. So its time to change it up for the replay value. As its been said many times before a scarf behind a $140 pay-wall saddens a lot of people because they either can't afford to pay it or its OP for something like this that shouldn't be. So Letting this go or blowing it over would mean great disappointment to many when DE can simply change it and put the scarf for ALL TIERS and make money at the same time.


Of course my opinion doesn't help. It's not meant to help. It's suppose to be the exact opposite of help - I'm trying to deter you scarf-fanatics from obsessing over a single cosmetic item like it's some sort of Holy Grail.


Look, when I said it doesn't change the gameplay at all, I meant it doesn't change your gameplay at all - how you move, how you shoot, the damage you do, etc. You'll be playing the game exactly the same as before.


Everything you said above boils down to: "It's pretty and we want it but it's too expensive."


Let's look at it from another perspective: What do you think people who already paid massive amount of money for this exclusive cosmetic item will feel?


How would you feel if you paid a big wad of cash for something you really really wanted because it looked pretty and it's very exclusive, and all of the sudden, DE cut the price down to less than a quarter of its original worth because people whined about it on the forums? 


ITT: Egotistical maniacs

Edited by Grandarex
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Let's look at it from another perspective: What do you think people who already paid massive amount of money for this exclusive cosmetic item will feel?


How would you feel if you paid a big wad of cash for something you really really wanted because it looked pretty and it's very exclusive, and all of the sudden, DE cut the price down to less than a quarter of its original worth because people whined about it on the forums? 


ITT: Egotistical maniacs




Because this would solve that problem. People who have already spent $140 paid for what they got and nothing changes.  I'm sure everyone who bought Tier 3 wasn't only going after the scarf. Don't you see that Tier 3 is defeating replay value for others who don't want to buy the PRIMES but farm for them? Yes just the scarf and $50 should be good enough and thats just logical.


BTW I too have paid wads of cash not only for Founders and I'm sure DE can justify that by looking at my account.


Just because cosmetics don't change how you shoot, still effects the over all gameplay experience. You have your avatar and you build certain characteristics with him or her.. Thats a gameplay mechanic. Otherwise that option wouldn't be in the game.


Look, for events like the Dilemma Between Alad and Ruk where we got the brakk and the machete wraith. They're exclusive items right? but money can't buy those items so its totally fine and fair when that happens. But this scarf.... Think of this scarf like Excalibur Prime and the SKANA/LATO PRIME as Ember Prime with boosters and icons...the only difference is that "THIS" Excalibur Prime is for TOP tier ONLY.  People cared more for the prime then the weapons.

Edited by Magnagar88
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Im still trying to figure out why ninjas have scarves.

They seem like they would be more of a pain in the &#! than they're worth. You are sneakily running around a corner, you arent seen but the guard sees the tail end of a scarf. Pure giveaway

Not to mention a tripping hazard when rolling aboots on the floor.

Why are there random spikes and curves on warframes? We need the most basic layout for maximum efficency, also all warframe colors should represent camo so wed be harder to spot.

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Because this would solve that problem. People who have already spent $140 paid for what they got and nothing changes.  I'm sure everyone who bought Tier 3 wasn't only going after the scarf. Don't you see that Tier 3 is defeating replay value for others who don't want to buy the PRIMES but farm for them? Yes just the scarf and $50 should be good enough and thats just logical.


BTW I too have paid wads of cash not only for Founders and I'm sure DE can justify that by looking at my account.


Just because cosmetics don't change how you shoot, it still effects the over all gameplay experience. You have your avatar and you build certain characteristics with him or her.. Thats a gameplay mechanic. Otherwise that option wouldn't be in the game.


Look for events like the Dilemma Between Alad and Ruk where we got the brakk and the machete wraith. They're exclusive right? but money can't buy those items. This scarf is like Excalibur Prime...the only difference is that "THIS" Excalibur Prime is for TOP tier ONLY. 


lol, well, okay. I guess I'll just back out here. Pretty clear that this conversation isn't gonna go anywhere.


As much as I'd love to share your passion for digital fake scarves, I got better place to spend my money. (Those bills don't pay themselves!)


I already dropped about $60 on this game since I figured I got a retail-priced game's worth of fun out of Warframe, and wanted to support the Devs. Losing my head over a cosmetic item is unimaginable for me. 


Good luck to all you boys for whatever you're trying to accomplish. 

May your scarves fly high in the air-less space wind, and may DE pretend to care about your financial problems.

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lol, well, okay. I guess I'll just back out here. Pretty clear that this conversation isn't gonna go anywhere.


As much as I'd love to share your passion for digital fake scarves, I got better place to spend my money. (Those bills don't pay themselves!)


I already dropped about $60 on this game since I figured I got a retail-priced game's worth of fun out of Warframe, and wanted to support the Devs. Losing my head over a cosmetic item is unimaginable for me. 


Good luck to all you boys for whatever you're trying to accomplish. 

May your scarves fly high in the air-less space wind, and may DE pretend to care about your financial problems.

Thats a good oberservation! $60 is how i thought I'd spend on a "retail-priced" game but hey i spent $140(crazy choice) and spending another $140 just makes no sense when something like this scarf bothers the hell out of me when I'm willing to put down more money for this game knowing that I got bills to pay as well. But its called compensating for those who helped support DE and who are still willing TO support. So all of fairness, whether you think its stupid, its there and people want it and demand justice! lol :P

Edited by Magnagar88
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This is more of a shameless plug for my Prime Access poll topic, but I'd like to ask for more voters on the polls.  I'd like to get more numbers on what people think/want from Primce Access.  If you have any suggestions/alternatives to Prime Access distribution method, please also post there.  Thanks.



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@ founders who think we should get some kind of discount for the prime access.  we all knew what we were getting as far as rewards go when we purchased the founder pack.  i do not get why some founders feel entitled to more benefits.  i do not remember reading anything that said we would get future perks.  

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@ founders who think we should get some kind of discount for the prime access.  we all knew what we were getting as far as rewards go when we purchased the founder pack.  i do not get why some founders feel entitled to more benefits.  i do not remember reading anything that said we would get future perks.  

They do have a point. Say you get Grand Master and this, that's $390. This game has only been out a few months. For the same price you get about 3 years in World of Warcraft with access to every thing.


Plus didn't they say they would do this again when the next prime comes out? So what, in another 2 months another $140 pack will come out. Paying $530 for a game that hasn't been out for a year yet sounds bonkers.

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They do have a point. Say you get Grand Master and this, that's $390. This game has only been out a few months. For the same price you get about 3 years in World of Warcraft with access to every thing.


Plus didn't they say they would do this again when the next prime comes out? So what, in another 2 months another $140 pack will come out. Paying $530 for a game that hasn't been out for a year yet sounds bonkers.

This is how f2p games are funded.  The majority of players pay nothing or very little.  Then there is that small percent who spend a moderate to large amount of money on the game.  I know a handful of people who have thrown hundreds of dollars at league of legends.  No one is holding a gun to anyones head to purchase the high priced premiums.  I just do not get the logic that if someone purchases a premium package, like founders, they think they are entitled to future discounts/benefits.   

Edited by Alohoe
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tfw founders was jsut a silly gimmick and you could have supported the game regardless by giving money.


tfw prime gear is also a gimmick and serves no real purpose except to look pimped out.


tfw nothing looks good on prime except stock.


tfw the design council doesn't matter unless you want to look at stuff early.


If they was gonna pull this stunt they should have just kept founders going and roll in with a different prime on it while opening excal prime, lato prime and skana prime to the void. There is nothing really exclusive about excalibur prime or the weapons.

Edited by Blk_Mage
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Not trying to make a conflict but masters/grandmasters have Council. Was that just an add-on to our chat or does it really benefit the company? From what I understand is since those 2 top tiers get the privileges of seeing information before the free community and being able to vote on many things is beneficial. Unless all this was just a scheme for money and particpating Founders is just a discount of platinum for a higher amount. I think that for those who are M/GM should get something to compensate for the squeeze of money that's been poured and being able to participate in voting. It would be nice... I'm not against it but if DE feels the need to give gratitude to those Founders, I don't see why not. Otherwise I'd have no problem paying $50 for those 2 prime weapons... Some plat and scarf from tier 1. DE isn't gonna lose profit just because they put scarves in all tiers....warframe is a money making machine and not doing something about it is greedy milk.

Edited by Magnagar88
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This is how f2p games are funded.  The majority of players pay nothing or very little.  Then there is that small percent who spend a moderate to large amount of money on the game.  I know a handful of people who have thrown hundreds of dollars at league of legends.  No one is holding a gun to anyones head to purchase the high priced premiums.  I just do not get the logic that if someone purchases a premium package, like founders, they think they are entitled to future discounts/benefits.   

I dont think i'm entitled, but i have plat that is just sitting around


Why should i have to pay another 140$ to get exclusive items when i have plat?

Edited by Roadkill21
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Would quite like to know the amount of the top tier pack sold and compare that with the amount of people just in this thread who would prob spend 20-30 bucks on a bit of plat, the extractor and syandana with none of the new farmable stuff - I reckon DE would probably end up making more money.

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You sell something for $0.99 and if a million people buy it... That's a million bucks!! The amount of money DE could be making with an exclusive bundle pack for a smaller price would logically make them more money because of the amount of people willing to spend on it.

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This is exactly what bothers me. Founders should at least get a discount on this sort of stuff. 250 + another 140? That's 390$. Which is expensive for a Free-to-play game. 

I will too, but I'm in highschool, so money is kind of an issue, though I am getting a job soon.


"money is kind of an issue" he said

"i'm getting a job soon" he said




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You sell something for $0.99 and if a million people buy it... That's a million bucks!! The amount of money DE could be making with an exclusive bundle pack for a smaller price would logically make them more money because of the amount of people willing to spend on it.


That might be true and easy to say logically but it really is up to DE to track their numbers and find the optimal pricing to maximise their profits. I really think this is an area where they should put more focus not only to profit but also to keep their customers happy.

Edited by Quxxe
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Personally, I do not like how DE set such a high amount of plat in the packs. If you think about it, the platinum is what makes the pack so expensive but honestly speaking, not many people would need 4300 plat in warframe. But there will be some who spend plat on everything but they might be rich so they r capable of doing that. Not everyone is able to spend hundreds of dollars on a game. I would rather spend it on a lot of other stuff... (ps4, xbox one, 3ds)

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