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Yareli Bugs


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I hope with the incoming Yareli buffs that they also fix many of the bugs associated with her.

1. For some reason, when getting on Merulina sometimes you are turned around to the opposite direction.
2. Getting grabbed by a Grinner Scorpion or Infested Ancient causes you to not be able to use abilities or weapons.
3. Falling through the world while getting on Merulina.
4. Clipping into ceilings while getting on Merulina and getting stuck.

Those are just a few that I experience frequently while using Yareli.

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not just meralina but kdrives as a whole are janky, clunky, buggy messes. they feel acceptable in open worlds but absolutely atrocious in standard missions, so bad im even curious as to how de thought it was a good idea to release it as it is

just like khal the major problem with merulina is it isnt refined enough of a mechanic to be even remotely comfortable for long term gameplay and even though i love its concept and how it looks etc i cant force myself to use it no matter how much they nerf yareli for not using it. maybe my standards of good gameplay are too high as someone whos first shooter ever was halo lol, but…

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